Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself

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Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Hello, my name is Andy, and I have been vaping for a little over a week (August 31st). I actually tried electronic cigarettes a little over a year ago, but ended up giving up on the whole thing because of how much hassle it all was. I got myself a Joye 510 kit for about $75 back then, and only had enough money to try a couple juices. The filling of cartridges, constantly charging batteries, and swapping atomizers was just too much for me.

About 2 weeks ago I started doing some research, and I was amazed at the technology that has come out since my first try with e-cigs. Clearomizers? Tanks? I was so confused at first, but after about a week, I was a vaping PRO (not really). I knew enough to know what I wanted. White Silver Bullet with a Vivi Nova 3.5ml. I ordered it all from Altsmoke on the 28th and it was on my doorstep on the 31st. I haven't had a cigarette since. :D

I am simply in love. My new setup is a world apart from the 510 kit I first tried. I charged my 18650 batteries and put one in on Friday night. Around Monday night it was still going strong, but I decided to put a new one in anyways. I used that battery until Saturday, when I started to notice a slight drop in vapor. 5 days of pretty active usage, and with my Vivi Nova, I only have to fill it once every other day or so.

I've tried some great juices on my own, but got really lucky on the electronic cigarette subreddit. A very nice gentleman had too many bottles of juice and was giving them away to two newbs. He ended up sending me 8 bottles of juice, 3 of which I have tried.

Here is a list of the juices I have currently:

These juices are what was sent to me from my redditor friend:

Gorilla Juice - Very good, although I am not a huge fan of bananas. (Yes, I had to sing the Gwen Stefani song to spell that)

VapeDudes Cinnamon Roll - One of my favorites. Not too sweet, and something I can vape all day (and I do).

VapeDudes Strawberry Ice - Delicious, I am currently vaping this. My only complaint is that I would like more strawberry and less ice.

VapeDudes Key Lime - Haven't tried yet.

Rawr Lazarus - Haven't tried yet.

Rawr Antidote - Haven't tried yet.

Rawr Angel Tears - Haven't tried yet.

"Chinese brand" Blueberry (it starts with a "D" I think; Dekang or something - Not bad, but a little too candy like for me.

These juices are juices I've bought myself:

BWB Backo -
Very good, but maybe a bit too "spicy" for me.

BWB Casablanca - Delicious, but again a bit too "spicy".

BWB Applewood - Unfortunately I can't really taste a difference between this and Backo. I'm letting it steep for a bit to see if the apple comes through more.

AltLiquid RY4 - Very good RY4, but it's very harsh. This juice is 100% PG so that's probably why.

High Caliber (From AltSmoke) Strawberry - Very very good. Something I could vape all day.

Vapers Choice RY4 100% VG - This one has a bit of a backstory with me. When I first tried vaping over a year ago, I was looking for a place to get juice locally. I found a place online that had a shop near me called ecigsupply.com, so I went down there and picked up a bottle of this stuff. WOW. Absolutely amazing. This juice probably kept me vaping as long as I did the first time. When I started vaping again, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find it again. I went to ecigsupply.com and saw it listed on their website. After some looking around, I found another new local place near me called "The Zikwid Lounge", who used the same supplier. I walked in and sure enough, they had the sweet nectar I loved so much. The guy behind the counter told me he had numerous customers who were hooked on the stuff. I took it home, put it in my Vivi Nova, and immediately tasted what I had remembered. There is one problem with this juice however. It would be my all day vape, except for the fact that it looses it's flavor FAST. Within 3 days, the juice hardly tastes like anything, and what I can taste, doesn't taste very good. It's a shame because it is SO delicious.

So far, I have learned a few things about myself. Battery life and general ease of use is a BIG deal to me. I don't care for any throat hit, and I much prefer low or no PG juices. Most of the juices I have now are 50/50 and they are great, but I think I might enjoy them a bit better if they were a 30/70 PG/VG mix or so.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this, I know it was long, but I thought I would do a proper introduction. Happy to be here!
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2012
Happy to welcome you, Herdo! Promise not judge you for the Gwen Stefani thing :) I'm actually newer than you - had my first ever vape Friday. I don't have experience with older tech to compare it to, but I can say that I'm loving it as well. After a lot of browsing around, I was a bit concerned it wouldn't be enough like smoking, or that it would be ridiculously fussy.

Was I ever surprised! I chalk it up to something I should have realized sooner. A lot of people here are connoisseurs and there's much discussion of the finer points. For a rank newbie like myself, even if everything isn't just-so, it's pretty darned good.

So, hello, and best of luck!


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Happy to welcome you, Herdo! Promise not judge you for the Gwen Stefani thing :) I'm actually newer than you - had my first ever vape Friday. I don't have experience with older tech to compare it to, but I can say that I'm loving it as well. After a lot of browsing around, I was a bit concerned it wouldn't be enough like smoking, or that it would be ridiculously fussy.

Was I ever surprised! I chalk it up to something I should have realized sooner. A lot of people here are connoisseurs and there's much discussion of the finer points. For a rank newbie like myself, even if everything isn't just-so, it's pretty darned good.

So, hello, and best of luck!

Thanks! I had the same realization, even with my Joye 510 kit. I was afraid it wouldn't be enough to quit, but I was pretty wrong as well. For me, once the nicotine and smoking action was replaced, I was done with cigarettes. :p

Thanks again!


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Verified Member
Sep 6, 2012
Gainesville, FL, USA
Hi, new here as well. Just put my first post/topic in today. Been vaping on and off since April. I loved being off analogs for 3+ months. Unfortunately, I've been cursed with experiencing side effects from both VG and PG bases. Your story of finding something that really 'works' for you, is the stuff that keeps me going with it these days. I'm determined and really love vaping, so I'm confident I'll get it right eventually. Hey, the whole industry and community are in their infancy, ya know? I guess that makes us 'pioneers' of sorts...heheh


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2012
Welcome and congratulations!

As you expressed, the hardest thing to do is find a set up that makes you happy and keeps the cigarettes in the carton. And also as you have found, fellow vapers are very aware of what you are going through and will help you out.

So you are way ahead of where I was when I found this forum! Pull up a chair and look around!


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Hey everyone, thanks so much for your replies. I feel very lucky finding a setup I love so quickly.

Oh and yes, I was rotating flavors by the way. I know it's not just me, because I gave it to my girlfriend and she said there was no flavor either. I think part of the problem was that I bought it in a the retail store, and they didn't mix the juice right then. It was probably sitting there for some time. That didn't happen the first time I tried the juice a little over a year ago, so I am going to order some from ecigsupply.com and hope the flavor lasts longer.

Thanks again everyone for the replies, I'm real happy to be here. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
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Sep 2, 2012
Hi Andy - if we knew each other in real life we'd be all like "I know right?!?!?!" and then we'd high five each other and think we were cool.

So that Angel Tears stuff - it's the menthol add-in right? I ordered some, I think I -might- like a tiny tingle of mentholly goodness - hope it doesn't blow off my bottom lip.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2012
Hey everyone, thanks so much for your replies. I feel very lucky finding a setup I love so quickly.

Oh and yes, I was rotating flavors by the way. I know it's not just me, because I gave it to my girlfriend and she said there was no flavor either. I think part of the problem was that I bought it in a the retail store, and they didn't mix the juice right then. It was probably sitting there for some time. That didn't happen the first time I tried the juice a little over a year ago, so I am going to order some from ecigsupply.com and hope the flavor lasts longer.

Thanks again everyone for the replies, I'm real happy to be here. :)

Actually, you might have that backwards on the flavor thing. Juices tend to actually get better after they steep. Some people won't even try them until they have some time in the bottle. I am too impatient for that and usually try a little when I get them then let them steep for a week or two. The flavors can really come through with time. Maybe you can take it back to the store and have them try it to see what they think?


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Hi Andy - if we knew each other in real life we'd be all like "I know right?!?!?!" and then we'd high five each other and think we were cool.

So that Angel Tears stuff - it's the menthol add-in right? I ordered some, I think I -might- like a tiny tingle of mentholly goodness - hope it doesn't blow off my bottom lip.

Haha, yes we would. I actually noticed your post in the " Do you have a Brick and Mortar Store Devoted to E-Cigs and Vaping in your area?" thread, and I was gonna tell you that you do, you just don't know it!

And yes, the Angel Tears is a menthol additive, but it might not be what you expect. It's not a natural menthol like eucalyptus oil or something like that. It's more of a VapoRub menthol. It has a very medicinal smell to it. I haven't actually tried it yet, but in all honesty I don't really plan on it. I plan to just keep it around for when I have a sore throat, but I still want to vape. I would imagine it would be like vaping a really strong cough drop. :p


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Actually, you might have that backwards on the flavor thing. Juices tend to actually get better after they steep. Some people won't even try them until they have some time in the bottle. I am too impatient for that and usually try a little when I get them then let them steep for a week or two. The flavors can really come through with time. Maybe you can take it back to the store and have them try it to see what they think?

That's what I thought. Like I said with the Applewood, I plan to let that sit to see if the apple comes out more. Unfortunately, the RY4 I love does the exact opposite. I used almost all of it (I only bought a 10ml bottle), so I couldn't really take it back. I figured I would just get some through the original place I got it, because it didn't have that problem.


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Aug 11, 2012
United States
Welcome to ECF..

Flavors, Setups, Battery Life.. ect. Those are all good problems.

The important thing is that you are off the tobacco cigarettes and are not subtracting years from your life anymore. I wake up everyday and my lungs feel great, not coughing up gunk anymore. (Couldn't say that about a month ago.)

They say you just trade one habit for another. I will trade a tobacco addiction for a vaping addiction any day of the week.

Just wish I had found it years ago.

Good Luck


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Welcome to ECF..

Flavors, Setups, Battery Life.. ect. Those are all good problems.

The important thing is that you are off the tobacco cigarettes and are not subtracting years from your life anymore. I wake up everyday and my lungs feel great, not coughing up gunk anymore. (Couldn't say that about a month ago.)

They say you just trade one habit for another. I will trade a tobacco addiction for a vaping addiction any day of the week.

Just wish I had found it years ago.

Good Luck

I am very familiar with trading one habit for another. I quit drinking a little over 2 1/2 years ago after a few seizures and numerous destroyed relationships. I found the only thing that helped was to be constantly drinking something (which is what I did with alcohol). I started drinking soda quite a bit (12 pack of coke a day), but it was doing a number on my teeth. I traded soda for tea, and now I drink a few glasses of tea and lots of water every day. I don't even drink anything with sugar in it anymore, just unsweetened tea I brew myself and water. It just goes to show that replacing one addiction with another isn't necessarily a bad thing. :p

As for the coughing up stuff, that's never happened to me. I quit about a year ago for 3 months or so, but never coughed or hacked anything up. It's been 11 days since my last cigarette and I haven't coughed out anything. I went to the doctor a few months ago and he said if he hadn't smelt smoke on my clothes, he wouldn't have thought I was a smoker (after listening to my chest while I breathed deep). He was especially surprised when I told him I was a pack a day smoker for nearly 10 years. I almost want to start coughing up crap, just because I think it would be mentally relieving...
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