I think my KGO is malfunctioning

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Hello. I recently purchased a KGO e-cig with Boge 510 LR cartomizers. I don't know what exactly is going wrong with it, but basically I'll fill a fresh carto with e-juice and it'll work in the morning, but then it craps out by mid-afternoon. So I refill it, but the vapor is kinda weak and it doesn't feel the same. It feels like I'm not pulling anything from the e-cig, the carto gets really hot, and I'll get this odd tingling sensation (probably the nicotine) along with a burned taste. I don't know whether I got defective batteries or cartos, but something is wrong. How long are Boge cartomizers supposed to last? I bought some 24 mg e-juice from hoosier, could it be the juice? Thanks for all your help, I'm really confused!


Ultra Member
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Dec 14, 2011
upstate NY
The battery is just power and it sounds like you are getting power if you get heat and the carto is getting hot. You need to top off those cartos every time you feel a drop in vapor production and flavor. Keep lr cartos nice and moist and they should last you anywhere from 3 days to a week before you notice they just always taste burnt, don't seem to hold juice well anymore or just don't produce well. Cartos are considered disposable items and were designed to be vaped till empty and thrown away. No one does that though, once they learn how to refill.


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Jan 15, 2012
I've never experienced such a rapid death of a carto, but I had something similar happen only once with a very dark coffee juice. I assumed the dropped residue somehow smothered the wicking material around the coil or something. I never bothered to try cleaning it, but it could be worth it just to figure out if it was the juice or the carto - if you clean it (either by boiling it, or other methods around here) and then works, then it was something in the juice.

Cartos left to dry too much before refill tend to put out good vapor but taste burnt, at least in my experience...


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Sep 16, 2010
Washington DC
I am not very familiar with KGo, but for me, when it comes to my e-cig batts, and seeing that they are constantly near and in contact with my face, when they show signs of malfunction, I toss them. That might not be what many do, but for me, I do just to be on the safe-side as it is in no way shape or form worth it to me to salvage some money only to have a potential fire start, or worse, with a batt that is not working properly. It is the fact that your cartos are getting discernably hotter than what you are used to and the burnt taste that would give me pause with that particularly batt, not just the fact that it is losing its taste and vape so quickly. I have had the latter happen with certain juices rather often and not due to the batt.

And that is what I always advise to others, but obviously each person is free to handle it how they feel best and I am thin skinned enough to handle criticism to my post if it comes. In your particular case if I suspected the issue was due to the type of juice I was using, I would get a fresh spare batt of similar model, and try that to see what happens. If similar issues, I would chalk it up to the juice and go from there on a work around and not trash the original batt. But I just would not auto assume it was the juice causing it to burn thru cartos that fast.

I've had issues in the past with rechargeable batts causing a fire when they were not performing well (usually while on the charger). Luckily never with an e-cig batt, but rechargeable batts are similar in nature regardless of what type of unit they are in.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 28, 2011
Michigan, USA
Yeah, a Boge LR carto on a kGo battery will vape through juice pretty quickly. Boges aren't that big, and LR cartos generate more heat, creating more vapor, thus using more juice.

Are you topping them off often? That tingling may well be from inhaling burnt polyester. 24mg is fairly high, too.

If the carto gets burnt, it's done. Sometimes poor performance can be caused by the air tube or the bottom air holes getting plugged with gunky juice. That's fixable.


Vaping Master
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Aug 27, 2011
Philadelphia Burbs
Is the KGo rated for a Low Resistance carto? You may want to go w/ SR cartos. I'm not 100% but I know that some of the smaller batteries do not do well w/low resistance. You can research the specs and determine which are best for your ecig. Also +1 on safety first. If you absolutely must keep that battery please keep a very close eye when you are recharging (no overnighters), recharge at a wall outlet not your PC and put the ecig in a large metal pan (if you are able).


Full Member
Jan 7, 2012
Philly, PA
Is the KGo rated for a Low Resistance carto? You may want to go w/ SR cartos. I'm not 100% but I know that some of the smaller batteries do not do well w/low resistance. You can research the specs and determine which are best for your ecig. Also +1 on safety first. If you absolutely must keep that battery please keep a very close eye when you are recharging (no overnighters), recharge at a wall outlet not your PC and put the ecig in a large metal pan (if you are able).

Myself and a family member both own a kGo, and use LR cartos with no problem.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 24, 2011
Is the KGo rated for a Low Resistance carto? You may want to go w/ SR cartos. I'm not 100% but I know that some of the smaller batteries do not do well w/low resistance. You can research the specs and determine which are best for your ecig. Also +1 on safety first. If you absolutely must keep that battery please keep a very close eye when you are recharging (no overnighters), recharge at a wall outlet not your PC and put the ecig in a large metal pan (if you are able).

Kgo can certainly handle a 2.0 carto. I use 1.7 cartos all the time. Others have used 1.5 but that's pushing the limits in my opinion.

Sounds like you aren't keeping enough liquid in the carto and it's burnt at this point. As with everything else in this endeavor there's a learning curve. Not unusual to burn a couple cartos until you get the kinks out of the way you do things. I always use a syringe to fill cartos. Insert at 3 different points around the outside, between the metal and the fiber, slowly removing the syringe while injecting liquid. Let sit for 15 minutes so that everything is well saturated. Then blow out excess into a napkin. After that it's just topping off every few hours by adding drops.
OKay, I still had one of the cartridges that came with the starter kit. So, in the spirit of troubleshooting, I hooked up that cartridge to the atomizer it came with and then to the fully charged battery and WOW. It works perfectly fine. Now I think I'm the type of person that would benefit from just ordering a whole bunch of 24 mg pre-filled cartridges and a whole bunch of atomizers. What type of cartridges would you recommend for my KGO 1100 mAH (from Hoosier) and keep in mind, I need 24mg? And what kind of atomizers? What will ultimately do it for me is cost effectiveness. Thank you all so much fro all your help!!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 14, 2011
upstate NY
You're not going to save any money ordering prefilled cartos. They don't last as long as if you fill them yourself and juice is much cheaper. You can buy the prefilled until you get the hang of filling them yourself and a bottle of juice to top them off. Rather then vaping them for half a day, you get to keep them for a few days more.

You should try the smoke tech 1.7ohm cartos and boge 2.0. Those are the ones that get talked about the most. The smoke tech are also a bit longer and hold more juice.

Cartridges on atty's isn't the best delivery system. That's why most have moved to cartomizers which has the filler in with the atty. Not what you wanted to hear, I know. Most who use attys use them to drip juice directly on the atomizer. You get the best flavor but it's a tedious task.
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Super Member
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Feb 7, 2012
Bartlesville, OK
I'll second the boge 2.0 cartos. They work really well.

I tend to lose "steam" when my battery starts getting low. You might want to make sure you keep a fully charged one with you to switch over in the afternoon & put your "morning batt" on the charger. I learned this after several days of vicious sucking until it felt like my eyeballs were going to pop out of my head.

(no comments from the peanut gallery necessary. Yes, I know how that sounded, LOL) :censored:
For my KGO 1100mAH, what about refillable cartridges instead of cartomizers? The cartridges that came with the starter kit seem to work really well, but i can really only fit like 3 cigarettes worth of juice in it. If I can find cartridges that fit 10 cigarettes, that would be awesome. Also, if i switched to cartridge/atomizer, then how often would I need to replace the atomizers?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 28, 2012
I am a KGO user and I will tell you flat out, there is nothing better than a Boge 2.0ohm LR Cartomizer for this unit. I have tried everything under the sun and for me the Boge Cartomizer is just the most practical from both a cost stand point and a user stand point. Shortly after wasting my money on all these different cartomizers and tanks, I decided to buy a small carrying case for my kgo. Each day in my case I carry the following:

Both Batteries
2 5ml juice bottles (2 different flavors)
2 Cartomizers (each filled with different juice)
1 brand new cartomizer

It is very convenient and I always have what I need right by my side. Yes, you will need to add juice numerous times during the day to your carto, but it takes like 30 seconds. Keep in mind, if you do use something like an Mega Dual Coil Cartomizer, it will eat your battery up. One of the best things about the Boge Cartos is that my Kgo battery will last exactly 24hrs before it dies. I technically don't need to carry my other battery with me, but I like it in there just for the hell of it. Probably because I use to be a BLU user, who had to carry 17 batteries and charge them all day long!!

Anyhow that's what I do, so that's what you should do!! JK


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Dec 12, 2011
Northern NY, United States
I am also a kGo user.. and love it! I use Boge LR 2.0 and am having very good luck with them. Yes, they need to be topped off every now and then but really, it's so easy to do. I'm also using SmokTech 1.7's.. they hold a bit more juice, give a fabulous vape and don't need topping off as much. I've got some EMDCC's on order and can't wait to get them! I'm with jd... I started with a slim design and had to carry 3 batts, a pcc and a bunch of stuff.. now it's just my two kGo batts and a couple cartos. I have had no luck whatsoever with the atty's that came with the kGo,, but pretty sure I'm just not doing something right. Anything I put in there just tastes like burnt ickiness. Cartos are just so darn easy... you just gotta get the ones that DO IT for you... happy hunting!
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