I need help picking my first

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Hello all. I hope all is well. I started researching e cigs just a few days ago and I am totally overwhelmed.:confused: Just when I think I figured out what I want I read a review or see a video trashing the one I was going to purchase. Recently I almost purchased the Blu (because of the size) and good reviews. But was equally trashed by bad ones. I am now looking at the vapor4life cig with the "shorty" battery. Does anyone have any opinion on which one to buy?

What I'm looking for. Same size or smaller then a reg cig. I dont want a huge cigar thing hanging out of my mouth. I prefer one that looks like a cig. I dont want anyone thinking I'm smoking a "batty" at work or people to even notice I'm smoking an electronic cig. And most importantly, actually feels like your inhaling a reg cig when you smoke it.

More opinions the better. I sure look forward to reading your suggestions. Also any suggestions on which accessories and how much to buy with my first purchase would be helpful.

Thanks much,
Ogie :toast:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
I'm sorry, but you're going to have to make a small concession with size in order to get convincingly cigarette-like performance.

A shorty Vapor4Life battery is probably the closest you will get. It will still by slightly wider, and *maybe* a little longer than a regular cig. But it's the smallest size you'll get with solid performance.

The super-mini e-cigs (regular cig size) all have consistency issues and don't perform as well as the slightly bigger models. They also require a ton of fiddling, generally have poor battery life, etc. Point is, there's a big drawback with every single one of them.

I got to try a couple before I got my own. One I tried, which was an M401, was ok. But to be honest... as a heavy smoker, it just wasn't good enough to get me completely off cigarettes.

The e-cig that Vapor4Life sells is a Kr808D-1 model that's been branded. That's the same model I have, and it's an awesome e-cig to start with. It got me completely off cigarettes. It's also pretty simple to learn to use, because it's a 2-piece model.

So I would say if you want as close to cig-sized as possible, while not making any major concessions on usability, that's the best you're going to do.
I use 510 and find it close to cig size but a little longer. I have never had a problem with it being noticed. I first ordered a Magna from Volcanoecigs and I really like that. The carts hold a little more and the atomizer is a little different and this was recommended to me bacause I was such a heavy smoker. Although I like it I am dissappointed that you can only get atomizers and cartridges from the one company. Since then I got a Joye 510 which is not quite as strong a hit as a Magna, but still decent. They Joye allows me to buy supplies from many places so I like that.

A must when ordering, in my opinion, is to make sure you have 2 batteries. The battery can take a few hours to charge and you don't want to be unable to vape while you are waiting. Many kits come with two. You should also have an extra atomizer because if it dies you cannot do anything until it is replaced.

I found that I now like cartomizers better than automizer and carts, that I like using liquids and filling my own, and that I like manual batteries better than automatics. But, unfortuneately, I did not make these decisions until I had bought numerous supplies I will probably not use. So vape a little first and then try some other things slowly. Find out what you like before you go crazy buying things like I did.

Remember that everyone has their own opinions on what is great and what is crap. so take in all the info you are given, but then make a decision and stop reading bad reviews on that product!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 8, 2010
I think most of us start out with the idea that an e-cig should be as similar as possible to a normal cigarette. I know I didn't fancy the idea of sticking some weird-looking piece of technology in my mouth, so I bought a 510. But the neccessity of charging the batteries almost constantly has put me right off it, so I've ordered an eGo, which has a battery life of 6 hours or more.

However, if you get a 510 and don't like it, I wouldn't worry. If it gets you off cigarettes, it'll pay for itself in a week or two and you can always get another model later on. The fact is that no matter how much you spend on vaping, it's almost impossible to spend more than you did on cigarettes.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2010
I started out the same way with the same criteria for my e-cig. Well that lasted one week and I just got my new 510 replacement the Joye eGo. It turned out that battery life and vapor production was more important to me than size. I have a little case I can stash two complete eGo's, a small bottle of juice, and some carts. The eGo itself is larger than a traditional cigarette but it feels nice in the hand.

I have the Blu cig and though you can get it to work pretty good if you read a lot it still is too inconsistent for me. The 510 is great but I hated having to carry the PCC, AND a ziplock bag with my complete 510 and a bottle of juice. If you are a 1 pack a day or more smoker, you may find yourself changing the battery on a smaller e-cig more than you'd like.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
East Texas
I agree with what everyone has stated and just have a couple additional comments.

Vapor4Life carries the kr808d1 and everything you need to go with it. I'd suggest getting the "WOW Vapor Cartomizers" to start with, a pass through if your near your computer much, wall charger and a personal charging case. I prefer the manual batteries, but an automatic might be good to have also for when you are driving.

Vapor4Life is having a 19% Off Sale today, August 13th, that will save you a bunch of money. Use the promo code "Friday13th" to get the discount. If you order early the order should ship today and you'll be vaping before you know it!

Keep in mind that vaping is never going to taste like a regular cigarette or even "inhale" like a regular cigarette because they ARE NOT regular cigarettes. With the weight of the battery, you will never have it "hanging out of my mouth." And ... you'll be showing it off - not hiding it.

Best of luck and the Vapor4Life Kr808D-1 is a great e-cig to start with.

Cody Badger

Full Member
Mar 4, 2010
Plover, WI
I started out with the l88b model (blu) as well and quickly found out it wasn't enough for me. Then I got a 510 and while it was a vast improvement I couldn't stand carrying around the PPC and multiple batteries all the time, so I got a bigger battery Darkstar from www.eliquidplanet.com (same as the hello good-buy from www.nhaler.com) and am completely satisfied using that battery with 510 cartomizers. That battery will easily last you all day, it is bigger than what you're looking for but it may be what you eventually end up needing as well.

Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk


Full Member
Aug 10, 2010
I've heard a fair amount of negative about Blu which made me not go with them. Through my own research, I found kr8 potentially better. Vapor4Life provides the kr8 in their products, you might not or may probably know.

For shorties, I haven't found a valid enough reason to get them for my own reasons. And my reasons are kinda like yours. I want to have an ecig that doesn't attract attention.

They're not really that much smaller than the regular sized ones. It's by like about half an inch? I forget though. I just think the lengthier battery life more outweighs a shorter size.

For an inconspicuous ecig, I don't think it's worth it. Might be somewhat smaller, but also take in mind of the colors Vapor4Life provides. The LED colors they provide are usually random. I think I've heard you can be able to request a specific LED color, but that doesn't always mean they will provide that color.

Manuals are more likely conspicuous than autos, simply due to the abnormal action of button pressing in comparison to regular cigarettes. And at the moment, as I'm looking on their Web site for auto short batteries, Vapor4Life only has a supply of gold and red battery colors at the moment. No regular white.

The choice in colors can outweigh its size for the purpose to be inconspicuous. Unless you're in the dark, but then there's also the LED color that shines at night, unless you can cover that up good enough.

There are some other sites that offer the shorties. I forget what sites they were though, but there really aren't too many of them. I just recommend going with the regular 280mah sizes, and not worry that much. I don't think it's worth it.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
I've got to agree with the others. Most of us start out wanting something that emulates a cigarette, then we find after a very short time that it really doesn't matter that much. I'm guilty as charged. I spent way too much for my first e-cig, then went to the Joye 510. Now I'm looking to upgrade to the Ego. The moral of the story, just pick the one that seems to produce the vapor you need. If possible try some different models out before you buy.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2010
Brooklyn, MI
Ogie. Welcome buddy. I have a prediction for you. If you buy an ecig that looks similar to a real cigarette and IF you quit smoking completely and vape full time, within a month you'll get really tired of dealing with tiny batteries that go dead every hour or so and size will quickly become completely irrelevant. I know it doesn't seem that way now but that's the way it almost always goes. As far as people's reaction to seeing us use larger PVs, I haven't gotten any. I live in a small town in rural Michigan (a village really) and do a lot of shopping at the "Country Market", our local grocery store. I walk through the parking lot nearly every day puffing on a big ol' honkin' battery mod made out of 3/4" copper pipe, 4" long and have never had one of these nascar fans notice me yet. I've been doing this since last March. People really don't care and since I started awareness of ecigs has grown exponentially.
My point is that most of us start out with the small, familiarly sized ecigs but that doesn't last too long. Just sayin'.

P.S. The nascar reference was not a class joke or meant as a pejorative. Michigan International Speedway is actually on the outskirts of our town. :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2010
Central Texas
I too had the pre-concieved notion that if I was to take up E-cigs, it would have to be one that looks as much like a real cig as possible. Also, only tobacco flavored juices for me. None of that fruity flavored stuff.

Well, I found this forum and was quickly convinced to change my thinking. And glad of that too. Saved me from buying a Greensmoke for one thing.

I ordered the Ego kit and am very happy with it so far. I have also tried some of those fruit flavored juices.. pleasantly surprised.
I've been using the Vapor King for about a week now and I really like it. Definitely get two batteries. I got one manual and one auto to see which I like better, and I like them both about equally. I use the regular size and it's not too big, but the battery life is pretty decent. I'm not sure if I use it more or less than other users, but I can charge it overnight and not need to switch batteries until that evening.

I thought I would want something smaller so I could hold it like a normal cigarette. However, I find that the majority of the time I hold it across the palm of my hand with the carto sticking out between my thumb and index finger, as one would hold a frying pan over the stove. This also keeps most people from noticing what I'm doing, which I like.

I think the kr8 is a really good choice for us beginners. The 2-piece design takes away some of the learning curve. I decided on it because I was already overwhelmed with all of the information, and not using a separate atomizer is one less thing to worry about.
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