I did not quit! I cut down and I am JAZZED about that!

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 28, 2010
Toronto, ON
Hmmm... excellent idea.. I will have to get me some coffee vape and try er out..recommend any?

Ahh, coffee liquid, my old nemesis.

Sadly, it seems to be really hard to find a good, quality coffee vape that actually tastes like coffee. The best one I've had so far that actually tasted like good black coffee was from Crystal Liquid, but I can't have it because it only comes in 16mg at highest, and I vape 24mg. Furthermore, it was their only good liquid, strangely enough, because the rest that I bought at the time were absolutely, hands down, the worst liquids I've ever had. They tasted like Pine Sol. All of them. I'm not even kidding. (Steeping didn't help.) Quite a shame, really.

I've got some coffee coming from Juicy Vapor (looks like I won't be seeing it 'til Tuesday here) so I have some hopes for that. From what I understand, Vaperite's Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is excellent, but he only makes limited batches infrequently, so you have to catch it when he has some made, and I haven't been able to catch it yet.


Retired ECF Forum Manager
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Dec 17, 2010
Lurking in the shadows
That is a huge reduction, congrats. I always like to say it is more about the ones you don't smoke than the ones you do. And maybe someday you'll count yourself among the ranks of "accidental quitters". I do, I really didn't think that vaping would let me quit on my own schedule and terms- but it did.


Super Member
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Feb 12, 2010
I'm another who still smokes (very strictly 4-5 a day, down from 20+). I like the stability of where I am, and it's been over a year. I suspect, if I were to give up cigarettes completely in favor of e-cigarettes, any relapse might be a total "Screw vaping, I'm going to smoke!" situation, as I'm one of those smokers who has always really enjoyed smoking. I'm not very worried about the health consequences of my remaining cigarettes (as compared to the 40 or so years in my past which, in most ways, can't be undone).


Full Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm another who still smokes (very strictly 4-5 a day, down from 20+). I like the stability of where I am, and it's been over a year. I suspect, if I were to give up cigarettes completely in favor of e-cigarettes, any relapse might be a total "Screw vaping, I'm going to smoke!" situation, as I'm one of those smokers who has always really enjoyed smoking. I'm not very worried about the health consequences of my remaining cigarettes (as compared to the 40 or so years in my past which, in most ways, can't be undone).

LOL you know I have TOTALLY the same concerns.. Scarcity.. I am one of those people that hates the no smoking sign that stay on in an airplane because it remides me constantly that I can not have a cigarette!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Way to go, James!:)

I didn't stop cold turkey either. It took me a couple of weeks of cutting down. I got depression really quite badly to begin with so had to start over again and gradually cut down while keeping myself as busy as I could. It was a happy day for me when I went the whole day without one. Now I've been smoke-free for over a year. Congrats on your success!
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