I'm cured!!!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2010
Wyoming, USA
Hey everyone. As of about noon tomorrow, it will be one week without an analog for me!!! :banana:

My hubby and I had to go out of state for a business trip for almost a week. We borrowed a friend's car since ours wouldn't make the long trip and he doesn't allow smoking in his car. The hotels we stayed at has strict no smoking policies and we weren't allowed to smoke in the rooms. So we had no choice but to use our PVs. My last analog was around noon on Wednesday the 10th. Hubby still smoked a few during the first few days of our trip. I didn't even want an analog at all, especially after smelling them on hubby.

This evening, hubby's brother came by to visit and hubby allowed him to smoke in the garage. I didn't really smell the smoke while he was smoking but after he put it out and walked by me, I could smell it on him. Hubby bummed a smoke from his brother but could only take about 3 drags, now he's feeling that sickly feeling. He says he feels like he did when he had his first analog. I told my brother-in-law that it's been a week since I've had a smoke while I was puffing away on my PV. He had a shocked look on his face like, "Are you serious?" but got interrupted before we could continue the conversation. Hopefully, that will get it in his head that PVs really do work and will want to try them out for himself.

I have no interest in going back to analogs now. One of the things that helped me was smelling smoke on my clothes as I pulled them out of the suitcase to wear. Even my underwear smelled like cigarette smoke as I was putting them on and I was so grossed out by it!

I did get a chance to talk with some smokers during the breaks at the business meeting about the PVs and I gave them this forum's website, so I'm hoping they check it out. They were impressed that I could vape in a non-smoking hotel room without leaving any traces behind.

I bought my first PV back in early August but just couldn't quite give up the analogs completely and I was wondering if I ever would. Now that both hubby and I are on the same wave length, I do believe we've kicked the cancer sticks out of our lives for good! Next step, working on lowering the nicotine levels, but one step at a time!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
Way to go! Hopefully I'm fast on your trail. Will be at 6 analogs today - a record for me for a 'work day' (Sunday I only had 4). I'm pretty sure once this pack is gone, the temptation will go with it. Too easy with them right here, and I paid way too much for them to toss 'em ;o) And well, I'm too stingy to give 'em away (errr... I mean I care for everyone's health more than to kill them with analogs).

May some of your will power wear off on the rest of us ;o)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 30, 2010
Thanks everyone!

Grandmato5, it was exactly what I needed!

Isn't it great that something that would have been dreaded and made you miserable in the past now was such a great thing !!!

By the way, from the experience of one that is working her way down the nic pathway don't rush that process and work with a couple of different nic levels as you do it. Don't worry about using a higher nic amount IF you need to once in a while. When you're ready to try (not for a few weeks until your REALLY consistantly comfortable with NO more analogs) use a lower level first at times you tend to be chain vaping and stay on your nomal nic level other times of the day when you're not vaping so often and then try to work that lower nic level slowly into your normal day and get really comfortable with the lower level before you move slowly even lower. Good Luck!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 26, 2010
Greensboro, NC
Congratulations, FireHorse!

Even with all the fiddling that goes with vaping... charging, filling, dripping, etc... I still consider it less hassle than smoking. The last time I stayed in a motel, I was still a smoker and I had to get dressed, go down the elevator, and go outside to smoke my morning eye-opener. Not to mention the glares from passersby that we're all familiar with. Plus the BIG bonus that you pointed out in your post, it doesn't stink!!!
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