I thought there should be no smell left behind?

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Mar 16, 2012
My wife is pregnant and smells basically make her sick right now, she can't even light her scented candles at the moment. Last night I was vaping in our basement and this morning she went down there and threw up from the smell. It was my understanding that there should be no smell left over?

Prior to this I knew the smell was coming from all the bottles and cleaning rag which is all kept in a closed container now. But she swears she can smell it and it makes her sick. Is this possible? Or did I maybe drop some juice on the carpet?

I even have a nice air purifier that is geared towards removing scents from the air, and let it run for 2 hours after I goto bed. Very confused


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Pregnant women's smell gets hyper sensitive anf they can smell the smallest of things in the air. I remember that vividly when my wife was pregnant. I was a smoker back then and had to basically take a shower everytime that I wanted to get close to her. The smell of the stinkies made her puke!


Senior Member
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Mar 16, 2012
I never smoke it around her, I only smoke in the basement theater area when she is a floor of two up. But 8 hours later seems a bit strange.

Almost everthing I vape is VG Basic liquid from cignot, banana, plum, peach. Although I have 2 new flavors from them black ice and tobacco #4, black licorice with menthol kick and sweet pipe tobacco.

I wonder if maybe its on the area rug. I get home a couple hours before her today I'm gonna roll up the rug and put in another room and vape hard for an hour and see what happens. Might be living on the street if it fails lol


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May 27, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Here's one list of The 20 Most Recognizable Scents In The World.
You might want to check your flavors against this list...

1. Coffee
2. Peanut butter
3. Vicks VapoRub
4. Chocolate
5. Wintergreen oil
6. Baby powder
7. Cigarette butts
8. Mothballs
9. Dry cat food
10. Beer
11. Ivory bar soap
12. Juicy Fruit gum
13. Orange
14. Cinnamon
15. Lemon
16. Tuna
17. Banana
18. Crayons
19. Cheese
20. Bleach

Note, this is not a list of favorite smells, good smells, or bad smells, but ONLY of smells that are easily recognized. So you might hate the smell of a pig farm, but that doesn't mean necessarily you'd know what it was off the top of your head if you weren't staring right at it.
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Apr 25, 2012
It all depends on the flavors being used. I can smell some of the stronger flavors 8-10 hours after use. In general though most leave no trace that I can discern after only a few moments. While your wife is "delicate" you may have to practice stealth mode vaping.

8-10 hours later?! I just can't see that happening.


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I keep most of my juices closed up in a cedar box. I started noticing how bad it was smelling when I opened it so it may not be your vape she is smelling but your supplies. The odor made me ill and I'm not pregnant. I put a tray of baking soda in it and it seems to be helping.


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Jun 10, 2010
:blink: Might just be time to get rid of her. Women are always whining about stuff we do. My wife whines when I don't go all the way out the door before I fire my gun. Says it's too loud in the house. Whine whine whine. :blink:

:lol: I'm kidding...I'm kidding. Don't get rid of her (the child support will cost a fortune) just don't allow her in the basement (unless that's where the laundry is...she'll still need to do the laundry). :laugh:

Seriously...I've never had the actual vapor stay around for that long. The vapor is basically like talking to someone with a peppermint in their mouth. You can smell it...but then it's gone. You may very well have spilled some juice cause that stuff stays liquid for days out of the bottle. I've spilled a drop on the counter and didn't notice till the next day and it's still as "liquid" as ever. :)


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Apr 6, 2012
Wichita, KS, United States
When I was pregnant, I couldn't stand the smell of cigarettes, bacon, sausage or eggs. Typically, I loved all of these things, but when I was pregnant, they just made me sicker than heck. Most cleaning products did too, bleach, ammonia, perfumes, just any chemical smells... and I could smell them in very low concentrations, too. I'm pretty sure it's your body's way of protecting the baby from anything it deems unsafe, whether it really is unsafe or not.

For me, this did not last the entire pregnancy- by the middle of the second trimester, it should probably settle down.


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Nov 23, 2011
Wylie, TX
Speaking as a woman I can tell you that women are famous for being able to smell something for days even after the smell is gone. I went to help a friend clean her house one day and something in it smell atrocious. We finally found it an it was a dead raccoon. When I went home I kept smelling it like it was in my house and for days afterwards. Caused me to clean my house from top to bottom making my husband insane cause I kept asking can you smell that. So what's probably happening is she's still smelling something she smelled before. And until it gets out of her brain she's going to keep smelling it and there's really nothing you can do to help. It sucks but from what I have found out it's a woman thing. Most of the women I've met or know have the same problem.

Hope this helps,
Stormie :angel:
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