Inconsistent Vapour/Flavour

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Full Member
Aug 29, 2010
Like the title suggests...having real consistency issues with my eGo and what better place to find a solution then ECF, solvers of all pv issues. :?:

I was vaping Vanilla 24mg (40/60) from FSUSA and it was producing excellent flavour and vapour. Since i finished that - every other flavour provides mediocre (thin) vapour, and really subtle flavour (same 40/60 mix). After 3 or 4 drags, i cant taste a thing. (tried 4 different juices). I find its worst with fruit flavours if that makes any difference.

I drip sometimes, and carts the rest and I have the same issue on LR or standard 510's (all cleaned).

Maybe its always been such a subtle flavour/vapour and i dont remember things accurately. Thats the only thing i can think of because i think ive gone through all the potential fixes.

If anyone has any ideas how to get this thing back to how it was - it would be a godsend...because the analogs are looking better and better with each passing day of near flavourless vaping.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2010
If you haven't had the juice that long, the aging process will help to bring out the flavor and vapor. Also, you can take the top off the juice bottle to let oxygen in, which will help speed up the aging process.

I use cartos, and after mixing the liquids and refilling the cartos, I get much better flavor, vapor, and throat hits if I let the cartos sit for 24 hours with the threaded ends down. Trying to vape them before 24 hours results in less THs, less flavor, and less vapor. The juice needs time to mix, soak, and age inside the cartos.

I'm vaping from two cartos I refilled about 7 hours ago and am getting no throat hits and not much flavor. I know these cartos will be much better tomorrow afternoon. A third battery I'm vaping from has a carto on it that I filled 24 hours ago, and it's perfect.


Super Member
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Verified Member
Aug 7, 2010
Its probably a change in your taste buds. Taste buds are finicky little buggers. I know what your talking about. Today my all time favorite juice ever just doesn't taste as good as it usually does. Sure I could pop on a brand new atty or try to clean my atty but I have been through this before and I learned not to jump to conclusions when a flavor is off. Wait it out and if in a week things haven't changed then start to worry. I have wasted so many attys playing with them when I think there is something wrong when all it is is my sinuses or taste buds.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 19, 2010
It is normal that you can have 3-4 good flavor drags after a time without vaping. Regarding your Vanilla 24mg, you need to know than some flavors are stronger than others and, at least for me, vanilla is a flavor that can be noticed even when your tongue and nose are a bit tired. I recommend you to use stronger flavors in your continuous vaping and also use weaker flavors for a time when you notice some flavor distortion or reduction.
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