honest opinion on JC Original PG blend (johnson's creek)

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Full Member
Mar 17, 2011
so i have recently started vaping instead of analogs, very impressed so far.. wasted alot of money on cheap E09 type battery starter kits in various local smoke shops because i just didnt want to order anything online... after some research and realization that i would not find a nice Joye 510 in a local smoke shop, i ordered online and so far its doing pretty ok! i have used alot of the local smoke shop VG liquid from a place called NLA never light again or something, always got the tobacco 24mg 100% VG and it gets tons of vapor but to be quite honest theres just no throat hit or nicotine feeling really that lingers after some of the PG i have had in a disposable type ecig from squaresmoke. i decided to try some "high quality" e juice that looked fancy called johnson's creek, heard alot about how they used to be so great then changed recipe and now they arent good but i ordered anyways because i wanted a quality PG, not from china. i have to be honest, the taste of this JC original is not great, and the vapor wasnt as much as the VG, the first few hits had me question if it was really supposed to be like that.. but the kicker is, the throat hit, and nicotine content/feeling is great. its so much greater in that department than the local VG that the taste has somewhat grown on me and i seem to crave the once gross tasting JC original PG.. i mean i dont really need lots of vapor cloud to know i got my nicotine fix, i like to FEEL it.. am i right? anyone else agree with me or am i crazy and should find some other ejuice? any suggestions? thanks guys i appreciate it.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
I think most of us don't stick with just one vendor, but find instead that certain vendors are better at certain flavors... like you might buy from vendor "A" to get your tobacco flavors, vendor "B" for your candy/dessert flavors, vendor "C" for menthol, etc.. etc.. etc..

It takes a lot of experimenting and buying to choose your favorites, I don't like to recommend any juice or juice vendors because I haven't put in that time or money yet so my experience is limited to just a few (and I ended up only really enjoying two or three of the many flavors I've tried, but tolerated all of them enough to stay away from cigs).



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2011
bump, no replies?

I have been doing some DIY testing the past couple of days, and found that the general consensus that PG = more throat hit is BS. I made a batch of zero nic, 92% PG, 8% flavor and there is absolutely NO throat hit at all. Add some nicotine, and now you start getting throat hit. At 16mg of nic the throat hit is unbearable, as well as a major nic buzz. The vapor is short lived, if you draw into you mouth and quickly exhale you see the vapor, but if left for a second or two in your system you will get nothing, because your body has absorbed all the vapor. This is an important point for the next question, what about VG? Everyone knows that VG produces copious amounts of long lasting vapor. That's a good thing , or is it? If you're trying to get nic into your system, it's a bad thing. All that vapor you exhaled contains nic that never got absorbed, a big waste of nic. That's also the reason that VG gives you less "throat hit". The people that vape 36mg of nic are using high VG mixes, if it was 100% PG, they would probably pass out. Long story short: PG is a more efficient carrier of nic to your system than VG.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
I have been doing some DIY testing the past couple of days, and found that the general consensus that PG = more throat hit is BS. I made a batch of zero nic, 92% PG, 8% flavor and there is absolutely NO throat hit at all. Add some nicotine, and now you start getting throat hit. At 16mg of nic the throat hit is unbearable, as well as a major nic buzz. The vapor is short lived, if you draw into you mouth and quickly exhale you see the vapor, but if left for a second or two in your system you will get nothing, because your body has absorbed all the vapor. This is an important point for the next question, what about VG? Everyone knows that VG produces copious amounts of long lasting vapor. That's a good thing , or is it? If you're trying to get nic into your system, it's a bad thing. All that vapor you exhaled contains nic that never got absorbed, a big waste of nic. That's also the reason that VG gives you less "throat hit". The people that vape 36mg of nic are using high VG mixes, if it was 100% PG, they would probably pass out. Long story short: PG is a more efficient carrier of nic to your system than VG.

PG vs VG does make a difference if you are vaping juices with nicotine in them, though, because PG allows the harshness of the nicotine to come through while VG mutes it.

also, I do vape 36mg 100% PG juices... But I like big TH.


Full Member
Mar 17, 2011
i also want to mention, something i noticed in the passed several hours of vaping on and off, my 510 atty's are staying much cooler with this 100% PG 24mg, because when i was using 100% VG 24mg the 510 atty's got so hot i had to stop vaping them before i got my "nic fix" out of fear of burning them out. i am definately a PG guy, i like the nic buzz to come quick in a few puffs then im done with it.. the VG is fun to puff clouds of vape and blow O's and such but no fun if you're trying to get a buzz going quick (good for quick breaks at work and less attention grabbing i.e. can do it in a movie theater with PG, minimal vapor so people wont see much and youre getting a nice buzz at the same time)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2011
PG vs VG does make a difference if you are vaping juices with nicotine in them, though, because PG allows the harshness of the nicotine to come through while VG mutes it.

Yes, that's what I said.

also, I do vape 36mg 100% PG juices... But I like big TH.

Gawd, I must be a wimp. I can't handle really hot chili either.

Rosa, your sig, did you just hit your 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY??? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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