I'm a little nervous...

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Jun 21, 2012
Houston, TX
I'm not usually one to purchase hardware without trying it out first, but I've been wanting a mod that's a little more sturdy than my Twists and since the Silver Bullet has glowing reviews from just about everywhere I've looked I just pulled the trigger on it. If it works out for me, the extension and a Kick are soon to follow.

One question: how sensitive is the center post in the 510 connector? I damn near destroyed one of my Twists with a Vivi Nova (thanks to my ignorance and its less than hardy center post). But while I've learned my lesson and have since become much more careful about how tightly I screw in my tanks, I was wondering how careful I'll have to be with my new toy.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jul 10, 2011
Kingston Ontario
Most all 510 connections have a insulator around the center post. Some a a cheap rubber and some are a more sturdy silicone. I believe the SB has a silicone insulator and will be more robust than the twist.

Buy with confidence. The SB is a tried and true AVP that will last you years!

If you really have large concerns you could pick up a 510-510 adapter that you can leave on the SB. That way you would wear out the adapter and not the connector.


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Nov 16, 2010
I had alot of connector problems with my roughstacks.

The silver bullet's connector is way,way better than a stock mass produced connector.



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Apr 9, 2012
So Calif
I have 6 Silver Bullets. A couple of them I run with a kick for higher voltage. I keep carto tanks on 5 of them and a dripping atomizer on 1. Never any problems with the connector, these are very robust units. If your intention is to run a clearo type tank on them do use an adapter to prevent the skirt of said tanks from damaging the top of the SB itself.

Do be sure to use Noalox on the body threads (not the connector threads) and clean it off and reapply maybe once a month, depending on how many battery changes you have to make in that time.
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