how to make the juice "smoother" without lowering nicotine level?

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 13, 2012
Batavia, IL
I made a DIY juice at 24mg nicotine and it tasted quite harsh on the throat. I've eliminated hardware issues so it must be the nicotine. It gave a "hot peppery" sensation to the throat that lingers after a vape. Interestingly, once I add some menthol, the harshness is gone and it goes down smooth. What are some other ways to alleviate the harshness without lowering the nicotine concentration? I've heard that certain tobacco flavors can also help. I'm not sure why though. BTW, maybe the nicotine I got is of poor quality? I've tried 24 mg juice from pro venders and it never gave me this problem. Thanks


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 13, 2012
Batavia, IL
I've noticed that certain flavors will be very smooth with 24mg of Nicotine others very harsh the problem is you'll have to find out which ones.

Hangsen RY1 one drop per ml is very smooth even at 24mg.

It's good to know there are others out there who feel the same. Is Hangsen RY1 some sort of DIY flavor made by Hangsen? Do you use Hangsen's nicotine as well?


Multiple ID Suspension
ECF Veteran
Oct 25, 2012
right here
I have used 2 different kinds of unflavored nicotine in my DIY adventures so far. Wizard labs nicotine to me gave a very peppery bite to my juices while the unflavored nicotine at RTS is very smooth with very little to no peppery bite to it. Changing my PG/VG ratios using wizard labs nicotine helped a bit. More VG in juices give less throat hit, more vapor and diminishes flavor as well. Adding a little bit of Em (Ethyl Maltol) also helps with the bite of some juices as well without adding too much sweetness to your juices, it also helps if your juices are "dry" feeling giving a "moister" feeling vape. I have also noticed some flavors have a bite to them if you add too much flavor to your liquid. TFA green apple kills my throat and chest if I go over 10% flavor in my juices.
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