I'm a new member.

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Full Member
Apr 18, 2010
Since the original post was closed, I thought I would make a new topic and invite any other new members to post here.
I've been vaping now for about 4 months and have tried a few different e-cigs. I have the 510, the 401 and the e-pipe 601.
I use the 510 with the pyramid tea bag mod for work (It's great 'cuz I can have it in my pocket and people just think its a bic pen.) and the e-pipe at home 'cuz of the massive vape factor.
I got the 401 for my wife since she wanted something that looks and feels like an analog. It's a great alternative to an analog, but I like the vape from the 510 better, even with using the tea bag mod on the 401 (which works great if you roll the entire tea bag length wise and don't fold it)
Just thought I'd introduce myself and my experience so far.
The forums have been an extreme help to me with info.


Full Member
Apr 18, 2010
thanks guys.
I've been trolling the forums since I started vaping and its been so much help.
I've also started dabbling in my own flavours, just bought some flavorless pg and mixed flavours from some of the suppliers here in Canada. I find I can make the flavour exactly how I like it instead of getting something that may be too strong or too weak for my liking.


Full Member
Apr 22, 2010
Georgia, USA
Well, being new to here as yourself, I thought I'd just welcome you in to the newbie foyer. Sounds like you're getting settled in pretty good with vaping. I wish you luck with your wife. It's hard convincing someone what they're missing out on, even when you're the living proof yourself. She'll come around, soon enough. Like they say, 'there's a time a place for everything'.
I have the 510, the 401 and the e-pipe 601.
I use the e-pipe at home 'cuz of the massive vape factor.

So, if understand correctly, an e-pipe has basically the same components as an e-cig, just in different package...correct? What makes an e-pipe different that give it the 'massive vape factor?' I'm imagining sitting at my office in a plume of vapor...
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