Hi newer vapor here!!

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Hi guys and hello from Minnesota!! I've been vaping for about a month now and I just want to let you guys know that I'm totally addicted!! LOL!! Anyway right now my PV is the Joye eGo and planning to get a Reo Mini if I can. I have a Wetbox too that pretty much self destructed and can not stand it. My other Pv that I want is the Kaji Ali'i.

My favorite ejuice right now is killa vanilla from vaporgalaxy.com. I have plenty of other flavors on the way and can't wait to try them out. Bobas bounty from avejuice.com should be here soon and can not wait for it!!

I have been lurking here for awhile now and I think it's time to say hi!! So hi!!

Anyway I'm just saying hello from viking country.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Welcome to ECF! I'm another Riva/eGo user and I love them! I don't think I'll get into modding and I'm certainly not purchasing anymore batts for a while. 4 Rivas and 2 eGo's are plenty for now. I also started dabbling in DIY juice, too. I came up with the most delicious Chocolate Caramel Toffee Coffee the other night!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
I'm new too. Hi and Welcome! I was a 1.5 pack/day lights smoker and not a hard-hitting dragger so I got an M402 w/ PCC. I don't mind topping off the little cart every 3-4 smoke breaks. I'm happy. Haven't had an analog since I got the PV. Vaped Backwoods Brew's Casablanca the last 2 days, and today is their Cherry Tobacco. I've been looking for a good vanilla - maybe I'll try that Killa Vanilla you have. The most mixing I've done is putting some Backwoods Brew Peach (omg tasty) into a PG Marlb-like juice.
Thank you guys and I feel very welcome!! A lot of info to be taken in but its great. I can already see from you guys on how great this forum is!! I smoked 1 1/2 packs a day and now I'm down to a few cigs a day. I'm sure it will be in no time that I will cut it all off.

I would also like to thank vaporscoop.com (TheGreen) and crossbar (or xbar??). Tonight I won a blackhawk kit from the them!! It was vaporscoops monthly drawing. The windycityvapors also need to be thanked. So thank you guys!!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 19, 2010
Welcome to the ECF Soup! and congrats on the BlackHawk kit. Wish I had your luck. Used to be a neighbor to ya up there in Mn, originally from South Dakota, but live in Florida now. I am sure you will be ditching the "Stinkies" in no time, I surprised myself how fast I put them down after I got my silver bullet. Take care and enjoy your new kit!
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