How friendly is your place of work to vaping?

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Sep 10, 2012
San Francisco
I mostly don't in the office, but every once in a while I will take a puff and hold it in until most of the vapor is gone. That's using the volt, though, and I can vape fairly vapor-free with the volt that way.

With the Twist, tho, I seem to always end up with huge clouds of vapor no matter what I do.

For those who stealthy vape the Ego's - how do you do it? Even in a bathroom, I"m all paranoid about plumes of smoke coming from behind a bathroom stall door...does that happen?
Well, today I told my boss I quit smoking and showed her my PV, saying I didn't want her to see it laying on my desk and think I'd taken up crack or something LOL. She asked me what it was, wanted me to demonstrate, so I did, but I said, "I can't really do it in the office." She asked "Why not?" I said, "Because there is a smoke-free policy." She said, "Well, maybe you should fill one up with 0 nicotine and just use that one once in awhile, it might help." Ha, so I'm thinking I might toss a bottle of 0 nic in my bag and if anyone asks what's in my PV... I did tell her I sneak a few puffs now and then, though.

Seriously, though, I was a little surprised at her reaction (she's a doctor), but once I started telling her about the flavors I have, she asked how many calories they are...I told her I didn't think there were any since I'm not swallowing it. She laughed and said maybe she should get one to help her cut down on snacking;)

Truthfully, I do sneak a vape now and then, but I find myself still going outside to where the other smokers go anyway - just to get out of the office, plus it's nice to blow out a good bit of vapor without worrying about offending someone. Another up side to going out is that there are only four other smokers in our building, and every one of them has now asked me to send them info on vaping.

EDIT: By the way...if/when I finally cut myself down to 0 nic, I totally see myself continuing to vape...what happens with the smoke-free (or tobacco-free) policies then? I hadn't really thought of that angle before. Technically, without the nicotine, could you even call it an e-cig anymore??
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2012
Technically, without the nicotine, could you even call it an e-cig anymore??

ooohhh...I had not thought of that either. Though from the HR stand point, it creates a nightmare.

the business cant say "no nicotine" and allow 0 nic vaping because that would infringe on those who use nicotine gum or patches (neither are banned in most US work places).

but if they allow 0 nic vaping - how are they going to regulate whether or not you are using nicotine? I am not even sure if legally they can ban nicotine. but either way the presence of vapor makes people think of smoke and so the knee jerk reaction is just to ban it altogether.

Good for you for having the courage to discuss it with your boss. keep your vaping unoffensive and one day we might have enough work place backers to help "the cause".

Phil McRotch

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Nov 2, 2010
Carson, CA
I mostly don't in the office, but every once in a while I will take a puff and hold it in until most of the vapor is gone. That's using the volt, though, and I can vape fairly vapor-free with the volt that way.

With the Twist, tho, I seem to always end up with huge clouds of vapor no matter what I do.

For those who stealthy vape the Ego's - how do you do it? Even in a bathroom, I"m all paranoid about plumes of smoke coming from behind a bathroom stall door...does that happen?

Plumes of non-analog vapor behind a bathroom stall is very inconspicuous. Lol.

As a Twist user, and a former user of non-analog vapor plumage, hold it in, inhale some more, hold it in...exhale slowly. Vapor should be diminished to damn near nothing.

EDIT: My profile pic is not an example of that.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
ooohhh...I had not thought of that either. Though from the HR stand point, it creates a nightmare.

the business cant say "no nicotine" and allow 0 nic vaping because that would infringe on those who use nicotine gum or patches (neither are banned in most US work places).

but if they allow 0 nic vaping - how are they going to regulate whether or not you are using nicotine? I am not even sure if legally they can ban nicotine. but either way the presence of vapor makes people think of smoke and so the knee jerk reaction is just to ban it altogether.

Good for you for having the courage to discuss it with your boss. keep your vaping unoffensive and one day we might have enough work place backers to help "the cause".

nicotine is present in other plants besides tobacco as well as foods and even in the human body in low doses so banning it might prove difficult. everyone is fired.


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
I'm an inside salesman at an oilfield parts warehouse and they could care less if I vape at my desk or in front of customers. I've got 9 of my my coworkers using Smoov starter kits and they all have them hanging from their mouths as they pull orders. Ultimately my manager is smart enough to realize that less smoke breaks and healthier employees means more productivity.

I've yet to have a negative reaction from anyone and have actually gotten a few of the customers interested in giving it a go. I carry a spare carto and drip tip on me most of the time in case anyone wants to give it ago. I've been handing out more vape vendor business cards than my own.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2012
Well, today I told my boss I quit smoking and showed her my PV, saying I didn't want her to see it laying on my desk and think I'd taken up crack or something LOL.

That made me laugh. Whenever I'm outside with the smoking crew (90% of the office) everyone of them stares at me like I'm either smoking a crack pipe or I'm about to do a magic trick because my joye 510 with a white cart looks like a wand.
One boss told me "you better not try smoking that at your desk" and I found out the other one vapes too when around clients to curb the smoke smell. So I'll use that to my advantage to have an office to vape in and get in a little a** kissing time in as well!!

Also if I want a puff, a bathroom break kills two birds with one stone and no one ever knows.


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Aug 30, 2012
I own a RV Park so all I want,smiles and most of the time working outside. But still I will not walk in a motor home or rv that I do not own without asking first.But were I live in Alabama near the Gulf of Mexico in the 2 months of vaping or before I have never seen another vaper,strange so most people do not know what it is or ask only if they know me is that a c_ _ _k pipe,funny.


Full Member
Sep 10, 2012
Birmingham, England
I work in a retail convenience store, we can vape pretty much anywhere except shop floor. Just yesterday i was working in our warehouse and vaping at the same time lol. Shop floor however is a no no as you would expect. There's three of us that vape, sometimes we hardly see each other but when we wouldnwe sit down discuss flavours and things. They both have tornado t from totallywicked and have i have the liberro realis and a riva 510 from vapescape.

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