I'm the New Guy

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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2014
Central Wisconsin
Long time lurker here,

My story is I basically started smoking when I got to college. Never planned to get addicted as I only smoked 1 a day with the guys to unwind after the day. One a day turned to 2 and then to a half a pack a day by the end of the first semester (now 1+ pack a day). I tried to quit in October or November of last year with a joyetech ego-c twist and a mini Kanger Protank v2 and it worked for about 5-8 weeks. But with battling major depression I turned back to cigs (sorry but true). I think my return to the cigs was due also to not a high enough nicotine and a device that couldn't hit hard enough, if that makes any sense.

The good news is that over the weekend I tried my friends Vamo and that seemed a lot better than what I was use too. So I took a leap of faith this week and ordered a wait for it......Provari! and 24mg nic juice of my favorite flavors as well as some other goodies that I will post in the what you got in the mail thread (when I get access).

I hope to keep learning more. Also I will be building coils as soon as my goodies come in. Don't worry I researched it as well as being a 4th year engineering student and getting a minor in materials science I do know a thing or two.

Any way enough rambling (I do that a lot).:danger:

Hello to all!:2cool:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2014
Tempe, AZ, USA
That's good news, and welcome!! I know that cigarette smokers tend to want a throat hit as well, so I would highly suggest getting a rebuildable drip atomizer. Will give a killer throat hit, and if that's not enough for you I suggest getting a higher PG level in your juice (a PG70%-VG30% ratio) and with nicotine level as far as I'm concerned your good.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2010
I'm new to the forum but a novice in this vape community, you'll learn the many different ways of taking on this alternative, I have 3 mech mods and 2 on route you'll be waiting for vape mail all the time!!! :mail:

Bahahah! USPS will become your best friend, and worst enemy all at the same time.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 9, 2014
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Welcome to ECF and good luck!

I found that best chance of quitting analog is to keep the initial stage of vaping as trouble free as possible. If you found a setup that works for you, stick with it. ProVari is a great mod and you shouldn't have any trouble with it. ProTank can give you some trouble. If you are going to continue to use PT2, highly recommend to get the AeroTank base. If you are going to try a new tank system, give the cartomizer tank a try. IBTanked is cheap and very reliable and minimum tweaking.

Juice is totally different story. I found that more flavors you try, better chance at quitting analog. Try as many different flavor as possible during first few months. Also, if you come across a bad flavor or sample bottle, no matter how much is left, throw it away quickly. If you try to "vape it out", you risk of going back to analog. I caught myself grabbing a lighter from the desk drawer and heading out to buy a pack. And this happened when I was vaping several sample juice bottles and they were all awful.

So, don't risk it. It will sneak up on you unless you vape "strong". :)



Senior Member
Feb 7, 2014
Central Wisconsin
I know that cigarette smokers tend to want a throat hit as well, so I would highly suggest getting a rebuildable drip atomizer. Will give a killer throat hit, and if that's not enough for you I suggest getting a higher PG level in your juice (a PG70%-VG30% ratio) and with nicotine level as far as I'm concerned your good.

I am actually trying to find a reputable dealer that has a Trident V2 in-stock. If anyone knows of one that would be awesome. I tend to get irritation and a dry mouth with pg levels >50%. I find a 70% vg is a nice sweet spot as long as my Provari hits as hard as my friend's Vamo did at least, other wise I might need to go to a 50-50 mix.
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