Help with 0.2ohm TC mini super-tank coils

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Sep 6, 2015
So I bought the super tank the mini and I got one replacement 0.2 on temperature control Tobeco Coil head. It came with the standard 0.2 on tobacco Quaillan and a 0.5 ohm coil head. I got an extra 0.2ohm tc coil head by tobeco for 2$. I'm using it now, in the mini super tank on top of my snow wolf, vaping at 61.0watts and 555drgrees fereinheit. I want to Vape in Celcius, but I don't know how t adjust it safely to a setting in Celcius and also have it combo used with wattage. I usually Vape around 450fereinheot and 60watts. What about you guys? What is a safe temp and wattage I can set my snow wolf too with the mini super tank and 0.2ohm tc coil
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