Hi there from Southern England!

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New Member
Oct 26, 2015
Hi all!

Finally decided to sign up to the ECF after reading countless threads - eventually I've ended up signing up!

I'm a 25 yr old female from a little town near Brighton, called Worthing in West Sussex, England.

I started vaping just over a year ago, but unfortunately after about 2 months of vaping, due to stress at the time I went back to smoking the almost 30 a day!!

I have now been vaping again for 1 month, and only smoke 3 'normal' cigarettes a day - with the intention to come off the 'normal' cigs soon!

Well thanks for reading, I am sure I will be writing on other thread soon :)
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2009
Hi I'm from the east Midlands near Nottingham. Smoked for 31 years. Been off them for 4 years now so it's doable. Took me 2 years of vaping first until i could put the cigs away. I used to vape for a month then smoke for a week or two and so on back and forth. Then I dug my heals in and stuck to it. Unfortunately the ecigs back then we're rubbish compared to what's on offer now. I use a regulated mod with 36watts on a 0.5 ohm coil and it is awesome. If you feel yourself failing try a sub ohm setup. Not that expensive can be done for 50 or 60 pounds and it's worth it. Good luck.
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