Hello New Member Today

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Full Member
Nov 30, 2012
Reno, NV
Hello everyone, just wanted to stop by and say hello! I am a new member as of today; I have been a smoker of Marlboro Reds for 18 years. I changed to e-cigs about 4 months ago. I posted a picture of my short journey to where I am now. I started with a $14.00 starter kit from Green Living, included the battery, 2 atomizers and a USB charger. I started smoking that kit and after 3 days went off cigarettes and have not looked back. After another couple weeks I went out and bought a Lavatube because I wanted to start using liquids, DCT tanks, dual cardos etc... with VV. I loved that mod and was great for the next 3 months or so and then I got the itch to try repairable atomizers so I got a ProVari. The ProVari arrived 2 days ago which has been great!

It has been a great start to a long journey of quitting cigarettes completely.

Anyway, have a great day everyone!



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Verified Member
Aug 27, 2012
Alameda, CA
Congratulations and Welcome to ECF:

Four months for me too on vaping. Will never look back to tobacco!

Question #1: So what particular feature of the Provari do you like the most?

Question #2: What would you change on the Provari to make it better than it claims to be?

Just curious cuz I want to eventually take that road to Provari but now just saw PBusardo's review of the Sigelei Z-Max and am thinking of waiting for the Sigelei Z-Max Version 2. LOL
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Full Member
Nov 30, 2012
Reno, NV
I will preface this statement by saying the following because I know tc1 is correct as I did a lot of research before I bought the ProVari:

“I am new to vaping so I went with the most positive feedback between the mods out there and the one where I knew the company would stand behind their product. Down the road I might switch, never know. It was a tough decision because of the cost so maybe I went the safer route instead of the road less traveled this time.”

The main reason I went to the ProVari from the Lavatube was for the repairable atomizers so I could check the Ohms with the coil I wrapped, and it would error out instead of frying my battery (I know other mods will too.)

The more I researched the ProVari and every other mod including the Z-Max, Z-Max V2 etc… was that every review I saw or read, the ProVari would register the absolute correct voltage and does not deviate even when the battery was getting low. Most reviews if not all I saw gave the ProVari good marks and didn’t have any real out right negative points that made it not fit to buy or use for my purposes. I love the build quality; it truly feels like a tank. It is a little heavy but it feels rock solid which I like and was a negative for me about the LavaTube. After my time with the LavaTube the end cap broke off and the top piece were the 510 sits fell off and the guts of the mod were hanging out. It didn’t break I was able to super glue the top back on but the ProVari’s 510 is built into the stainless steel.

I have friends I met at the local vape store that had just about every other mod out there and they were nice; the only one they didn’t have was the ProVari. And when I say the others were nice they were, trust me when I say I am not a ProVari “fan boy.” My decision came down to the ProVari has a long standing reputation for quality and has been tested. I liked that when ProVape went from their V1 to the V2 you could upgrade for $20.00 so they do stand behind their product. I would hope they would do this again if they have a V3 come out; so my initial investment is not totally lost and that is a bold statement from them I think to offer something like that. I did not want dual batteries as that seems to have issues sometimes. I liked all the mods I saw but when it came down to forking over a couple hundred dollars I went with the most popular and tested product.
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