hello from singapore

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Nov 2, 2010
Hello everyone,

I'm a new joiner posting from Singapore. In addition to introducing myself, I hope some fellow nicotine fans out there in SG might read this and offer me their opinions on a few things.

I only heard of e-cigarettes about a year-or-two ago. After reading up on the idea and getting excited to try it I of course discovered that they are stupidly banned in Singapore and forgot about it until now. Well, after seeing this forum and being reminded I have decided that I'm going to give it a try anyway if I possibly can.

So a few things I hope some of you wouldn't mind commenting on if you can:

  • How is it using e-cigs in SG? Do you have to sneak and hide? Do you do it in public? Has the general atmosphere worsened over the past year or two toward e-cigs?
  • Do people actually get fined for it? Or is a warning more likely?
  • What is more likely to result in penalties, the possession, the importing, or what?
  • Are there specific brands that I should look for since its going to be hard getting supplies here?
  • How is the cost compared to tobacco when you include international shipping?
  • Is there some threshhold amount to import that you personally stay below so the government won't accuse you of distributing it?
I'm planning to travel to the Philippines in a week or two and I'm thinking of searching out some supplies there. Is it risky to bring this stuff through Changi? It's quite different than crossing the causeway. I occasionally get searched at the airport but I have breezed through the causeway about a million times without ever having my stuff physically checked even once.

So if it's better to buy in JB, where can it be obtained? City square? Holiday plaza? Tebrau city is a bit far to go for a smoke.

Thanks and I'm glad to be a new member of such a cool forum.


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Aug 12, 2010
S F Bay Area
Welcome to ECF and sorry I can't help with your questions
Hopefully someone will be able to tell you good news
How they can allow cigarettes and outlaw vaping is crazy
the old joke " the floggings will continue until morale improves"
really takes on a new meaning when you consider other parts of the world
wishing you the best and please be careful


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Nov 2, 2010
I knew I forgot to ask something!

But seriously, I don't think caning/flogging would apply since the penalty for bringing in tobacco is a monetary fine. It is definitely about money here. They even individually stamp each cigarette to indicate duties have been paid. They send agents out undercover who will fine you on the spot if they catch you smoking unstamped cigarettes.

I'm not making any of that up.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2010
Hi bro
I'm exactly in the same shoes as you are right now too. Trying to get my hands on my first e-cigs now.
If you're concerned about our laws heres what I know.
I've established that possessing an e-cig is illegal here, so Customs that go around checking on ppl smoking for contraband are the ones to worry about. NEA have no juristiction or authority to detain you do not hand them your particulars or your e-cig, in the unlikely case they ask that you remain where you are while they call customs over, just walk away, they do not have the authority to stop you physically. But my guess is that if you're caught red-handed smoking one by customs you'll just get it confiscated and a few hundred dollar fine.
I wouldn't worry about the airport and checkpoints. Its small enough to hide easily, disassemble it and put in different compartments and chances are non vapers won't know what it is.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Hi Lekixik,

In response to your questions:
•How is it using e-cigs in SG? Do you have to sneak and hide? Do you do it in public? Has the general atmosphere worsened over the past year or two toward e-cigs?
Ans: Good. Just like analogs without other harmful chemicals. No. In public with people I trust & know. Not really sure about that.
•Do people actually get fined for it? Or is a warning more likely?
Ans: Should be since already mentioned it is illegal...
•What is more likely to result in penalties, the possession, the importing, or what?
Ans: No importing/distributing of tobacco look like contents..Mostly, confiscation of items & fine during import.
•Are there specific brands that I should look for since its going to be hard getting supplies here?
Ans: brand is for reliability, but since it is hard to get supplies here, any will do, for try outs...
•How is the cost compared to tobacco when you include international shipping?
Ans: Compared to tobacco, better to get it here in Sg since it is duty paid of course, ecig in long term is much cheaper..
•Is there some threshhold amount to import that you personally stay below so the government won't accuse you of distributing it?
Ans: Mentioned in previous answered section...No import/sell/distribute... but if you wanna get, can get 1 or 2 bottles safely..



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Nov 2, 2010
Hi bro
I'm exactly in the same shoes as you are right now too. Trying to get my hands on my first e-cigs now.
If you're concerned about our laws heres what I know.
I've established that possessing an e-cig is illegal here, so Customs that go around checking on ppl smoking for contraband are the ones to worry about. NEA have no juristiction or authority to detain you do not hand them your particulars or your e-cig, in the unlikely case they ask that you remain where you are while they call customs over, just walk away, they do not have the authority to stop you physically. But my guess is that if you're caught red-handed smoking one by customs you'll just get it confiscated and a few hundred dollar fine.
I wouldn't worry about the airport and checkpoints. Its small enough to hide easily, disassemble it and put in different compartments and chances are non vapers won't know what it is.

Hi Terry, thanks a lot for the tips.

Good luck getting your hands on some e-cigs. Please do contact me if you find a convenient way. Although I guess I better include a statement here to say that now that I have been informed that this is illegal, I have no intention of circumventing the law. I promise!


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Nov 2, 2010
Hi Lekixik,

In response to your questions:
•How is it using e-cigs in SG? Do you have to sneak and hide? Do you do it in public? Has the general atmosphere worsened over the past year or two toward e-cigs?
Ans: Good. Just like analogs without other harmful chemicals. No. In public with people I trust & know. Not really sure about that.
•Do people actually get fined for it? Or is a warning more likely?
Ans: Should be since already mentioned it is illegal...
•What is more likely to result in penalties, the possession, the importing, or what?
Ans: No importing/distributing of tobacco look like contents..Mostly, confiscation of items & fine during import.
•Are there specific brands that I should look for since its going to be hard getting supplies here?
Ans: brand is for reliability, but since it is hard to get supplies here, any will do, for try outs...
•How is the cost compared to tobacco when you include international shipping?
Ans: Compared to tobacco, better to get it here in Sg since it is duty paid of course, ecig in long term is much cheaper..
•Is there some threshhold amount to import that you personally stay below so the government won't accuse you of distributing it?
Ans: Mentioned in previous answered section...No import/sell/distribute... but if you wanna get, can get 1 or 2 bottles safely..


Hi Jay, thanks a lot for the point-by-point response. It's much appreciated.

From your responses, it looks like using/importing e-cigs carries about the same risk as bringing duty-unpaid cigarettes -- not that dangerous if you are discrete and stick to small personal-use quantities.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2010
Hello everyone,

I'm a new joiner posting from Singapore. In addition to introducing myself, I hope some fellow nicotine fans out there in SG might read this and offer me their opinions on a few things.

I only heard of e-cigarettes about a year-or-two ago. After reading up on the idea and getting excited to try it I of course discovered that they are stupidly banned in Singapore and forgot about it until now. Well, after seeing this forum and being reminded I have decided that I'm going to give it a try anyway if I possibly can.

So a few things I hope some of you wouldn't mind commenting on if you can:

  • How is it using e-cigs in SG? Do you have to sneak and hide? Do you do it in public? Has the general atmosphere worsened over the past year or two toward e-cigs?
  • Do people actually get fined for it? Or is a warning more likely?
  • What is more likely to result in penalties, the possession, the importing, or what?
  • Are there specific brands that I should look for since its going to be hard getting supplies here?
  • How is the cost compared to tobacco when you include international shipping?
  • Is there some threshhold amount to import that you personally stay below so the government won't accuse you of distributing it?
I'm planning to travel to the Philippines in a week or two and I'm thinking of searching out some supplies there. Is it risky to bring this stuff through Changi? It's quite different than crossing the causeway. I occasionally get searched at the airport but I have breezed through the causeway about a million times without ever having my stuff physically checked even once.

So if it's better to buy in JB, where can it be obtained? City square? Holiday plaza? Tebrau city is a bit far to go for a smoke.

Thanks and I'm glad to be a new member of such a cool forum.

1) i think you best bet is order online from malaysia and get it send to JB address for self pickup later
2) not sure about SG.. but i think stealth vaping is easy with e-cig... almost no smell

good luck


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Jan 29, 2010
Philly Burbs
Greetings from Philadelphia Pennslyvania USA!!!

Good luck to you guys!!! There are tips on "sealth vaping" here on ECF if you do a search. The key is getting low or no VG juices (mostly PG); holding your drags in for a while; releasing drags slowly through nose; when you take a drag take in a little non-vape air at the end of your drag to push the vape deeper into your lungs (for what ever reason…these things all help); when all else fails do all of the above and take smaller drags. Mint juices seem to be the least noticeable smelling ones...people around you (if they happen to smell it) just think someone is chewing gum or eating a mint...so its hardly a thought in their mind while smelling fresh baked cookies in an airport or an office "may be curious." I vape all sorts of things that have a nice after-smell and seem to "get away with it"...but that is "here." Also at least in some places there are many girly products that have unusual smells...so as a female I can blame stuff on smelly lotions or other fragrances.

I have vaped successfully at bars that have told me to stop vaping (when I first arrived I wasn't stealth vaping and was busted but continued to stealth vape for hours without another word said to me). One time, people who were at the bar with me later told me they thought I just refrained from vaping in the bar and I told them I was shocked that none of them noticed me vaping. I stealth vape on air planes that specifically ban electronic cigs. I stealth vape on public trains with out "much" issue...I avoid doing it when it is very crowded on the trains because I would most likely elbow someone trying to take a drag (thats a whole different issue though).

Its GREAT to see that ECF is GLOBAL!!!

I'm interested to hear how things go there for you guys!! All of us vapers are curious about how things are going in other countries because our government could end up doing the same thing. Its also very interesting to hear other vapers difficulties in general since we all go through some... For example I HAD NO IDEA what you guys were going through in SG until I read this thread.

For those of us who can even just legally own a PV, we obviously need to enjoy and appreciate our freedoms to the fullest (where ever we are living) while they last and fight to maintain our rights with all that we have!!!

Hang in there, good luck and VAPE ON!!
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Aug 27, 2010
Riyadh Saudi Arabia
I have a friend who's working there right now and tried to buy an e-cig but failed because of the ban. He's a Filipino like me. I told him that there is a shop in the Philippines which imports the ecig from china and the liquid from USA. I've just bought a GGTS/AVS from them. If you're planning to go to Manila I would gladly assist where to shop for supplies. PM me if interested.


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Nov 2, 2010
Big thanks to everyone for responding here.

abechik - do you know a way to set up an address in JB for receiving packages as a foreigner? Something like a PO box? Or do you need to know somebody there who is willing to receive the shipments for you?

Stoked! - Thanks for the tips and the encouragement. It's interesting to see how things are shaping up in the US as well. Hopefully the legal questions in the US will have a positive effect by drawing attention to the issue and setting a precedent for other countries who are not sure how to deal with e-cigs. I have noticed that official opinions of the FDA especially do garner some deal of respect worldwide. I am of course saying that assuming the government there finally decides to take a sane and rational approach.

Bimbo - Kumusta ka!

I'm actually going to Cebu or I would take you up on your offer. I have a shop in mind there already where I think I can find some supplies.


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Nov 7, 2010
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Senior Member
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Oct 10, 2010
Big thanks to everyone for responding here.

abechik - do you know a way to set up an address in JB for receiving packages as a foreigner? Something like a PO box? Or do you need to know somebody there who is willing to receive the shipments for you?

Stoked! - Thanks for the tips and the encouragement. It's interesting to see how things are shaping up in the US as well. Hopefully the legal questions in the US will have a positive effect by drawing attention to the issue and setting a precedent for other countries who are not sure how to deal with e-cigs. I have noticed that official opinions of the FDA especially do garner some deal of respect worldwide. I am of course saying that assuming the government there finally decides to take a sane and rational approach.

Bimbo - Kumusta ka!

I'm actually going to Cebu or I would take you up on your offer. I have a shop in mind there already where I think I can find some supplies.

you can set up PO box by contacting POS malaysia, not sure about foreigner setting up a PO box.. you can check their website for more info.. but it will cost you something for sure... maybe you can find frens from JB.. it would be the easiest option... i'm from KL ... so i can't help much with the address in JB.


Full Member
Oct 3, 2010
Hey just order from china supplier they will have higher chances of successfully delivery your item to your home. i order from a US suppllier and item being held in custom :( i think they put on the package 'e-cigarette' thats why it being held. For china they put it on the package 'gift' or 'toy' and maybe it is more easy to pass through the custom. dont need to setup what address in JB. Sooo troublesome.


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Sep 20, 2010
Hi! Excited to find a sg potential vaper...

Actually, the law only governs the import and distribution. Consumption is not included. So based on that fact, I actually vape openly. In fact, its quite a conversation starter esp with the ladies :) But with that being said, I do try to abide by the law by vaping at smoking areas instead of openly vaping inside air-con places.

Regarding USA sites vs china sites, I have a few friends who got their packages held up by customs after ordering from china sites. Maybe in your case it seems to apply, but from what I know, this is not the case.

Regarding the ban, I feel it is meaningless and unnecessary. I'ld rather pay a one time tax on e-cigs than pay recurring taxes on analog cigs. We need to voice up, in a strong and firm manner. Anyone thinks expressing our opinions about this during a "Meet the people session" with the MP would have any effect? Any sg vaper wanna volunteer at hong lim square? hahaha...


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Nov 2, 2010
Hi! Excited to find a sg potential vaper...

Actually, the law only governs the import and distribution. Consumption is not included. So based on that fact, I actually vape openly. In fact, its quite a conversation starter esp with the ladies :) But with that being said, I do try to abide by the law by vaping at smoking areas instead of openly vaping inside air-con places.

Regarding USA sites vs china sites, I have a few friends who got their packages held up by customs after ordering from china sites. Maybe in your case it seems to apply, but from what I know, this is not the case.

Regarding the ban, I feel it is meaningless and unnecessary. I'ld rather pay a one time tax on e-cigs than pay recurring taxes on analog cigs. We need to voice up, in a strong and firm manner. Anyone thinks expressing our opinions about this during a "Meet the people session" with the MP would have any effect? Any sg vaper wanna volunteer at hong lim square? hahaha...

Thanks for the good news! I haven't actually ever seen someone vaping in SG so it's good to know people are out there doing it without fear.

I think I'll buy the hardware in the phils and try out a few different sites for juice to test my luck with customs. I don't want to sink too much investment into any one order only to lose it.

As far as pressuring the government, I'm sorry that I can't chip in there. As an American I need to keep my mouth shut about your local politics. I do have two suggestions for those who are free to petition though:

1 - Campaign donors where I come from usually have an easier time bending the ear of a politician. Maybe that's not a very good thing but it's the truth.

2 - We need a song. Something in pop-culture to excite the masses. As an example, US congressman Steve Buyer singing to the house of representatives in favor of e-cigs in this video:
YouTube - schmoyoho's Channel


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Sep 20, 2010
Lol... I was thinking, as our sg vaping community grows larger, and more sg vapers vape openly, that would be a sort of a public demonstration itself. There's really not much we can do in this country where lawful public protests are limited to a maximum of 3 people. The lack of an ability to voice our opinions without humiliating ourselves has left many of us feeling emasculated. What defines a nation as "Democratic"? How often do the leaders who speak on behalf of the people ever take time off to listen? Is the cabinet filled with yes-men, or individuals who dare to speak up and try to make a difference? Is it really in the interest of the masses to impose a law to prohibit a less destructive smoking alternative?
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