Higher Blood Pressure?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 1, 2009
I'm sure there's a thread in here somewhere, forgive me I can't find one...

Just one of the myriad reasons I started e-cigging it 4 months ago was concern over slightly high blood pressure the last couple years, always had low blood pressure my whole life...I am now 54, female, yes, sortof going through menopause as well... :oops: I don't drink alcohol/use drugs (recovering 16 years).

Not enough for meds, the numbers, but to be watched the Dr. said. Just in case, the Dr. put me on a mild beta blocker (I smoked then and HBP ran in my family as do strokes)...the beta blocker had too strong of side effects so I went off and picked up e-ciggs hoping to improve my health. Yay! Straight out of the box and I never went back! :D

So today, (4 months no analogs) the Dr. was thrilled I'd quit but still concerned over that dang BP, actually a bit HIGHER and I was so disappointed...he wants me to try an ACE inhibitor low level and me monitor at home for awhile...I HATE pharmaceuticals! 8-o Hate side effects!

I LOVE MY vaping! What the heck? I read mixed reviews on nicotine affecting blood pressure, stimulant in low dose, depressant in high dose...
Maybe, maybe not...what's your experience? :confused:

I thought recently I may even up my mg dosage as I have felt a bit more anxious (currently 24mg) and am vaping pretty much constantly, especially at night...now I'm AFRAID to do that!

Any experience? Thanks ~Kimberleigh


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
SF Bay Area
I have been vaping for about 3 weeks and have been off analoges for about 2 weeks. I have checked my BP a few times over the past few days and it has gone up about 20 on the high number and about 10 on the low number. I have also noticed some swelling in 1 ankle and foot. I am curious if the 24mg nic I am vaping is causing this? I do seem to vape more than I smoked.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 11, 2010
Tacoma, Washington
I'm sure dehydration is a big part of it but if your vaping more then you smoked you may try going down one level on your MG's and check your BP in a week. If its down there's the problem, If it goes up there you go move to a higher MG. If that doesn't have an effect you could try switching from PG Liquid to VG liquid. Really hope that helps, its all I could think of. And remember to go with the simplest liquid, ones that contain just three chemicals if possible (PGorVG, Nicotine, and flavor).


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ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2009
Before I started vaping my BP was 230/110 and my heart rate was running in the 150's, and that was on some very strong meds. I started vaping in April 2009 and my numbers went down immediately. Chest pains stopped, had to lower my meds. I was so happy. Right now I'm having some problems but they aren't related to the ecig at all. In fact all of my doctors, all five of them, want me to keep vaping but say I should get the nic level down to around 12mg which I'm working on.

Oh yeah, beta blockers can cause edema. I have it somewhat in my fingers, wrists, feet and ankles. I take HCTZ and it pretty much takes care of it.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2009
Texas Coast
I love this post and I'll tell you why.. :)

My blood pressure normally veers toward the low end (90/60) but when I went to the doctor last week it was 140/70. I told him I'd quit smoking analogs and gave him the info on e-cigs. I was concerned about my BP but Doc said to not fret. He was seriously digging my e-cig.

But, I'm a born fretter. If there was a Fretter Olympics I'd have a wall full of gold medals. :)

So, I called my pal who has high blood pressure and thanks to her e-cigs, has almost quit smoking analogs. She checks her BP daily and yep, it's up.

"I take BP meds; I'm barely smoking. What's worse?"

Good question. She also told me a mutual friend with high blood pressure was told by her doctor to not use e-cigs because they were raising her blood pressure. Perhaps the key here is how high her blood pressure is. I don't know.

Which brings me back to my pal's rhetorical question.. what's worse?

Me? I'm not changing a thing.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2009
Texas Coast
I wonder if an elevated BP when you first switch to vaping could be from detoxing from all the other crap that is in a cigarette. We really don't know what all is in them so who's to say that detoxing is not causing more stress to your body. Withdrawal from anything is rough and will take a temporary toll on you.

Good point. I can't count how many stories I've heard over the years of people who quit smoking and wound up with a myriad of serious medical issues.

Could it be the tar and crap holding some of us together? ;)


Full Member
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2009
Texas Coast
That's what scared me off analogs once and (hopefully) for all. We don't really know what's in them. My great-grandmother would sit on the porch in the evenings and roll herself up a cigarette or light up a pipe and relax. Back then, that was the norm, no one smoked all their waking hours. Vintage smoking accessories indicate smoking was a treat.. not unlike an after-dinner drink.

It wasn't until the early/mid 20th Century that smoking consistently was popular. Funny, that's when factory-rolled cigarettes came into fashion.
Nicotine does cause higher blood pressure. It's a vasoconstrictor. The reason for increases or decreases as a result of vaping is because of the differences in the amount of nicotine you are absorbing. If you are vaping 24mg juice a couple times a day, but were a light smoker before you started vaping, you are getting more nicotine. BP increases. If you smoked 3 packs a day and then vape 11 or 16 mg juice a couple times a day, you are getting less. BP decreases.

However, high blood pressure isn't just related to nicotine. Foods, physical activity, dehydration, over weight, obesity, medications, and any number of other medical conditions all play a factor in blood pressure.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 1, 2009
Input on this thread is interesting and I like hearing other's views...

I wonder if (so does my Dr.) if other chemicals, specifically the MAOI effect in cigarettes were a factor in readings through the years of smoking...now getting nicotine alone with nothing to combat the vasoconstriction sends the numbers up. Perhaps long term smoking did some structural damage to arteries that is now exposed, perhaps the smoking kept the BP down...perhaps dehydration plays the biggest part... Hmmm...

I do have increased anxiety (I postively call it more energy!) and though I believe I have settled on the nic mg amount that has kept me from going back to analogs, I look at my drive to vape so much with question sometimes. I certainly ENJOY it more, look forward to trying the different flavors...the journey through various PV's to find my "go-to" device though expensive, has been fun as well. I FEEL so much better, my lungs and sinuses are completely clear, I KNOW I'm not getting all the other carcinogenic compounds in the nasties and am not polluting others as well...

The price may be an adjustment to the lack of the MAOI (where that sometimes recognition that I may be "chasing the calm" is coming from). And of course I've read the articles musing over just how much nicotine we are REALLY getting in this delivery system, along with scientific research done to compute absorption...

Just keeping an eye on self...which is what started my quest to get off the coffinstix to begin with...I'd rather have a little elevated BP that can be treated (and I will continue to go the natural route as much as possible, lifestyle is important) than the slow death bed I was making while smoking...

I don't drink/use drugs (ha, but for the nic!), am a good weight, take supplements including fish oil, know I need to drink more water...The ACE inhibitor I was prescribed has the HCTZ diuretic compound in it so I will really focus on body fluid issues as that plays such a BIG part of stable BP I understand. I now have a wrist monitor BP thing and my obsession and curiosity will have me experimenting with nic levels to see how they affect ME, and report observations...



Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2009
Well, for what it's worth, after 9 months off analogues and on vaping, my BP is down from previous levels about 20 systolic without my ACE/HCTZ. I vape as much as I used to smoke, maybe even vape a bit more often, usually 36 mg PG.

With the daily lisinopril/hctz, I'm pretty constantly 105-110/xx.

But hoo boy, there are SO many factors making up BP its waaay difficult to pin any particular one without some strict control testing and a Doc at your side.
Maybe drop some niacin to lower the BP. They make the stuff called Slow Niacin that is time released and lasts all day, or buy lower dose pills and drop when you vape. Niacin a.k.a nicotinic acid a.k.a. vitamin B3 dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure to counteract nicotine which constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure. Niacin also lowers cholesterol. Take more than 500 mg a day and it is considered a "drug" and you probably should talk to a doctor before you do that. Maybe also try Kyolic which is aged garlic extract which is also a vasodilator and has purported heath benefits.


Full Member
Dec 18, 2009
Clearwater, FL
My BP is around the same, but I don't vape too much. I vape about the same as I used to smoke. Typically 10 puffs every two hours or so. If I am driving and I vape too much, I usually feel my heart rate go up and have to put it down. I have retrained my hand to hold it without having to constantly put it to my mouth like an analog. I was a pack a day smoker and I now vape 16-18mg. If you are getting BP spikes at 24mg IMO you need to cut it a bit. Cut a few ml of what you have 1/3 with some PG or VG (easily accessible) or even water and see if it still does it. Chain vaping at 24mg is similar to chain smoking analogs, and nicotine will f* you up in too high doses. Most juice makers consider 24mg to be extra-high concentration and equate that to 4+ packs a day.
Also, be aware of direct contact with your juice. I repacked my carts for the first time a week ago. I got a head rush pulling the old filling out and squeezing the remaining juice out. Nicotine will leech through your skin in a hurry if you get the juice on your fingers. And a nicotine patch (same idea) comes in significantly lower mg concentrations than 24.
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