Help! I think I killed my battery!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2009
My e-cig is a 401.

Just an hour ago, in the middle of changing batteries, I inadvertently sucked on the mouthpiece without realizing that the atty was not yet tightly screwed to the battery. Since then I can't get vapor and hit from this pair even as the LED indicator lights up when I draw. Thought it was a dead atty, but when I screw the same atty to my other batt it works like it normally should.

Did I just - pardon the pun - screw up my battery? Could it be a case of the battery shorting out because the last time I did was drip on to the atty and that some juice might have gotten inside the auto switch? Could drawing on a loosely screwed batt and atty be the culprit?

Any chance of bringing it back to life?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2009
Chicago, IL
I just had the same thing happen with a relatively new 901 auto battery--though for me it happened after I dripped a bit (just a drop or two) on the atty. The LED still lights but it won't heat up the atty (which works with other batteries) so that means I fried the battery. I guess this happens to everyone eventually-- but I do feel like an idiot. Live and learn.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2009
My e-cig is a 401.

Just an hour ago, in the middle of changing batteries, I inadvertently sucked on the mouthpiece without realizing that the atty was not yet tightly screwed to the battery. Since then I can't get vapor and hit from this pair even as the LED indicator lights up when I draw. Thought it was a dead atty, but when I screw the same atty to my other batt it works like it normally should.

Did I just - pardon the pun - screw up my battery? Could it be a case of the battery shorting out because the last time I did was drip on to the atty and that some juice might have gotten inside the auto switch? Could drawing on a loosely screwed batt and atty be the culprit?

Any chance of bringing it back to life?

one of my 402 bats got extremely sensitive - 2 or 3 puffs and it would cut off (temp sensitive I think). 2 minutes later it was ok. This went on for a week or so. Then one day it seemed to turn on permanently. I had it in my shirt pocket when it happened and it took 20-30 seconds to figure out where the sizzling sound was coming from, but I managed to save the atty.

Not sure what happened but I'm thinking it may have some stray juice in the circuitry.
Anyone ever tried to dry one of these things out by baking it in an oven?
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Moved On
Feb 12, 2009
It may be that your battery failed at the same time you took a draw before the atomizer was fully seated. Probably just a coincidence; likely not a result of drawing before the atomizer was screwed in.

Batteries die, and die sooner than they are supposed to. You could try to bang the ailing battery several times on a hard surface to see if you can loosen the automatic switch. I have read a few posts of users having minimal luck dipping batteries in isopropyl alcohol, maybe a half inch, and letting it dry. The alcohol idea is to try and remove or loosen any e-liquid that may be fouling the auto switch.

Like atomizers, have extra batteries in your 'kit'. The e-cig system works great when everything is functioning properly, but is miserable when a single component malfunctions and you do not have a backup.

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
My e-cig is a 401.

Just an hour ago, in the middle of changing batteries, I inadvertently sucked on the mouthpiece without realizing that the atty was not yet tightly screwed to the battery. Since then I can't get vapor and hit from this pair even as the LED indicator lights up when I draw. Thought it was a dead atty, but when I screw the same atty to my other batt it works like it normally should.

Did I just - pardon the pun - screw up my battery? Could it be a case of the battery shorting out because the last time I did was drip on to the atty and that some juice might have gotten inside the auto switch? Could drawing on a loosely screwed batt and atty be the culprit?

Any chance of bringing it back to life?

It may be the center contact not making the connection. It's a common problem that's easily fixed. Download the troubleshooting guide, and there are instructions on how to get the contacts together again.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2009
That happens to me occasionally - I figure if its dead anything I do won't hurt it so...
I grab a paperclip and gently stick it in the battery to trip the switch and then try the battery on an atty. Works more often that not.


In my desperation to bring my "dead" m401 battery back to life, I tinkered with it awhile ago. By tinker, I mean sticking a paperclip into the hole of the batt. Charged it to full, connected a working atty, crossed my fingers, then took a long hard draw. Miracle of miracles, I achieved vapor! But um, the taste seemed off. Like it was burnt or something.

I took out the mouthpiece and whoa! vapor came out like it was smoking hot! Blew the wick like I would a birthday candle and double whoa! the wick was lighting up like there was some kind of orange flame on it! Stopped doing what I was doing, lest I burn the atty and get myself another problem.

Must've tripped the batt switch in a way that that can only be described as, um, bad. It is really this hopeless? 8-o


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles County, Ca

In my desperation to bring my "dead" m401 battery back to life, I tinkered with it awhile ago. By tinker, I mean sticking a paperclip into the hole of the batt. Charged it to full, connected a working atty, crossed my fingers, then took a long hard draw. Miracle of miracles, I achieved vapor! But um, the taste seemed off. Like it was burnt or something.

I took out the mouthpiece and whoa! vapor came out like it was smoking hot! Blew the wick like I would a birthday candle and double whoa! the wick was lighting up like there was some kind of orange flame on it! Stopped doing what I was doing, lest I burn the atty and get myself another problem.

Must've tripped the batt switch in a way that that can only be described as, um, bad. It is really this hopeless? 8-o

Happens sometimes - but whatchgonnado?
Come on now - don't give up!
Grab that paperclip and get back in there!
If its dead or broke you ain't gonna hurt it none!
Go on - Git ur done!!! :lol:
But be careful!;)
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