Help with e-liquid Top Vapor has terrible taste

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New Member
Sep 21, 2011
I started e-cigs about 3 weeks ago and started off with an eGo (510 atomizer + carts) with Johnson Creek red Oak sampler. I loved it. Totally blown away by what e-cigs were capable of and have been hooked since, zero analogues.

I realized I needed more fluid to last so I did alot of searchin and decided to buy dual coil cartomizers from madvapes and since the fluid was so cheap I got a mixed bag of stuff. when I got it I initially noticed a strange off-putting smell, but I was too excited to notice so I just grabbed the Cherry Blossom and dripped into the atty and it was decent. A good initial flavor but there was this underlying taste and feel that I couldn't put my finger on

I tried all flavors and they all had this weird undertone/aftertase, It took me hours to figure it out but it tastes exactly like a fog machine.

I took some advice and steeped all of the flavors for a week, but the flavor is still there.

Sorry for the background but it leads to my questions...Does PG have a completely different taste than VG?
Has anyone noticed a huge difference in flavor style between Johnson Creek and other vendors?
Does madvapes fluid just flat out suck?

A lot of people on this site had great things to say about it and the price is incredible from what I've seen, but damn the taste of the fluid...not the flavorings (those are good) just drives me nuts and I can't vape it.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 20, 2011
PG and VG do taste different. PG can be kind of harsh for some people. I have no idea what a fog machine tastes like so I can't help you there. What strength nic juice are you using? You could be tasting the metal from the atomizer, PG or too high of Nic juice. I would suggest you try some other vendors that sell small sample bottles and try different PG/VG mixes.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2011
San Francisco
Personally I love madvapes so far. With that said vaping and e juice like everything else is a matter of personal taste. You may want to try trading with someone else who vapes and see if you can get some stuff you like. Also it may just be those flavors. There were a few that I got that I don't like. Luckily a good friend of mine also vapes and we trade each other when there are juices we don't like.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 19, 2011
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Having sampled some of Madvapes juices in a previous order, I can attest to the odd "perfumey" odor/taste with some of their flavors. Not sure what causes it, but some vendors, Madvapes included, seem to have this issue.

I'd recommend letting them steep with the bottles open another week or so. (iirc it was about 2 weeks of steeping for Madvapes perfuminess to abate)


Ultra Member
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Jun 22, 2011
Clearwater, MN
I think I know the flavor you're talking about, and, from my experience, it has more to do with you than with the liquid. I occasionally will dislike the flavor I'm vaping, because it taste very...foggy, or watery or what-have-you. When I get that feeling, I start drinking water like crazy...usually end up running to the bathroom every half hour before the flavor is back to normal.

For me, it's a dehydration reaction. I love root beer and diet coke, but they don't do a whole lot to hydrate you, and vaping is even worse.

Vaping also sort of gives you the illusion of being hydrated, because it's not severely drying out your mouth, like analogs do. So, my advice to you is to drink more water...lots more water. Gatorade works too.



Ultra Member
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Jun 22, 2011
Clearwater, MN
Oh, also...that flavor that I, personally, dislike is extremely prevalent in the tobacco flavors. Other than the really mixed down ones, like RY4, it's there. I have a few bottles of tobacco flavors and I took a couple pulls off them and set the bottle aside. Maybe I can blend them into something else, because I really don't like them.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2011
Can I ask what is 'to steep' is it like letting it breath e.g. with the top off?

Some say to leave the top off. I don't personally do that, just put it away in a dark cool place and check it every week or so. It will allow the juice to "mature" and I often find that a liquid with a funky perfume taste will be much better, 3-4 weeks is the longest I have ever had to steep a juice.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2011
I started e-cigs about 3 weeks ago and started off with an eGo (510 atomizer + carts) with Johnson Creek red Oak sampler. I loved it. Totally blown away by what e-cigs were capable of and have been hooked since, zero analogues.

I realized I needed more fluid to last so I did alot of searchin and decided to buy dual coil cartomizers from MadVapes and since the fluid was so cheap I got a mixed bag of stuff. when I got it I initially noticed a strange off-putting smell, but I was too excited to notice so I just grabbed the Cherry Blossom and dripped into the atty and it was decent. A good initial flavor but there was this underlying taste and feel that I couldn't put my finger on

I tried all flavors and they all had this weird undertone/aftertase, It took me hours to figure it out but it tastes exactly like a fog machine.

I took some advice and steeped all of the flavors for a week, but the flavor is still there.

Sorry for the background but it leads to my questions...Does PG have a completely different taste than VG?
Has anyone noticed a huge difference in flavor style between Johnson Creek and other vendors?
Does MadVapes fluid just flat out suck?

A lot of people on this site had great things to say about it and the price is incredible from what I've seen, but damn the taste of the fluid...not the flavorings (those are good) just drives me nuts and I can't vape it.

Johnson Creek is very unique and if you loved it you may not find another to match it. Others say it tastes horrible. Best advice is always buy small despite what everyone else says. Pg does give more flavor than VG so that may be part of it but ultimately no matter what, only you can say what works for you. Personally I love ECblends Chocolate Hazelnut Tobacco and can't imagine anyone not liking it, but I am absolutely sure that someone else will say it tastes like garbage to them. You may be lucky enough to have found your taste right away with JC. The good thing is that you can always sell it or trade it on the classifieds once you get five posts, or if you have vaping friends maybe they will like it. JC is such a reviled taste by some that you can probably find plenty of trades for it.


New Member
Sep 21, 2011
Thanks everyone for their input.

I figured at first it must be my own taste buds, but wanted to know if anyone else had this issue with other vendors. I'm gunna order a few different mixes (PG and VG) from a few different sites over the next couple weeks and do some serious testing. I just recieved a bottle of Solstice from JC and it's unbelievable how good it tastes (to me). Using it in a dual coil cartomizer is the best smoke/vape I"ve had yet (better than any hooka or analogue I've tried)

The ones I got from MadVapes were,
Blackberry 6mg
Cherry Blossom 6mg
Hazelnut machiato 6mg
Banana Bread 0mg
Tutti Fruiti 6mg
Kona Cream 6mg
Mojito 0mg

The Mojito one has like a buttery/rum taste that adds to the weird fog machine flavor and makes me gag when I puff it.
Anybody with similar tastes have a vendor that might work for me?


New Member
Sep 21, 2011
Oh, also...that flavor that I, personally, dislike is extremely prevalent in the tobacco flavors. Other than the really mixed down ones, like RY4, it's there. I have a few bottles of tobacco flavors and I took a couple pulls off them and set the bottle aside. Maybe I can blend them into something else, because I really don't like them.

I was thinking of mixing them in with other flavors I like but I found that after doing all the testing on the MadVapes fluid, the weird taste has infected my atty's. I've tried a few different cleaning methods and nothing has worked. At this point, I've just been filling up carts with Marcado from JC and because the flavors so strong it seems to mask the weirdness. We'll see how it goes after another week of steeping.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
When I got the Cherry Blossom it was overflavored to the point of tasting a bit medicinal. I mixed it 50/50 with a sweet vanilla eliquid and use it like that.

Welcome to trying lots of juices to find ones you like. And remember to SMELL THE VAPOR. The human tongue can only taste sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami (msg) so you will not get any taste other than what your tongue can detect. Everything else is aroma since vapor has no visual or texture like food does.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
If your sense of smell is weak, as most of us ex-smokers find, ask your doctor to prescribe Nasonex or Flonase. A spray of either in both nostrils will cause your nasal cavities to open up and allow fragrances to enter without reacting adversely to them. This is not a vasoconstrictor like Afrin, but a medicine that relieves the affects of allergenic response to outside chemicals that most people don't respond to anyway.

You will walk outside and smell things you haven't enjoyed since you were a kid. Vaping will take on new aromas, also.

On the hardware side, try a drip tip. a Joye 306 atty with a drip tip or a Little Dwarf dripping atomizer will give you the true taste of the juice you are vaping. If you haven't tried dripping, you will be a convert. Juices taste different on various atomizers.
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