Im on vacation overseas and people are giving me the evil eye

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Dec 14, 2013
Norway, Finland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland are not part of the EU.
I hate to wax pedantic, but Finland is a member of the EU. They joined on January 1, 1995.

The current TPD, that allows the sale of vape products under certain rules, should apply to countries under these agreements since they concern the internal European market. The TPD's aim is to regulate this internal market for tobacco products
My understanding is that the European Commission issues "Directives" that member states are required to implement in their own national laws. The TPD imposes certain restrictions on vape products (max 10 ml container size for liquids containing nicotine, no more than 20 mg/ml strength, etc). But there is nothing that prevents a member state from imposing even more stringent restrictions than that if they wish to.

Europe is not a federation, so member states of the EU and the EEC EFTA Agreements have some to great liberty in implementing the TPD. That explains why it's ok for Sweden to sell snus but also why it is prohibited in the rest of the Union (although Sweden lobbied so hard that it has its own exceptions written right into the TPD, so small difference there)
Sweden basically refused to join the EU without an exemption allowing them to continue to have snus.

Tabac man

Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 24, 2019
Always reminds me of Invasion of the Body Snatchers when people start looking at you. They act almost the same.

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