How did you get to zero?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2011
Buffalo, NY
There has to be a few of ya around here who managed to reduce your nic level to 0mg. So, how did you do it? Did you have a plan? Did it just happen? Did some of you increase your nic level instead?

In the end, my goal is to get to zero, but I'm so attached to the act of smoking, I doubt I'll ever stop vaping. Which is fine by me. I'm just happy to be free of the Marb demon. I was just wondering how many people actually accomplished getting down to nothing on the nicotine.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2011
Dat Way →
I started out higher, before I found V4L I used some juice from a smoke shop here for a month. Then found V4L. What I didn't realize was that the juice I got from the other guy wasn't nearly as good. And what I thought was a "high" nic from him equaled what the 18 from V4L is. But the quality of V4L's juice was so much better that I found the 18 was even strong for me. So I went down to 11. Don't drop down levels too quickly. For me that was the key anyway. Each month I've been able to drop down some. It takes me that long not to have the powerful nic urges. I keep some of the 11 & 8 still for really bad days, but am now able to use the 4 & 0 nic. I guess in all my babbling the useful statement is...Don't make yourself try to cut down the nicotine too quickly if you wanna be a success at it. Take it slow & you'll get there. A friend of mine uses the high nic juices and when he says, hey try this flavor...I forget what he uses, take a drag and almost die..LOL, LOL. I'm so close to using 0's now all the time...I don't plan on quitting vaping either. I love this stuff !!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2011
Buffalo, NY
jm, I dropped from 18 to 9mg a month ago, and the drop was pretty easy. I just mixed 0mg juice with my old 18mg, so I didn't waste anything. Before that, I'd tried dropping from 18 to 0mg overnight, and I found that too hard. I think my next move will be to 4mg, maybe in a year. No hurry here. Good luck.

I thought about how I could maybe mix different strength juices down the line, but I didn't know if this would actually reduce the level or not. Since I'm a veteran with NRT's I figured I'd handle this the same way. No drastic changes at the moment. I'm just gonna keep on vaping as if I was still smoking analogs for the next couple of months, then I'll drop to the next level. The cool thing is, there's more gradual steps with vaping. From 18 to 11 to 8 to 4 . . . I still remember my last step of Nicorette, lasted about a week before I was back to the store buying cigarettes. Just one, just one, just one . . . ahhh screw it.


Ultra Member
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Feb 19, 2011
Wilmette, IL
My advice, try a lower nicotine level and see if it works...but, like jeffree said, mix a lower nicotine content juice with your higher content to blend your own nicotine level :) Waste not, want not :p

Use your very favorite vape and buy a 0mg of it and combine to step down your nicotine in small steps. You'll have to do some math but nothing like rocket science :) Ask your pharmacist for a small fluid bottle and a pediatric oral syringe and you'll have no expense...or minimal if they charge you for the items...which I doubt they will. So, do the math for the amount of nicotine you want, mix it in your bottle (no washing required), stir with a swizzle stick and dispense with the syringe. Don't make a HUGE batch...leave room to keep adding 0mg juice to it as you step down :)

If I confused you (all too entirely possible), PM me for more detailed instructions :)


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I started vaping the 1st of Feb. this year. I started at 24, took a jump up to 36 for a couple of weeks and then dropped back to 24.
I'm now at 12 or so with 8 being my evening strength. I keep some of the 24 around for those urges that hit and for traveling. It's nice to take a hit or 3 on some 24 when your in the airport or even on a plane and have the nic urge stopped in it's tracks.
Each time I take a step down on the nic level I find I vape much more for a few days so I'm pretty sure the actual intake is the same and then it levels down.
I don't plan on stopping all together but I do plan on being down to 4 or 6 by summer and maybe 0 by next winter, with a back up stash of higher value nic just in case.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2011
Las Vegas
My doctor wants me to get to zero (degenerative joint disease and HBP, or even he said he wouldn't care), but I am a long way off...I usually do 24 first thing in the morning and after meals, 18 at work, 11 in the evening and 8 about an hour or so before bed. I think I am going to try to drop all of them down one level next month. I wanna get 2 months analog free first....

I feel your pain on that last patch I could always do SO WELL until that point. I am happy that now, if I drop my nic levels too fast, I can just grab my stronger juice for a bit. Feeling in control is sooooo awesome.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
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Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I started at 18..and about keeled over. I went to 11mg where I am today. I sometimes get down to 8 or 4 by cutting my 11mg with 0nic. If V4L is out of 11mg I buy lower and mix with my 11 to tell the truth I don't have a clue where I am! I do like 0 nic at night.
But then again I don't vape until 2 or 3 pm. If I am at the V.A. with hubby I can go all day without vaping.
For me it's hand to mouth, not nic.
I am almost to the quit everything place..but not quite yet.

Good luck Bobby!
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