If You Don't Know Anything About Vaping, Don't Open a Vape Shop

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Aug 31, 2013
Las Vapors, NV
Here ya go.......
bacon tacos.jpg


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
As I explained previously, the store's website showed the item in stock, and when I asked for it I used the same name they did in their online product description (joyetech Type A). If the website had referred to the item as an "eGo-C atomizer," then that's what I would've asked for. I did everything in my power to make this as easy as possible for them.


I saw that somewhere in the middle of the posts, although it wasn't totally clear whether you were talking about the same shop, but it clarifies alot you OP.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
I'd be happy if ANY vape shop opened in my area;

Maybe it would be a place I can pick up a battery if I get in a bind;
Maybe some e-liquid; maybe even some PG!!(wishfull thinking).

There's a place (a pharmacy) downtown five miles from my home where I bought some spare evod/protank coils and a small bottle of butterscotch liquid- actually I bought an evod kit too; I'm glad to know there's the option.


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May 21, 2013
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Unregistered Supplier
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Mar 6, 2014
Rochester, NY
I'm a relative newbie striving not to be, but I personally think mechs are for the birds; I like to adjust the power too often for even a Kick to be a viable option (and yes I said Power, not voltage, and I haven't won the lottery, so I don't need to hear another word about the blessed P'vari) and I'm really not crazy about the idea of there being no "safety" circuitry between me and a very powerful battery. My face is homely, but I like it where it is, not splattered all over the wall.

But, I just started about 3 months ago, and even *I* know what a type-A atomizer is -- that's the kind I used in my starter eRolls! I agree with Nate, a) those people need to learn a lot more about this business before trying to make it their business, and b) anyone who thinks a "Blu" is a "real" e-cig isn't a "real" vaper! Those things, in a word, SUCK. I knew that much before I ever bought the eRoll -- they're WHY I bought an eRoll! I was a cigarette smoker, not a pipe smoker, and the taste of pipe tobacco is NOT what I was looking for.

But it sure was a funny post (the OP). :D


I've come around a lot on mechs since I started. Seemed dumb at first, now is all I do, basically.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2014
Rochester, NY
So would you describe the vape business as a niche business?

I would describe it as a booming business currently.

There are alot more smokers out there converting to vaping than there are vapers looking for hard to find items.


again: what he was looking for is one of the most prevalent items in the vape world


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Jan 14, 2014
NW Ohio
An unfamiliar user is one thing, but a retailer that is unfamiliar with their own stock and products?

Perhaps you make excuses for such obvious incompetence, but I sure won't. If you're opening a business it is YOUR JOB to know what you're talking about and doing. If you aren't capable of doing your job then you don't deserve to have one. Ignorant store owners only hurt the buyer by selling poor products and giving bad advice. They don't deserve sympathy, they deserve to be run out of business before they hurt someone.

Let me ask you this....

You're surely familiar with what happens when you use the wrong charger with an eGo, right?

Would you trust this couple to sell a charger to your wife/husband/child to be used in your home where your own personal property could end up damaged or destroyed?

What bothers me more is seeing a vape shop sell someone a setup that is far beyond a "consumer's" skill level.

I watched a shop build a total beginner a .5 ohm, mech/rda setup with absolutely no talk of safety. None. No mention of needing any understanding of the risks of sub ohm vaping. No battery safety. No talk about checking for shorts.

All they talked about was the cloud generating potential.

Ignorance is bliss I guess...


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2014
Rochester, NY
You don't sell Joytech starter kits? eGo-C? eGo-CC? eRoll?

no one has EVER asked for an atty? not a kanger or an aspire or anything? You've never sold an atomizer head on request? ever? You don't sell Protanks or Evods or etc? No one comes in for new heads?


Heyzeus Crust
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Ultra Member
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Feb 12, 2014
Ithaca, NY, USA
This thread...... Just WOW. The thread definitely follows an illogical progression. Store not knowledgable in their merchandise -> customer complaint -> complaints against OP -> complaints about the complaints against the OP -> cars ->houses -> audis and mechanics -> computer shops -> trading card shops -> niche business -> cell phones/electronic upgrades -> salad dressing -> tacos.

I'm lost just thinking about how it progressed.

Small business did not have knowledge of a common product that the guy wanted. Guy refused to buy rusted product. Bad choice on store with presenting the bad product. End of story, unless the store has no products that are compatible.

In terms of antiquated merchandise... Considering the culture isn't even that old, anything could be considered antiquated if it's slightly over a year old. Not saying that old products are outdated, but with each line adding more technology and models, it's not that hard to get behind the curve especially if you are a new business. Let the industry eat them up if they truly are a disgrace.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 31, 2013
Las Vapors, NV
This thread...... Just WOW. The thread definitely follows an illogical progression. Store not knowledgable in their merchandise -> customer complaint -> complaints against OP -> complaints about the complaints against the OP -> cars ->houses -> audis and mechanics -> computer shops -> trading card shops -> niche business -> cell phones/electronic upgrades -> salad dressing -> tacos.

I'm lost just thinking about how it progressed.
Fun, isn't it???


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2014
Rochester, NY
srsly though, like a nice wildflower honey and champagne vinegar, with the same again of ex v olive oil is a great dressing. add fresh ground white pepper, a touch of salt.

although the balance of honey and vinegar is delicate. too much on either side and it's not what you want.

DIY dressing is a precise science


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2014
San Marcos, CA, USA
Including be condescending and snide.
I think that deep inside, you really do feel bad but it's too late for this now...........
View attachment 332960

Oh good, someone else who wants to tell me what goes on in my own thoughts. It sure is fun to be lectured about arrogance and presumption by people who think they can read my mind. Maybe next you could lecture me about self-awareness.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Quote Originally Posted by edyle View Post
So would you describe the vape business as a niche business?

I would describe it as a booming business currently.

There are alot more smokers out there converting to vaping than there are vapers looking for hard to find items.


again: what he was looking for is one of the most prevalent items in the vape world

Not sure it that was a missquote, or if you assumed I was saying something else or making an innuendo or something, but it really was a question; and while it was not directed to someone else, the question remains:

Would you describe the vape business as a niche business ?
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