How old are you, and why did you start vaping?

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Jul 12, 2013
I am 39, I started smoking at the age of 16. I really wanted to be smoke free, and weigh less by the time I hit 40, so...I bought a blu disposable, over three weeks ago, and have not looked back.. I now use rechargable ciggalike with my fave flavors, Cinnamon and I swap it out with Gold tobacco flavor. I still love the tobacco taste :) Just dont like the stink of the smoke or how it made me feel anymore. vaping is WAY better!
23 years old now, started smoking at 18. tried to quit cold turkey once before, made it to about 2-1/2 months before i said "screw it" and started back. creature of habit, so when i tried to quit, instead of my hand-to-mouth being smoking, it became eating. then there was the habit i had of smoking a lot whenever i would drink, so fighting that was hard.

started vaping about 2 weeks ago, originally because of the cost-effectiveness compared to buying cigarettes all the time. the variety of flavors and the versatility of where i could "smoke" was a bonus. now im actually interested in completely quitting smoking after noticing changes in how i feel since not having had a smoke in a week and a half. still love my tobacco flavors, but now i can get them in a safer way.


Vaping Master
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Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I'm old enough that I don't remember if I replied on this thread already. ;) started at eleven and smoked for 58 years... last few 2PAD... so that makes me 69. Never really interested in ecig because they couldn't possibly be like a "real" smoke. Stepson visited with his cigalike and I tried it.. the cough/gag/choke proved me wrong.. it was reminiscent of my first smoke at 11. I guess I thought they would be anemic in comparison.. wrong. Came here after googling. Happy vaper now.


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Jul 9, 2013
Boise, Idaho, United States
I started stealing my mom's cigarettes at 14 (21 years ago!) - started buying my own at 16 when my friend's sister was 18 (I was always too chicken to try to get them myself). Fluctuated between a half and a whole PAD. Hubby was never a fan of my smoking, but never made a big deal about it, only when we were at a bar and I'd go outside every 15 minutes. LOL

He persuaded me to try vaping 3 weeks ago, and I haven't looked back! Tried a few analogs the first week, decided they tasted like poo, and got rid of them.

Dave L

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Mar 8, 2013
Modesto, CA, USA
I'm 62. Smoked PAD+ for more than 40 years, started smoking at age 10. Yes, 10. My main motive was to save money. Although the original costs were a couple hundred a month til we got our equipment and juice needs worked out, it was still less than we'd been spending on analogs. Now we spend around $30 a month. Mission accomplished.


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May 5, 2013
Oldest son called and said he was sending me a package. It arrived, Lavatube, 2 batteries, drip atomizer and tip. Also a bottle of 24mg juice. I didn't know what to do with it until he called and said to screw it all together, drip in the juice and push the button 5 times. That was in the middle of March and I haven't had an analog since. Had been 1 PAD for 40 years, 62 now and expecting many more years analog free. Thanks Son


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Jul 12, 2013
Carlsbad, CA
61 and smoked from age 14 up until May of this year, when I had two molars extracted in preparatilon for dental implants. Tried to light up literally before the bleeding stopped from the oral surgery, and it felt like someone was driving a railroad spike into my head. A good disincentive to smoking ...

Got an NJOY the next day, but realized by that evening I was not a Rockefeller, and started researching e-cigs. Found tons of priceless data right here on ECF as a lurker before joining ...

My oral surgeon tells me that my chances of successful implants have increased considerably without the analogs, and protecting that investment is another good incentive to pursue vaping. He is well-versed on PVs, and interested to make the comparison between my implants and those of other patients who continue to smoke. This guy is well known in oral surgery circles, and will probably publish his findings ...


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Jun 4, 2013
East Central Alabama
Will be 57 in about 3 weeks. Started at 19 when I joined the Army. Back in the days when smoking was actually encouraged. Was a 2pad smoker when I quit in 97. had a heart attack 1month to the day I quit smoking. Started again in Dec 06 after almost losing my son. Smoked about 5-10 a day until May 28. Had tried NJoy kings and the Blu's and found them lacking. Found ECF and a mess of research later bought a 900mah Winder, Vivi Nova & some juice. Have not had a stinkie since. Now I'm up to a Vamo v2 w/ Evods, a ProTank & UDCT carto tank. A mech mod may be in my immediate future as well as dripping.

VAPE ON !!!!:vapor:


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Jul 10, 2013
Bay Area, CA
I'm 32 and I've been smoking since I was 16 :facepalm: I honestly love the look of smoke and huge clouds, but was starting to hate how analogs made me smell and feel. It got worse when i was laid off & found out my last girlfriend was cheating on me...I don't think I've ever smoked that much in my life! Luckily I found vaping and can enjoy my clouds without all the bad stuff. Also, found a new job and good gal so all is well. This was a while back and I wish I knew about vaping then. Oh we'll better late than never.


Ursus Praedonum
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Jul 5, 2013
The Vobbit Hole
I loved to smoke. I never wanted to quit, honestly. I'd make half-hearted efforts now and again to appease mom, girlfriend, whatever, but never worked because I never really wanted it to. I had my first smoke at 12, I'm now 39. Was diagnosed with a heart problem a couple years ago, and apparently heart disease runs in the family anyway. Between the cardiologist and my mother, I was finally convinced that I had to do something to give up cigarettes. I tried the gum, the patch, skipped the pills (have you seen the list of side effects on those things? yikes), and to my amazement I finally found something that I enjoyed MORE than smoking. Seriously, how often did you used to visit forums about smoking cigarettes? I haven't had a smoke since my eGo kit arrived about a month and a half ago.
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Jul 8, 2013
Red Boiling Springs,TN
I'm 42 and started smoking when I was 17.I started off a PAD smoker and through the years tried to quit several times.Each time I failed it seemed like I smoked more than I did before.For the last 5 years or so I was a 3 PAD smoker....yes 3.(hangs head in shame)Well I finally got sick and tired of not being able to breath and wheezing when trying to sleep and waking up hacking up a lung.I also got tired of buying 3 PAD.I bought my first vaporizer about 2 years ago,an eGo-T,and it worked for a little while till they started leaking all over the place and that turned me off and I went back to smoking.I decided to give it another go about a month ago and found this place and just started reading,found the gear I wanted to start with(again) and went for it.No turning back now and no more leaky mess.
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