iClear30 question

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2013
My iClear30 tank was working find when it came in today. The draw was smooth and the air flow was perfect.
I then changed the liquid when it ran out and now when i screwed it on the mod (SVD), it feels as after 1-2 seconds of puffing it, no air would go through. I tried loosening the drip tip but same results. Any help? It also gives me a headache at times. Im not sucking the tank hard or aggressively, I usually give it a nice, but firm type of draw to it.


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
May 24, 2013
Elgin, IL, USA
Well, first, do your best to salvage the remaining liquid that's in there by trying to pour it back in the bottle.
Then, take the whole thing apart. Especially removing the head from the base. Then, simply put it back together. Before you're done, though, pull up SLIGHTLY on that silicone tip that covers the coils. I'm talking just barely enough to make the hole where the wicks pass just bit bigger.
Finish putting it back together and try it out.

Has happened to me with a few of my 30's.
Also, make sure you don't screw it back on too tight.

Hope this helps.
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