I take TV for granted

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Jul 22, 2010
Toronto, Canada
Well, Geoff & Co. are getting even more aggressive with customer service, much to their competitor's dismay. My order of Chocolate/Banana/Walnut juice, custom mixed with Perfumer's Apprentice double chocolate, was mixed and shipped just a few hours after I placed the order!

Now it will have plenty of time to steep before my Philippines trip in 2 weeks. I'll need plenty of juice for my 27-hour plane flights (each way) and 3 weeks in a small town in hills of Mindanao, where no one has ever seen or heard of an e-cig.

Hey Rad,

Can you please make a note somewhere to PM me when you come back on how your juices fared or tasted while you were there? I'm guessing the extreme heat and humidity will somewhat change the way they taste/vape compared to the northern hemisphere. I may be planning a trip to India early next year and would like to know in advance the "type" of juice to take with me.

Thanks, and enjoy your trip to the Philippines.

Kevin Freeheart

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Feb 20, 2010
Live Free Or Die
I'm curious why you choose to participate in this forum if you are neither a prospective TV customer or current one, and seem to have no questions about TV products...

For one, I have been a customer of Tasty Vapor. The fact that I have one specific dislike about their juices doesn't make me ill-suited to give input on the very same supplier being discussed. :p

But more importantly, I recommend Tasty Vapor. Perhaps my tone didn't convey, I meant no sarcasm when I suggested that Dawn give them a go. Geoff and company are a great group of people who offer a highly-respected product backed by good customer service.

I happen not to prefer their juices and I feel my criticism is valid from my perspective, subjective and relevant to why Dawn might WANT to purchase from TV. I see no reason any of that is a bad thing. :p


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Jun 16, 2010
San Antonio, Texas
For one, I have been a customer of Tasty Vapor. The fact that I have one specific dislike about their juices doesn't make me ill-suited to give input on the very same supplier being discussed. :p

But more importantly, I recommend Tasty Vapor. Perhaps my tone didn't convey, I meant no sarcasm when I suggested that Dawn give them a go. Geoff and company are a great group of people who offer a highly-respected product backed by good customer service.

I happen not to prefer their juices and I feel my criticism is valid from my perspective, subjective and relevant to why Dawn might WANT to purchase from TV. I see no reason any of that is a bad thing. :p

I didn't mean to be offensive or anything, I was just curious. Thanks for the answer.


Ultra Member
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Mar 17, 2010
I prefer not to buy from TV for exactly the opposite reason.

I'm not a huge fan of TH personally. I prefer to take long inhales rather than short hits like I did with analogs.

Even flavors I didn't expect to have TH would be to harsh for me. Imagine coughing on a Butterfinger!

It's not a criticism, just a preference. I found that TV juices were too harsh in comparison to other vendors. If you're not finding what you want, give TV a go!

AC is designed to taste like Atomic Fireball candy. If you've had one of those, the flavor is almost spot on. The outside of the candy is spiced and a little hot. The inside is sweet like a jawbreaker.

The sweetness really comes through in Atomic Cinnicide. Big Red is more "intense fake cinnamon" and Atomic Cinnicide is more "intense fake cinnamon plus sweet". Both are awesome flavors, but I wouldn't personally compare them to each other. I'm kind of a cinnamon snob.

Harsh? Really? What flavor did you order? And did you allow them to steep? The only harshness I've gotten is some of the fruit flavors but that goes away after a good steep. So I'm confused.

I find th to be an annoyance I love to see the vapor and the fullness of the hit thats what keeps me off the analogs!
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