Hey all - new here - figured I'd introduce myself!

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Full Member
Jun 14, 2013
United Kingdom
Hello guys and gals. I figured it only polite to introduce myself as I seem to be hanging out here.

I started vaping about 3 months ago and haven't looked back. As a former 40 per day smoker of roll ups for over 25 years, I found it surprisingly easy to switch and am trying to convert every friend I know!
I started with a basic 'VIP' E-cig, moved to their ego style + clearo and soon found myself buying my first mod - a 'Transformer'. I've tried clearos, vivi nova's, carto's + smok UDCT tank, smok viv tank and most recently, an AGA T2 - my first step into Genesis style atomizers. . . . which didn't go too well. I have a smok RSST tank now and I found that to be much easier. I have also got a Vamo (en route from fasttech), Zmax, SID and my first mechanical - The natural. Don't you just love shiny new stuff? My everyday vape is the transformer (love the adjustable air intake) and the XXL 'Mega Dual Coil Carto's'.
Oh, and I got into mixing my own juice last week and my first batch of 'Golden Rollie' is ready.
Nice to meet ya all :)


Wandering life's highway
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
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Aug 11, 2011
Welcome to ECF Doc_Gonzo!

I hope you find your visits here informative and fun. We have a huge community here that can be incredibly helpful in your journey. Feel free to ask any questions, as I'm sure there will be many with an answer for you! :)

Please see the links in my signature below for New Member information, as well as informative forums and threads on CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoking Alternatives Association) and the latest legislative news and info.

Be sure to check out our UK Forum! UK Forum

Again, welcome to ECF!! :vapor:



Senior Member
Apr 15, 2013
Camas, WA, USA
Hey Doc, Sounds like a familiar story. I've been off analogs for just over 2 months and my story is much like yours. I had tried convenience store e-cigs a while back and was not impressed. My son took to vaping about a month before me and handed down his V2 starter kit. From there we both took it on full time and began assembling what seemed to be an obscene amount of gear and juice. I've turned on four friends , my brother, sister-in-law and daughter to vaping. It's gone from a way to get off tobacco to an interesting hobby. Vape on.
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