Hookah Eliquid

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Jan 2, 2010
I was a big fan of starbuzz back when I use to smoke hookah. My fave was code 69 and blue mist. If they released a line of bottled ejuice I would deffinanttly order right away. :)

I would love to find a vendor that sells the resemblance taste of hookah's so far none matches anything near like starbuzz disposable ecig ones that are sold. I hope to find one one day.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD
Heather's Heavenly Vapes has a hookah flavor. Trying to remember the name... but the picture is a big purple hookah, can't miss it.

They call it "Jiggy".

Jiggy (Purity) - $6.00 : Heathers Heavenly Vapes, Top Quality Custom E-Liquids

It's one of their house-extracted tobacco flavors and is part of their "Purity" line, which means the flavoring ingredients are all PG free, and you can get it in 100% VG if you want.

As someone who used to LOVE hookah, I got some to see what it was like. My favorite hookah shishas were Peach and Jasmine tobaccos (traditional, middle-eastern ones, not the trendy brands from the US). "Jiggy" is neither. It's good--don't get me wrong. But juices that I can't clearly identify sort of bother the OCD part of my brain... ;-)

It's a sort of mixed fruit with some floral notes (but it is in NO WAY perfume-like). There is a very subtle undertone of smooth sweet tobacco flavor underneath the fruit flavors.

It's an interesting flavor--hard to identify and it doesn't taste like any one fruit--more like a fruit punch sort of thing. It is slightly sweet, a little tart, has a faint minty flavor (but not methol, unless you ask for that). And like all of HHV's "Purity" line, it produces TONS of vpor if you get it in high-VG blends.

I ordered mine in 18mg, 20PG/80VG. It has a very sooth throat-hit, an easy-to-vape (but hard to peg down) flavor, and produces prodigious amounts of vapor.

It's definitely NOT Starrbuzz-like though. I always found Starbuzz shishas to have an artificial, chemical taste to them, like the flavors you get from over-flavored DIY juices. "Jiggy" is much smoother, tastes much more "natural" and has a clean, bright, complex flavor profile. (then again, it IS a vape, not smoking real tobacco...)

And unlike Starbuzz, it won't make your throat feel like it was reamed with brillo pads the next morning... ;-)
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD
Any vendor that tries to make an association between e-cigs and a hookah I would stay far, far away from.

I assume you are making the mistake of believing that hookah = contraband. This is a very uninformed mindset, and is, in fact bordering on cultural bigotry and racism...

The VAST majority of hookah smokers in the world ONLY smoke flavored tobacco in their hookahs--even here in the US. I own two hookahs and the ONLY thing that has ever been in either one of them is hookah shisha (sweet, flavored tobacco). I wouldn't even consider putting something illegal in my hookahs when I was a smoker.

Grow up dude. The movie "...... Madness" was not a documentary...
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