Hello everyone, first post here on ECF.

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Full Member
Mar 27, 2014
Los Angeles
Hello everyone, just wanted to say hello and that I look forward to becoming an avid member of ECF.

I have been vaping consistently for about 3 months now and I am loving it.

I recently purchased a Nemesis clone and it is working out great for me. I'm already building my own coils and I enjoy it a lot being able to somewhat customize my vaping experience.

I'd like to add that I personally did not pick up vaping to get away from smoking cigarettes. I may be alone in this but I actually picked it up to get away from smoking .......... I was a very heavy smoker for over 10 years and ended up becoming super lazy, depressed, and out of touch with reality.

Having smoked for so many years I have a bit of an oral fixation with smoking. I recently quit smoking ......... about 9 months ago and vaping has definitely helped me stay sober.

I vape on a lot of 0mg juice, but every so often I will mix a 3mg and 0mg and vape on the resulting 1.5mg juice. Works perfect for me and helps me rid myself of wanting to smoke something else.

Anyways, looking forward to meeting some new peeps here on ECF. Thanks for reading! :)
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Full Member
Mar 27, 2014
Los Angeles
im confused. you quit smoking herb?

either way good job and welcome to ecf

Yeah Hose, I quit smoking herb. It was just bringing me down, it affects everyone differently I guess.

Hello and welcome. There's an e-juice out there with that flavor you're used to. ;) I found it looking for a candy with a similar name LOL

Haha thanks Peeps, maybe I'll check that out. Be interesting to see how close it actually tastes.
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