I'm kinda psyched :-)

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
I am the 3rd winner here and am soooooo excited as well!! A bit of background on me first since it seems everyone knows each other here. I have a 17 year analog habit that I have been unsuccessful in quitting. My first experience in ecigs is a brief one at best. Just about a month and a half as I was introduced to an ecig deal on one of the coupon forums on the internet. I was intrigued and proceeded to find out what would be the best device to "mimic" a real cigarette. I found this forum and proceeded that a Janty Stick would be my first purchase.

While a great great device, I found this to be similiar to smoking a VERY VERY ULTRA LIGHT analog. It did however cut me down to 3 analogs in one day and I don't ever remember doing that in a long long while. So then I proceeded to do more research and found the family that is GG. Imeo, Iken, Di, Mamu and all the others that post here are hilarious and genuinely just good people in my eyes. It was only when Nos came in here that I posted for the first time as I felt warranted to "defend" this particular forum from harm as I felt. Hahaha, that's how much I liked this place having lurked around for so long!

Long story short, if this device will help me stop smoking analogs, which I firmly believe it will, then I owe more than a debt of thanks to the fine people here on this forum.

I couldnt say it better than Mamu.

My dear kopaunum, you just stopped the analogs, its a waranty;);)

Judge Mental

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2009
kopaunum, thanks for sharing your story. Mine is very similar albeit I've been smoking for much, MUCH longer. I've tried everything - and I do mean everything. Nic patch, gum, hypnosis, acupuncture, cold lazer therapy (I smoked on the way home from that after spending $400), Chantix, Wellbutrin - EVERYTHING.

I've been through a slew of e-cigs so far. The first was awful but I saw the potential and promise and came looking for information. Tried several other units with minimal to moderate success but am still smoking 2-4 or so analogs a day. I'm looking for (and am confident I've found) the one to push me over that final hump to be once and for all smoke free. I'm sure this will be my last hassle free e-cig.

Now... if it would only get here!!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 30, 2008
welcome to the GG family kopaunum
we are a fun bunch, and a bad bunch,
and often a naughty bunch --
and we do watch each others back
as a real family would,
so you have taken the first step,
we hope you enjoy your time with us
join in and have fun with us,

we know you will love your GG,
it is a foregone conclusion,
and if GG doesn't stop you from smoking
those nasty smelly analogs,
then there is nothing that can do it.

Love ya babe --------


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • May 10, 2009
    I am the 3rd winner here and am soooooo excited as well!! A bit of background on me first since it seems everyone knows each other here. I have a 17 year analog habit that I have been unsuccessful in quitting. My first experience in ecigs is a brief one at best. Just about a month and a half as I was introduced to an ecig deal on one of the coupon forums on the internet. I was intrigued and proceeded to find out what would be the best device to "mimic" a real cigarette. I found this forum and proceeded that a Janty Stick would be my first purchase.

    While a great great device, I found this to be similiar to smoking a VERY VERY ULTRA LIGHT analog. It did however cut me down to 3 analogs in one day and I don't ever remember doing that in a long long while. So then I proceeded to do more research and found the family that is GG. Imeo, Iken, Di, Mamu and all the others that post here are hilarious and genuinely just good people in my eyes. It was only when Nos came in here that I posted for the first time as I felt warranted to "defend" this particular forum from harm as I felt. Hahaha, that's how much I liked this place having lurked around for so long!

    Long story short, if this device will help me stop smoking analogs, which I firmly believe it will, then I owe more than a debt of thanks to the fine people here on this forum.

    I'm with ya. I'll admit, I *do* still smoke analogs. But have gone days down to 3-4 cigs from 2 packs when stressed, which is a *lot* lately, and have cut in half or better in 'worst case' still. And, well, the whole suck battery thing is kinda a putoff. And I *am* working on it. If the xformer will last me a longer amount of time, and not make it such a PITA to carry stuff (I like the 510 PCC, but then STILL have another complete e-cig with me, tucked somewhere..and juice), it's already a win for me.

    And obviously, congrats as well! What will your engraving be? :D


    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 23, 2009
    from the way Iken was posting, it seemed it might"take a long time" for him to get a Transformer. I think Iken and Bad/Good Bunny need to test them out first;) We consumers in the U.S need reviews and Iken "is the review king"..Spikey being the Queen. So get Iken a Transformer before anybody:thumbs:
    Oh wow you weren't kidding Cancer, Thank ya very much for the compliments, I Really appreciate it very much:):)but i sadly decline, I know what GG can do at 6 volts and I would want nothing more. I'm satisfied and in vaping Nirvana. Even a battery like the 18650 that last 10+ hours would be nothing for me because I'm totally content. You know how honest I was in my review, so lets put it this way, anything under 6volts isn't my cup of tea LOL
    Oh I see Cancer:). Iken is one of the best reviewers, he welcomes people here, he post in all threads, he is a perfect man. He has already 2 GGs. The 3rd one who will smoke it?:D:D

    Maybe his kids when they grow up.;);)
    Lol My friend, read up above. Man do I feel flattered, is was only 1 twopart review! Thank you so much, I only look to support what I love and to see others sharing that same happy experience is what truly does it for me. When you say I love you to our GG family I honestly believe you. Because I Always feel the exact same way about everyone here. Ask the missus lol

    Suzi, you poor woman! I can't believe you went through so much to break those chains! God, the torture you endued. I'm so sorry. I wish you all the luck in the world love. I think and pray the GG will be the last alternative for you. You'll always have help and support from all of us here. We'll always be there for you :).

    With this forum malfunctioning as of late, we should All exchange emails. Just in case we get separated again :( These past 2 days have been miserable.

    Kupo reading your story, makes us all the closer, it was so enlightening hearing your words. Thank you for sharing that. I'm sure you'll get off that poisen for good. I have faith in ya brother and the same thing said to Suzi, We're always going to be here for you in the best ways we can, :D

    Weg, look at you buddy! You opened up a little! That takes guts my man. There are nice cases out there. Did you see Fitzinu's new case?
    That things looks perfect and with your skills I'm sure you bang one out in under 15 minutes.


    Senior Member
    Verified Member
    Jun 14, 2009
    you know what I changed my mind on what my engraving would be. im gonna change it to "smokefree" coz that's my ultimate goal when i started on this crazy and wondrous adventure! And when anyone asks what it is, i'll just say it's my "smokefree" stick! Tim, if you are reading this, i'll email u as well, i PROMISE that's what I want engraved on it! until i find something better of course......J/K:)


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 26, 2009
    kopaunum, thanks for sharing your story. Mine is very similar albeit I've been smoking for much, MUCH longer. I've tried everything - and I do mean everything. Nic patch, gum, hypnosis, acupuncture, cold lazer therapy (I smoked on the way home from that after spending $400), Chantix, Wellbutrin - EVERYTHING.

    I've been through a slew of e-cigs so far. The first was awful but I saw the potential and promise and came looking for information. Tried several other units with minimal to moderate success but am still smoking 2-4 or so analogs a day. I'm looking for (and am confident I've found) the one to push me over that final hump to be once and for all smoke free. I'm sure this will be my last hassle free e-cig.

    Now... if it would only get here!!

    I tried patches, gum and Wellbutrin too. The the GG has pushed me over the edge. Yes, it isn't cheap in terms of upfront cost for an e-cig and that you indeed have to swallow.. but you quickly see how much cheaper it is in running costs other e-cigs which don't have the build quality and break or where you're tied in to costly bespoke batteries etc.

    hassle free? hmmmm... at 6v you don't get around the battery charging/carrying, ocasional atty overfilling.. and at the moment there's the continual topping off issues (which we know Sakis is working at)

    but then smoking analogs usually comes with the hassle of constantly popping out to the shops to buy another packet something you don't consider when ejuice is cheap and relatively long-lasting.

    On balance I'd so much rather have have a little bit of hassle for the prize of being smoke free after smoking 20 a day for 20 years...


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • May 10, 2009
    Weg I'm still in Love with your idea, Dont forget to take some screenshots of that!

    Oops, I may be hungover, which idea?

    Wound up *not* releasing project, *again*. Had to postpone until 10pm Friday night, waiting for someone on team overseas, to see if they fixed something or not. 'Sorta fixed,' I had to pull the plug on big project launch, now trying again for Wed.

    I was so utterly wiped out, cancelled dat for Sat night, or more correctly...I fell asleep! 9pm, woke up to someone ringing my doorbell, something I think is *entirely* not cool, but I guess worked out ok. A few drinks later, and she'd brought 'a green friend' along, and I'm feeling better, needed that break. I think I passed right back out, hours later, and just slept a solid 10 hours, first time in a month or so.

    Now, just need Wed to go well....and Imeo to send my Xformer, of course! :D


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 19, 2008
    United Kingdom
    You guys are the best! Just cutting down on cigarettes has to be an awesome thing! I have been sitting in the vaping chair for over a year, I never crave a real cigarette but it did take me over a year to find GG! I haven't really had much bad luck when it comes to devices I guess that is why it took me so long to finally get one! Having a passthrough and portable battery pack and all the wires that go with it I would like to forget, satisfying vape though!!! Even 3.7 volts is good enough for me with the right atomiser :D

    Judge Mental

    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    May 3, 2009
    You guys are the best! Just cutting down on cigarettes has to be an awesome thing! I have been sitting in the vaping chair for over a year, I never crave a real cigarette but it did take me over a year to find GG! I haven't really had much bad luck when it comes to devices I guess that is why it took me so long to finally get one! Having a passthrough and portable battery pack and all the wires that go with it I would like to forget, satisfying vape though!!! Even 3.7 volts is good enough for me with the right atomiser :D

    Happy to hear you're so please with your GG, tribal. Can't wait for mine (with the brass endcaps, of course).

    Which atty do you like with the 3.7 volts?
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