Help with air flow and whistling......

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Full Member
Jun 29, 2012
Hey, ECF I tryed to do a search and couldn't really find any info on the topic. I been vaping with ecigs for about to weeks now and just received my Volt 65mm.. Very happy with the product but I do find it has a lot of air flow and whistling sound when drawing. I was able to find something in a threads about blugging one of the air holes with a toothpick. I did so and found it to help dramatically but still have some air flow and whistling sound going on when drawing vaper. Could this be caused by the carto? Any tips other then the toothpick to help cut out the air flow? Any info tips would be great..


Full Member
Jun 29, 2012
All the carto's I have are from SI but I did try four different ones and they all seem to be making the same sound some have less air flow then others though. I did have one carto that didn't produce much vape at all and it was brand new so im guessing that one was defective. I was not sure if this is common or not but would really like to cut out that whistling sound if at all possible..


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 28, 2012
Did you get a kit with 2 batteries? If so do both whistle?
You may also be drawing too hard. Vaping is a bit different than smoking. A slow steady draw is much better than a short hard puff. It allows the juice time to heat and vaporize.

Since you got a Volt, one easy thing to do is go for their free battery promotion.
Just go to this thread and post a picture of yourself with your Volt, and they will send you a free battery.

I'd also contact their customer service. They are really great about solving problems.
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