Help me choose a new mod I lost my Turstleship V2 and Atomic RDA Bummed out

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Dec 14, 2012
San Diego, California
Well My favorite workhorse mod was my Turtleship V2 and the Atomic Was Pretty good too. I even modified the atomic i drilled out the post holes so i could make dual twisted wire coils too it well .... was so great :cry:

Now I need help fininding my new mod Sadly it will have to be a clone so that als matters on the choice as some great mods are not cloned well. I have a Magma on the way and I need a good mod to use it on.

So looking for a 22mm mod so it will be flush with my new magma, although im not picky on the finish although I dont like pvd coated or painted so basically stainless, brass, copper, or any natural finish. Since all i read lately is about new 26650s i dont know what 18650 mod to get. or where to get it. if anyone wants to chime in right now all I can think of is another Turtleship, stingray or idk. I dont want another nemesis (yes i have one but its soo beat up and would rather not get another.)

To to not drag on help me find my new mod!


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Dec 14, 2012
San Diego, California
I was seriously thinking about getting the tree of life mod or the element (the element was kinda ugly) but the reason i didnt choose it was because the only place i knew that carried them was fast tech and the 18650 version (actually all the tree of life models except the 18500) do not have insulators on the button (never had a mod like that and thought it would short) IDK why one would have it and another wouldnt unless the ones that dont are poor designs and fast tech has plenty items that they dont check before selling i purchased a chi triot (patriot) RDA i while ago and the negative coil posts fell out and they were press fit so i have a patriot with wack posts.

ANYWAY sorry for all that I'll have tro check out Vape Royalty. Or does the tree of life in fact does not have a black derlin insulator how does the button work if it does not.

Also I was thinking about pocking up a 4nine clone to see if i like it for a copper mod with a native hybrid connection for a top cap has sounded interesting to me the only problem i have with it is that most high amp batteries are flat top and i have herd some atties are difficult to get working (if at all) if the atty doesnt have an ajustable 510 as im told it was made for button tops. Although since a vendor in the us has them for a reasonable price i might pick one up.

Thanks for all your advice the main reason i like the turtle ship is it just feels heavy in the hand without being gaudy (imo the maraxas) the other day I used a friends Stingray and man that button was nice.


Vaping Master
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Aug 7, 2013
Infinite magma.. yeahsmo origen


Atomo v2 18500 hcigar- didn't come with separate 18650tube...



Authentic 4nine 18650


Infinite turtle ship v2 18500
Magma looks great on it.
Well My favorite workhorse mod was my Turtleship V2 and the Atomic Was Pretty good too. I even modified the atomic i drilled out the post holes so i could make dual twisted wire coils too it well .... was so great :cry:

Now I need help fininding my new mod Sadly it will have to be a clone so that als matters on the choice as some great mods are not cloned well. I have a Magma on the way and I need a good mod to use it on.

So looking for a 22mm mod so it will be flush with my new magma, although im not picky on the finish although I dont like pvd coated or painted so basically stainless, brass, copper, or any natural finish. Since all i read lately is about new 26650s i dont know what 18650 mod to get. or where to get it. if anyone wants to chime in right now all I can think of is another Turtleship, stingray or idk. I dont want another nemesis (yes i have one but its soo beat up and would rather not get another.)

To to not drag on help me find my new mod!

I have a brass stingray clone and it's a reliable, and sharp looking mod.
I also have a 4nine clone but it is a bit sketch regarding short 510 posts and flat top batts.
Both are sexy and have magnetic buttons but i recommend the stingray for its locking ring


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Dec 14, 2012
San Diego, California
Good and bad news

I Found my Mod, it was in a friends car :facepalm: But at least i had not spent extra money on another mod. I just in my Magma and it looks great on the Turtleship V2 the bad news is I am out of kanthal and have to wait till tomorrow to get some ( really need to buy a large roll of it on ebay instead of paying ridiculous B&M prices almost a dollar a foot!)

So i cant wait to get my magma goinng I tried to get it going with the supplied coils (first and last time ill try that) but in all i built it to 1 ohm dual standard coils (i beleve with nicrome) and with silica wicks. it wasnt a terrible vape and although i filled the wells completly it didnt leak at all to wich i was very surprised as using short silica wicks which unlike cotton does not soak a lot of liquid so the wells had juice in them. But i wont be putting any more ejuice in it untill i get a proper build going I love how its its so easy to build and is a great vape its a shame i have an aqua and an origin because i like this better I may get a 4nine just for the hybrid like connection and the fact that the magma i recieved (eh pro) has a long 510 although it still sits flush on my turtle ship. So i am hoping it will not be an issue with contacting a flat top battery it also may be ajustable? idk as i dont believe it would need to be longer but i will probably just save my money and possibly put the atomic on the origin due to the small diameter of the mod 20mm and the attomizer i believe is 17 at the base. Anyway i am blabing on now so check out the mods I will be using mostly

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