I think I'm out of control :)

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2011
Cleveland Ohio

I began vaping twice before, but two months ago I picked it up again. I wanted to make it work this time, so I approached it as a fun hobby. Getting excited over getting my almost-daily package in the mail helps me keep away from analogs. I also wanted to make sure I never ran out of carto's, so each time I ordered some juices, I tried ordering some cartomizers as well (if they had any).

But to tell you the truth, I've only been completely off analogs for three days. I smoked a lot less these past two months, from 2 to 5 cigarettes (and about a pack when going out, which luckily is only once a week). That's ok, I wanted to ease myself into it and not go cold turkey. But now I've decided that since I already spent so much on it, it's time to completely switch to vaping. If it works, the costs are completely justified.

So this is what I've got right now :

View attachment 55369

I also have a Bloog PCC and a Volt battery that I seem to have misplaced, and I've got at least 10 more juices, 20 Dual Coil Echo-E cartomizers and a VaporLuxe mod coming my way.

The point of this thread? Well, I want to keep myself from ordering more stuff for at least two months from now, and completely stay off analogs... And I figured talking about it might help :)

(And I'm sorry if this comes off as showing off what I have - I'm quite aware that a lot of you probably have way more stuff than me, but I think two months in this is actually overdoing it a bit).

Oh man I have more than this an I've only been vaping for 4 weeks lolol!!!



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2011
You are a true addict. If you aren't vaping 36mg, then stop trying to kid yourself and order nothing less than 36mg.

Lol, yeah, I realize it's become an addiction, which is why I started this thread... But it's not really the vaping itself that's the problem, it's ordering new stuff. I've always been a bit of a gadget freak... I just love new toys...
But I'm quite satisfied with 18mg, thanks :)

Oh man I have more than this an I've only been vaping for 4 weeks lolol!!!


I'd love to see a pic :)
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 23, 2010
NE Pennsylvania
Welcome. I have a large stash of mods, atties, cartos, and juice. It wasn't until I added up all my credit debt that I started to slow/stop my purchases. I have enough to last me a year or more. I may even start to sell off some of my mods, including a few Reos. It is fun making purchases and receiving the packages in the mail, however when the day of reckoning comes it is not so nice.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 5, 2010
constant state of confusion
I gave up trying to break even a long time ago. I don't care any more. I am healthier (as healthy as one in my position can be). I am having fun and I have met some really wonderful people and keep meeting more every day. If I stopped buying things today, I probably have enough stuff to go a year, but there is no fun in that :p


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2011
Well, so far still not smoking or spending money on vaping... But instead of spending money on vaping, I went and ordered new memory for my computer and some other computer supplies for $150. Doh! :)
But that's ok, I can file that as business expenses so I have to pay less taxes (small business owner). I wonder if I could sneak some of my e-cig purchases in as business expenses too...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 22, 2011
just enjoy it but remember that organizers can minimize the guilt!

calculate your cig spending, you might be shocked. A good limit is not to spend more than you did on smokes.

It never hurts just in case they are wrong aboutthe zombies. :)





Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Dingus- Just remember, everything in the pic that isn't part of your normal routine should still be held onto. You never know when the zombie apocalypse will start and its better to be prepared then be worrying about where you'll get your juice while you're dishin out the pain to hordes of undead.
I have it on good authority that Socker Moms are the advance scouts for the Zombie Apocalypse.
If this intelligence is credible, I think the Zombie Apocalypse is well under way.
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