How many puffs is equal to a cigarette

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Vaping Master
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Apr 9, 2013
Houston, TX
You make several excellent points. As for disclosing my personal reasons or situation is nobody's business. I am not the only person asking these questions about the vaps. Many professionals who smoke like me are asking the same questions about them and are they a better alternative to smoking regular cigarettes.

They are also wanting more information concerning them since so many teens now have access to them.

I thought this was the place to get educated feedback on this topic from those using ecigs.

I guess I was wrong it seems to be a social meet up group of people who vap and do not have legitimate concerns about the long term health affects or what plans are in place to regulate this new industry better.

I was mistaken when I assumed this was the case on this website.

Look you are asking how many puffs on an ecig = 1 cigarette. The problem with answering that is there are too many variables. How long of a puff, what inhalation type (mouth to lung or direct lung), what strength of liquid, what type of coil and how many coils, wicking, watts used, was it salts or base eliquid, airflow, how long the puff was held in before releasing, was it exhaled via mouth or nose, individual absorption rates...ALL of these factors will CHANGE the answer and many of them will change the answer significantly. None of that even takes into account that there are nearly as many variables on the cigarette side. Such as, type and brand of cigarette you are comparing to, puff length, how long the puff is held, are you chain puffing or puff...wait...puff (letting a lot of it burn away unsmoked), individual absorption rates, etc.

So as others have said, you would have to define ALL of those factors to compare one specific set of vaping factors to one specific set of smoking factors. Even then the only real way to get the exact correlation would be for YOU to let all nicotine to fade from your blood stream, smoke 1 cigarette in your normal style and speed, measure your blood nicotine levels (BNL), let it fade again, then vape a few puffs with your SPECIFIC setup and measure BNL and repeat until the BNL from vaping matches the BNL from smoking and total up the puffs. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.

Finally nicotine is non-carcinogenic and is considered "Generally Regarded as Safe" for long term use by the FDA. It has also been linked to PREVENTING Alzheimer's disease and other age related dementias. So really even if you are getting a bit more nicotine than smoking, it is not necessarily a bad thing. The important thing is that with vaping you are NOT getting the tar, the carbon monoxide, and all the other carcinogens that are found in cigarettes smoke. As always though it is 100% YOUR decision. As for me, I think I am going to keep vaping to reduce my risks of cancer AND Alzheimer's.


Vaping Master
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Aug 30, 2017
Metro ATL
This thread is like a new skier on a ski slope.. going downhill fast.
Going? It's already there. In fact, it's hit


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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Some people really need to learn not to hit the Post Reply button.
If you can't help an OP with his questions, move on to another thread - stop the snotty and snide comments.
You all know better. We don't treat people that way here.
Thank you.


Citrus Junkie
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Apr 2, 2017
West Frankfort, IL
I smoke on an average a half a pack a day. I get the 100's. I like how it helps me take that time to just get away from the work I do. Many of my friends now have health issues related to smoking, but they have been smoking longer than me. They too struggle with the patches and the gum. I am not the only person asking this question. I am just confused why no one has definitive information on this topic and yet, they were able to regulate nicotine intake on the patch and gum?

I feel this is the issue many parents also have. I would rather my kids vap, but I would like to know there is better information telling us how much nicotine we are actually taking in with each puff. The goal is to maintain or decrease and not get further addicted to the substance.
There is no such thing as further addicted, you are or you aren't.

Walter Ladd

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Nov 8, 2010
I don't think anyone can give you definite numbers. All you can do is set your mg level as close as you can to what you are used getting from cigarettes and go from there. At first you may find that you are vaping a lot more than you had been smoking. That is because you are trading the countless other chemicals in cigarette smoke that have a physical affect on you for the single solitary effect of nicotine. Keep in mind that with a cigarette you are getting a larger concentrated dose because you light a cigarette and smoke the whole thing in one go. With vaping you take a pull or two and put it down, come back to it and take another pull of two and so on.

Once your system (and your behavior) adjusts you will find your comfort level you will also find that you are vaping less than you were smoking. I can see how this process might give the impression that vaping is more addictive that cigarettes. It was commented on to me by family and friends that I couldn't put the vape down and wouldn't it be better to smoke. But it's only an adjustment. Trying the duplicate the jag you get from a host of chemicals with just the one. Hope that helps.
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Senior Member
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Nov 15, 2010
Thank you again for the great information. It sounds like if I take 14 puffs of 12mg ejuice each hour that is equal to one cigarette?

I looked on the package of the vap I bought and it does not tell me the mg of nicotine in the container?
Is there a special place to look on the packages?

When I asked the clerk I thought her answer was more for lemmings.

The other concern is people are talking about "popcorn" lung. What is that and would I be better off smoking regular cigarettes? I looked this up and I am not sure if this is related to vapping.

I am assuming this is directed at me. If you want to get technical. You can get a syringe and measure 1ml. Put that into your device and vape that. I can't answer the "14 puffs" thing. Some puffs are longer than others. Some have also mentioned different wattages. More power will go through more juice.

Popcorn lung was caused by people working in a factory that used diacetyl. They inhaled large quantities of it and it caused popcorn lung. Diacetyl was in some e-juices. Now, this has been brought to our awareness, e-juice companies don't use it anymore. They use a similar molecule for the same flavoring. I don't know what the effects are. But it produces a buttery/custard flavor. If you're concerned, stay away from those flavors.
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