Huge leap for the ANTZ, E-cigarettes Are Just as Addictive as Tobacco, Thanks to Pyrazine Additives

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 5, 2013
The day I started vaping my daily cigs dropped from 25 to 5 and remained there as if by magic. My perception was that there was some chemistry in cigarettes I craved and that 5 cigs was all I needed or craved to get what ever was not nicotine. I went to zero cigs after six weeks. My perception was the effort of doing that was reduced by the same 80% as ecigs reduced my intake of cigarettes. It's puzzling how little we seem to know about tobacco addiction considering the billions that have been spent to study it. My perception of nicotine now is that it's not what I crave, it's what tells me I've had enough. When I start doing DIY I'm going to see if increasing nic percent might encourage me to vape less ml per day.
Was your temptation reduced by 80% or is it more complicated than that? Or simpler? Did you simply enjoy e-cigs to the point where you could coax your mind into thinking it was achieving the same fix with e-cigs? And feeling empowered by that fact at the same time? I'm guessing it gave you much more than an 80% edge over smoking.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2010
Was your temptation reduced by 80% or is it more complicated than that? Or simpler? Did you simply enjoy e-cigs to the point where you could coax your mind into thinking it was achieving the same fix with e-cigs? And feeling empowered by that fact at the same time? I'm guessing it gave you much more than an 80% edge over smoking.
I completely quit combustible cigarettes in 2009 by using e-cigs(I am still vaping,but have no craving for combustibles). It only took a short time for me to quit combustibles,and I was a long term smoker.
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CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
Once again, the ANTZ miss the point. The purpose of e-cigarettes is to replace the unquestionably unhealthy practice of inhaling smoke. There is no epidemiological evidence that nicotine vapor, whether with or without pyrazine, causes smoking-related lung disease, heart attacks, or strokes. In contrast, there's a lot of evidence that continuing to smoke is hazardous to health. So they should be happy and grateful that e-cigarette use might be just as attractive as smoking.


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2012
Tampa, Florida
Once again, the ANTZ miss the point. The purpose of e-cigarettes is to replace the unquestionably unhealthy practice of inhaling smoke. There is no epidemiological evidence that nicotine vapor, whether with or without pyrazine, causes smoking-related lung disease, heart attacks, or strokes. In contrast, there's a lot of evidence that continuing to smoke is hazardous to health. So they should be happy and grateful that e-cigarette use might be just as attractive as smoking.

To add to your point, there is also no evidence that shows that vaping pyrazine and nicotine together has the same or even similar nicotine dependency boost as combustible cigarettes. The process of vaping the two substances together is much different than combining them in the chemically altering process of combustion. I've already seen a couple of articles that attempt to conflate vaping and combustibles, and of course they don't (and never will) distinguish the difference between vaping (changing state) and combustion (altering chemistry).


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
making something taste better doesn't make it more addictive.
only 30% of smokers develop a dependency to smoking.
that has remained a constant since before additives
were even thought also means 70% of smokers
do not develop a dependency no mater how good
the cigarette taste's.


Full Member
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Mar 19, 2015
Tulsa, OK
I don't know much of anything about pyroteens in e-juice, but I do know that e-cigs ARE addictive. Especially since they mimic the much more highly addictive activity of smoking , which is precisely why I started using them. Would I be able to cut back on smoking at my stressful job by 11/12's if they weren't as addictive? Actually, the patch, pill, and gum answered that one for me.

I was addicted to nicotine and actually enjoyed smoking. I smoked for over 30 years. What inspired me to quit analogs was waking up several mornings and not being able to catch my breath. I tried patches; gum; etc. none of those worked. I finally tried an e-cig and was able to quit analogs for good. And you are right, it was because e-cigs mimic smoking. After vaping for a couple of years I finally decided to go off of nicotine. Now I vape because I enjoy it. I enjoy the feel of "smoking". Am I addicted to vaping? I don't think so. I don't feel anxiety or any kind of distress when I am in a situation where I can not use my e-cig. Have I actually tried to go all day without my e-cig? No. So I guess it is possible I could be addicted to them but I figure there are worse things to be addicted to. Vaping has actually turned into a hobby. I enjoy using different tanks and mods and RBAs. I make my own juice but don't use a lot of the pyrazine additives so I can't really give an opinion as to whether or not they are addictive.
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Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Ecigs mimic the HABIT of smoking. That is why they work.

I cannot, for the life of me, sit still and not have something to do with my hands. How do people do that?!?! I know I must have been able to when I was young...or maybe not. Fidgety kids anyone? LOL

Vaping zero nic addresses that Habit that we formed from years of smoking. If I wasn't smoking, I was eating or getting antsy and ready to have that next cigarette. The only time that I remember, as a smoker, of being able to not have a cigarette for any length of time was when my hands and mind were busy on other things. Puzzles, computer games etc.

As a vaper, I can go long periods of time just reading a book and not vaping. If my PV is not next to me while I'm reading it doesn't bother me not having it right there. And this is with 5mg nic. I don't think I ever crave the nic, it is just a side benefit. I do use ecigs as my boredom companion.

And this post just created a deja-vu moment for me :blink:
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