I just got a canned response from Sen. E. Warren

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2015
After sending a slightly modified version of the text CASSA drafted for the email to send to state representatives, I Just received this back from the office of Elizabeth Warren

Thank you for contacting me to express your support for the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act, legislation introduced in the House of Representatives to loosen tobacco regulations proposed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

As you know, earlier this year, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a proposed deeming rule that would make e-cigarettes and other tobacco products subject to tobacco Control Act regulations. There are a lot of things the e-cigarette makers won't tell us, including how much nicotine or other chemicals are in their products. But we do know that e-cigarettes are being marketed aggressively by tobacco companies, including marketing them directly to children, resulting in a troubling rise in e-cigarette use among teenagers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently found that 10 percent of middle and high school students – or 1.78 million children – used e-cigarettes in 2012, double the e-cigarette use among this age group in 2011. This is especially troubling given that nicotine, whether delivered through a traditional cigarette or an e-cigarette, is highly addictive, and we don't know the long term health effects of e-cigarettes on users and people around users.

I support the FDA's proposed rule that would require e-cigarettes and other tobacco products to comply with certain regulations, including a ban on sales to minors, a requirement to disclose all ingredients, and a requirement to display a health warning on product packages and advertisements. Because it is important that all applicable products are covered by this regulation in order to create a fair and transparent market, I do not support efforts like the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act to change the "grandfather date" and exempt more products from Tobacco Control Act regulations.

Although we disagree about this issue, I appreciate your contacting me to share your views and hope that you will reach out to me again in the future about issues of importance to you or if my office can be of assistance.



Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator

She is blatantly wrong. She wouldn't be more wrong if her name was Wrong W. Wrongenstien. Frustrating.

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this is my name

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2014
North Little Rock, AR, USA
"This is especially troubling given that nicotine, whether delivered through a traditional cigarette or an e-cigarette, is highly addictive"

I would love for her to point me towards a legitimate study that proves this statement to be 100% accurate. I would bet she can't....


ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 26, 2013
After sending a slightly modified version of the text CASSA drafted for the email to send to state representatives, I Just received this back from the office of Elizabeth Warren

She is blatantly wrong. She wouldn't be more wrong if her name was Wrong W. Wrongenstien. Frustrating.

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Well then lets all say goodbye to Elizabeth Wrong Warren shall we? Vote her .... out of office.

this is my name

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2014
North Little Rock, AR, USA
Party-line spiel.

The last line of the letter seems to hint that it's a moot point for the governed citizens, and that our input will be similarly dismissed in the future.
I feel that way every time I answer a CTA, but I do what I can and hope for the best. I just can't shake the feeling that some of us are going to see another revolution in our lifetime. The powers that be have been jerking us around for too long and the internet is waking a lot of people up.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2015
Do you want someone this ignorant representing you no matter what?
No... Sadly I live in MA, and she was messing stuff up here well before she messed up US. Got college basically handed to her for being (I forget the exact fraction) 1/16th Native American.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
After sending a slightly modified version of the text CASSA drafted for the email to send to state representatives, I Just received this back from the office of Elizabeth Warren

She is blatantly wrong. She wouldn't be more wrong if her name was Wrong W. Wrongenstien. Frustrating.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

One thing I will give Her. At least She has the Backbone to say where She stands on e-Cigarettes.

Can't say that I agree with Her. But it is Refreshing to Actually have an Elected Official who is supposed to be Representing their State come out and publically state where they Stand.


Vaping Master
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  • Sep 18, 2014
    What these politicians don't understand is, all the safety development that has happened with mods, since 2007.
    By outlawing all current mods, it sets up a scenario where many will be "cobbling" together mods, to continue vaping.
    I can see an increase in battery explosions....


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 15, 2013
    I'd like to see her, or anyone, back up the claim, "including marketing them directly to children, resulting in a troubling rise in e-cigarette use among teenagers."

    Usually the anti's just go with "marketing to children" as that sort of implication can be backed up, albeit poorly. But "directly marketing" is taking it to another level, and means (to me) that she is aware of vendors/manufacturers who are either using kids in their marketing campaigns or are advertising in places that only minors visit.

    The other part of the quote is easily shot down, so not really worth time of a rebuttal.


    My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
    Supporting Member
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    Apr 16, 2010
    What scares me most is that these politicians are passing laws & making policy without a true understanding of the issues.

    What makes you think that Most policy makes do not Understand the Issues?

    Isn't it Easier to Feign Ignorance sometimes than to Demonstrate Understand if you are Trying to Deceive someone?


    Reviewer / Blogger
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    Verified Member
    Jan 24, 2014
    My apologies
    Just to be clear I have nothing against Native American's, Indians Ect... Just the fake ones who choose to play one on TV
    & yes I believe you are correct think it was 1/16th

    Well heck.. my son is 1/16th cherokee, because my husband is 1/8th... nobody was volunteering to give either of them a college education. o_O

    My son is also 1/16th jewish... so I always kid him that he's 1/8th oppressed. :D



    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Nov 4, 2013
    I sent all of my Fed Reps an email that stated my intention to vote against any that voted for e-cig regulations. Didn't ask for another canned response, don't want one.
    Passage of state legislation resulted in my contacting my state reps for info on how they voted, both were against it. The gov has lost my vote from now on. Thank you's were sent to my state reps and a notice to not expect any support for the gov.
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