I want to interview you!

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
Are you still looking for input?
I guess I'm in the short timer catagory, analog free since 7-11-2009, but my story is laden with medical advantages for myself and many others I havent seen posted. It will be to long to PM. If you would PM me your email address, I'll complete your survey as requested and use what you want to champion our cause.

I've always wondered if the FDA is all non-smokers? Is it a question on their employment application? They can ask during a pre-physical interview, for insurance reasons, but any way you look at it , it's discrimination. Hate to be a smoker at the FDA and work on this project.8-o

I totally agree that public awareness is needed and i commend youor efforts. Strength in numbers. Getting the true information out to the masses is the problem.
From another thread on here variations of this were designed.
Is there one in your back window? If not I have an extra.:)
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2009
Rhode Island
Well I finished filling it out and then saw the update. I'm posting it anyway :)

What is your full name?
Wayne LaBanca

What city do you live in?
Warwick, R.I.

What made you want to try e-cigs?
I had quit smoking for 3 weeks and it was not getting easier. I was going to go back to smoking and decided to look online to see if there were any other alternatives outside of what has already failed me (patches and gum). I found my way to the e-cigarettes-forum and got really interested.

Did you want to stop smoking?
Yes, and did for 3 miserable weeks

What was your reaction when you first tried e-cigs?

<laughing> I can’t even describe it. Maybe what it would be like to discover that santa is real? That I won the lottery and never have to go to work again? Just amazing that in an instant I knew I was free from cigarettes.

Do you still smoke tobacco cigarettes, pipes or cigars?


What level of nicotine do you use?

If zero nicotine, why do you continue to use e-cigs?

Do you plan to eventually reduce your nicotine levels to zero?

My intentions are that I will remove the nicotine altogether and now I don’t have the stress that I had with cigarettes and can give myself time.

How has your life changed since you started using e-cigs?

Not much change socially, I use the ecig just as if it were a cigarette and apply all of the same restrictions. It’s a simulation of smoking and I don’t want to create more triggers. Health wise, the usual, better taste and smell, heart rate is not going up just because I climb a set of stairs.

How are e-cigs different than tobacco cigarettes for you?

Well for one, I am saving a pile of money. I can vape and then go do something physical and not feel horrible like I did after smoking.

Have you had any positive reactions while vaping in public? Negative reactions?

Neither really, there were some very interested and wanted to learn more but for the most part they were neutral.

What does your significant other think of e-cigs vs. smoking?

she is glad I am not smoking but stuck in the “looks like smoke, must be smoke” mode. We have had a few heated talks about it and I have to walk away (she smokes!)

What do your children say about e-cigs vs. smoking?

Does your teenager want to try e-cigs?

What was your reaction when you heard the FDA announcement?

Typical really.

How do you feel about the FDA announcement?
There is not enough time to go over that <laughing> there are valid issues with regulation, safety, etc, but they also did not need to present their findings the way they did. It’s plain to see who funds who.

What would you say to the FDA if you could?

Do what you need to do as a regulatory body but do it right and do not ban e cigarettes. You are going to harm more people in banning them than if you let them be. Not to mention creating another black market. If these were banned I would try to find a way. I hate smoking that much.

How do you feel about proposed/enacted legislation banning vaping in non-smoking areas?

Personally, I keep the same restrictions I had on smoking with my vaping to keep things in check. I don’t agree with banning to smoking areas as that is saying that they are harmful and also forcing non smokers to be around smoking. Will they also post safety posters at clubs and concerts because there are fog machines in use. This is the same thing that is in the ecig vapor. Will I have to have a disclaimer at Halloween if I use fog at my house? See how crazy it can get?

What would you do if forced to vape in smoking areas or outside?

As I said, I already put those restrictions on myself and being an ex smoker, but I also do not agree, I don’t think vapor from ecigs is as bad as cigarettes and to be honest, I don’t think there are any health issues.

Would you return to smoking if e-cigs were banned altogether?

Probably. It may take a while but yeah.

Would you return to smoking if e-cigs were regulated to the point that they cost more than smoking?

That would depend on how much more it was.

What is your reaction when people say vaping is the same as smoking?

I ask them “how so?” and then, IF they can even answer that question, I start to explain the detailed difference. It goes many different ways from there.

What do/would you tell people who say vaping is bad for you?

I try to explain the truth of what is actually taking place. The only reason for such statements to be made is lack of knowledge.

What do/would you tell people who say nicotine is bad for you?

Agree and also point out that caffeine is bad also. The big deal with nicotine is that it is so addictive but that’s MY problem isn’t it.

Do you have a good analogy for non-smokers to understand e-cigs vs. tobacco cigarettes?

Do you feel vaping is healthier or less dangerous than tobacco smoking? Why?

My body, so far, is telling me that cigarettes were very bad. It’s not saying much about vaping.

What is your personal doctor's opinion on vaping vs. smoking?

Do you have any links to online articles or videos by pro-electronic cigarette medical professionals? (If yes, please post them with your answers.)

How do you feel about claims that liquid flavors are a gateway for children to start smoking?

Cherry, vanilla, chocolate blunt wrappers. Cherry flavored chew. Sorry but that is not a valid argument.

Have any friends or family started vaping, instead of smoking, because of you?


Do you expect to eventually quit vaping?


Do you think public opinion would be better if vaping/e-cigs had a different name?

No, I think if it were called anything but what it is trying to emulate would be viewd as wolf in sheep’s clothing tactics.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2009

Nice work thus far! I do want to make one comment on the article as it stands. You point out near the end that the FDA found the e-juices to contain "trace amounts of adverse ingredients." I think you may want to expound on this a bit more as it can lead to the impression that all vaping products contain at least trace amounts of something negative. I don't believe that is the case.

First, I think their findings of adverse chemicals were in some but not all of the products they tested. This means very clearly to me that the adverse chemicals came from some ill-controlled or ill-considered part of the process and is NOT endemic to the e-juice product itself. This is a huge point because it means that it is possible to have, and in fact it already exists, e-liquids that thus far have not been found to contain any adverse chemicals. To give an analogy here lets consider when they found e-coli at Jack in the Box restaurants in the mid 1990's. If you want you could scream from the rooftops that burgers cause e-coli and should be banned. Of course that is silly as the e-coli had nothing to do with burgers but rather abnormal contamination in the supply chain. The same with the recent peanut scare and salmonella. No one is calling for the ban on the sale of all peanuts. Of course in our case the contaminants found in some e-juices they tested were "trace" as you mentioned and no where near as dangerous as the two viruses I referenced above. However, like Jack and the peanuts, the issue was not the product itself but rather shoddy practices within the supply chain.

Second, lets consider that you can both make your own e-juice and that e-juice can come sans nicotine. My guess is that the contaminants they found in a few samples likely came from the nicotine process and not the other limited ingredients (my supposition). Regardless I like to make my own both because I can control the flavors and I control the process. Glycerin, flavoring, and distilled water should not come up with any of the contaminants, even in trace amounts, that the FDA found.

If the FDA does its job then people who buy juices can be much more comfortable that their e-juices are being made properly and not via some Wild West (or Wild Far East) basement voodoo as can occur now. Adverse chemicals should be considered an aberration within and not an unfortunate side effect of e-juices.

Keep up the good work!
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Full Member
Aug 27, 2009
Ok, so this is my story. I apologize in advance if its a little wordy but I figured thoroughness was important.

My name is Andy Vannoy. I live in Harpers Ferry, WV. I was a smoker for 12 years. Mainly I started because it was something the people around me did and I liked the way it felt. Pretty much the same reason people usually start drinking alcohol. Other than the stink there were no ill effects for several years but as I got older I started noticing a little shortness of breath. I had several short term quits and once a bit of a scare when there were spots on a chest x-ray.(it was only small cysts unrelated to smoking) I had a friend with emphysema so I had the opportunity to witness first hand some of the possible consequences of smoking. He got pneumonia and died last year.

Despite knowing what could happen and the short term success I had using a patch/gum combo my heart was never in quitting. I tried quitting because people told me to. My wife didn't like it. The doctor said I should. Despite being considerate in public, strangers would give me the stinkeye and loudly declare that from 50 feet away I had just given them a death sentence from secondhand smoke. So all the pressure to quit was external. Internally, I still enjoyed it. I knew it would shorten my life but the odds of one of the catastrophic sicknesses was an acceptable risk. Was all of the rationalization really the addiction talking? Probably, but I'm also addicted to caffeine and have pretty recognizable withdrawal symptoms if I don't get it. I think I'm addicted to aspartame as well and the little blood sugar spike I get after eating a candy bar is at the very least habit forming. I think I sleep better if I have a couple of beers before bed. Cigarettes just happened to be the worst and most obvious of a very long list of things I do which are horrible for me but which I enjoy.

This is where the electronic cigarette came in. A way to get those same pleasant feelings while hopefully avoiding the rather large downside of inhaling smoke. I'm not naive enough to think that inhaling vapor is a healthy alternative. I think its probably healthier than cigarettes but the truth is if my life expectancy was the same either way and it just let me avoid the smell and the shortness of breath I'd still think it was a good deal. I'm not someone who has any guilt over what some people perceive as some sort of weakness on my part in pursuing an addiction. If I can do it without hurting anybody else, who cares?

I was very disappointed in the FDA's response to this situation. Not in their stopping the shipments or their legal response in the court case. I might disagree with them but I can see their point of view. What upset me was the press release and public statements about their "analysis" of the safety of e-cigs. I consider myself a pretty informed consumer and there was really nothing found in the cartridges I wouldn't have expected. If anything it was a pleasant surprise that the list was so small and the amounts were so low. Despite this the FDA portrayed it as possibly more dangerous than regular cigarettes. Their analysis consisted of a small sample from two manugacturers tested against a control which is already an approved NRT. But they didn't subject the control to all of the same tests as the e-cigs and more importantly they tested neither against actual cigarette smoke which seems like the obvious course. If that's their idea of scientific analysis and objective comparisons of safety then I'm nervous about using anything they've approved. They want people to either quit smoking using an approved NRT or to continue smoking and live with the possible consequences.

The public position of the FDA seems to be more of a moral stance on willingly chasing an addiction rather than a scientific public health stance on the relative safety of different products. If I want to have a discussion of right and wrong I'll talk to a philosopher or a preacher. It's not something the government should involve itself in. Most particularly not a government agency who's entire mandate is based in sound science and the application of the law.




Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
Well put C6.

Throw out the "bugs" from your statement and take it to the basic level.
Those foods are approved by the FDA and the fat content alone will cause clogging of the arteries and heart attacks. The home barbeque you all love and the liquid to simulate it on food...cancer causing ingredients....sorry, but true and FDA approved.
The government was created to SERVE the PEOPLE.....NOT Control them like little drones.
They "give" us the choice to smoke cigarettes(among other things), much to their dissaproval, due to a 1930's law created, that they tried to supercede and were over ruled. It may not be if they take another shot at it the way society is going.
There are so many things they could put their efforts towards.
Control of Peoples Choice should NOT be one of them.

Sorry for going off topic.I'm venting.


Super Member
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May 16, 2009
Kenosha, WI
to add to the PM I sent yesterday b4 this question came up: Do you consider yourself an ex-smoker or non-smoker? Why?

Eric Oertle, WI. I AM a smoker and will be the rest of my life. I use PVs to keep me from smoking, but the urge will probably linger for as long as I live. I've known people who gave up smoking for 5, 15 and as much as more than 30 years only to return to the habit because they had an opportunity and thought they could just smoke one or two and be done with it again. Yes, I AM a smoker - just one who was blessed to find a device that actually works for me to avoid smoking.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 25, 2009
My name is Heather Rivas, from Connellsville, PA. I'm 20 years old. I was a smoker, and now am a vaper. I used to have terrible asthma attacks and constant bronchitis, and even the occasional sinus infection while I smoked. Since picking up my DSE801, I do not carry a rescue inhaler any more, I do not wake up in the middle of the night, waking my husband up by hacking up a lung, and I no longer smell like a year old camp fire. My teeth are getting whiter daily, I have more energy, can breathe better, and best of all!

I used to sing in an a capella choir as a teen. Once I started smoking I couldn't hit my notes or sing as well. My voice got hoarse faster, and eventually I just gave up on singing. Lately, I can sing in my car on the way home from work and wouldn't you know, my voice comes spilling out loud and strong like it used to. Tell me THAT isn't a miracle.

Another HUGE plus to my DSE801, is that my husband is a non-smoker. When I used to smoke a cigarette and come back inside he always told me how bad I smelled, and if I tried to kiss him he would even push me away from the revolting smell. Since the e-cig, I can kiss him all I want, whenever I want, and it does not bother him at all even when we are right next to eachother, IN my own home, and I am vaping. If this device is taken away from us, I will surely go back to smoking, and will probably die from it.

Hope that helps! Great article so far by the way. You have talent.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin

Nice work thus far! I do want to make one comment on the article as it stands. You point out near the end that the FDA found the e-juices to contain "trace amounts of adverse ingredients." I think you may want to expound on this a bit more as it can lead to the impression that all vaping products contain at least trace amounts of something negative. I don't believe that is the case.
Because I haven't written that part of the article yet. I need more research and some good quotes first. Don't worry, it will be addressed - as well as allegations that they are marketing to children, that "second-hand vapor" is as bad as smoke, etc.
I began vaping back in March - as the tax hike was hitting.

People see the "smoke" and naturally assume that someone is smoking, and dirtying their precious air. I have even run into people who suddenly smell cigarette smoke when they see the vapor. The anti-smoking mentality has been so ingrained in these people that they smell smoke where there is no fire.

A coworker of mine claims that he can smell the vapor when I have been vaping....much as he could smell cigarette smoke when I used to smoke analogs. LOL!! I just laugh it off and know that he is imagining things.

Onthe other hand - I have many supportive coworkers who support the ecig movement ---and have even converted over from analogs.

Long live the ecig "sub-culture."

Keep up the good work and let us know when you go public with the article....Great stuff. I will have to print it out and hang it over my desk.



New Member
Aug 31, 2009
On March 17th I started using my NJOY NPRO and haven't had a real cig since. I smoked for 28 years at 2 packs a day. I love my e-cig and hope to someday give that up completely. At least I don't smell bad anymore. It's soooo much easier than running outside in 115 degree weather. I can smoke it anywhere. Gotta run. Find me on facebook if you wanna talk about it.

Julie Gauthier
Las Vegas, Nevada
Because of difficulties finding a reliable supplier, I haven't been able to stop smoking yet but "vaping" is an appealing alternative to me because it helps overcome the significant obstacles to quitting the second most addictive substance. As a person with ADHD, I developed an addiction to smoking as an attempt to self-medicate, but attempts to quit using the patch (irritated my skin), gum (unpleasant taste and texture), lozenge (tendency to overdose), and cold-turkey attempts proved temporary even when aided by hypnotherapy...and it is because all of these methods don't "fill the void" previously filled by the ritual of smoking.

People who have never been addicted to cigarettes don't seem to understand that there is a lot more to cigarette addiction than just the nicotine and only vaporizers offer a fulfilling alternative to smoking without the deadly smoke. There are more addictive substances in cigarette smoking than just nicotine: The process of smoking is addictive. The poisons and additives and impurities are addictive. The social aspect of smoking is addictive. Holding the cigarette, pulling the air into your lungs, feeling it burn at the back of your throat, and finally seeing a cloud as you exhale is addictive. Although this may not seem appealing to a non-smoker, they give a comfort to a cigarette smoker that you lose when you attempt to break your addiction to nicotine.

The beauty of the "e-cigarette" personal vaporizers is that I can curb the craving for nearly all the aspects of smoking without inhaling deadly smoke or polluting the air with secondhand smoke.

Regarding the FDA's report, the one positive is that it pointed out the inconsistency between manufacturers but this was overshadowed by the blatant political propoganda that permeated their so-called "scientific" conclusions. Beyond that, of the exactly 5 different toxins they detected, one of them (DEG) was only in the liquid from one particular test and it was notably NOT detected in the actual vapor that is consumed...and the other 4 impurities were not shown to be any higher than in FDA approved products. In the worst case scenario, I'm quite comfortable inhaling a water-based vapor even if it has a few tobacco-related impurities. Compared to the THOUSANDS of carcinogens, irritating particulates, poisonous gases, and lung blackening tars at burning temperatures... Vapor can't be anything but benign in comparison.

If vapor was proven to be 1000 times more dangerous than common sense dictates, it would still have a fraction of the poisons in smoke. Simply the elimination of second-hand smoke would justify its use.

Thad Marney
Oregon City, Oregon
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2009
If you get the chance to add graphics, please remember the power of the mighty bar graph:)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2008
USA and Canada
If you get the chance to add graphics, please remember the power of the mighty bar graph:)

usamare -

Stoopid question... but where did you get this? Did you make it? If so, where did you pull the TSNA info from? It looks like a reasonable graph and if you don't mind, there are a couple of places/people who I think would love to use this with your permission.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2009
That was made with openoffice, it's not sufficient quality for publication, but serves the purpose of showing a damning comparison.
The data I used was from a post on this site, though I remember seeing the e-cig numbers on the New Zealand pdf report.
The thread was;
New Report from the FDA- Electronic Cigarettes safer than cigarettes by the FDA
originated by Delite
I'll see if i can find a link, but I'm at work so kinda tough.


here is another link to it:
from a reasonably reliable source:)

All images in my posts are free for anyone to use:)
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