Hot Summer Juice

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Doing some pre-Spring cleaning this weekend, I came across a neglected bottle of 5/9/11 BWB Dulce de Leche at 12 mg. This used to be one of my favorite flavors and I was surprised at the color. In my regular stash I have two other bottles of 7/25/11 BWB Dulce at 12mg for which I had lost interest. See the photo below and note the color difference by date.


Guess what the 5/9 lighter version tastes as fantastic as I remember it. The 7/25 versions are much muted and are very, very dark and no longer translucent. All three bottles have been stored in the dark in the same temperature controlled area of my house.

DId the vendor change something? I doubt it. Don at BWB has been a very consistent juice mixer in the year I have used his juice. I remember liking the 7/25 bottles when they arrived and they weren't tar colored. By September they were dark and I stopped vaping them. The difference is the 7/25 were shipped to Phoenix, Arizona in the height of summer heat and most likely baked in shipment. I have a Root Beer from the same shipment that is just as dark and muddy flavored, but no other version to photograph for contrast.

So as a veteran ECF vaper, I would like to warn new vapers that summer is coming and if you can afford it stock up early. If you can't don't stock up in the summer heat-get small bottles you will use up fast. Even if the vendor does everything right delivering your juice to an air conditioned post office or is located in Canada, anywhere along the line it can sit on the tarmac, a hot truck, or as probably in my case an extremely hot mail box outside. Also, as the temperature approaches 80 degrees emergency juice supplies in your car should probably be removed, especially if you live in the south. If you are buying juice in the classified, beware of summer vintage juices.

Next order I am going to reorder some Dulce because the 5/9 version is fantastic. Maybe I'll give Root Beer another shot at well now that I know my current bottle is spoiled because I used to really, really like it.

Just thought I'd share.
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