Heather's Heavenly Vapes Review

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reviews are generally not my thing but I will do it once in a blue moon if they deserve it, and that is a double-edge sword statement. I found Heather's Heavenly Vapes just by being a professional lurker on the forums, using my lurking skills as I see fit, and because I wanted to try something new. From HHV, I've ordered and tried out three flavors thus far; Serendipity, Heavenly Army, Huntsman, and here is my review of them. Also note that juices are subjective, the device(s) that I'm using and the way I make my coils might produce certain elements different from yours, and so take my review with a grain of salt. Forgot to mention, I'm a fan of tobacco juices.

Main device: GGTS with a Protank 2, microcoil with cotton at 1.8-2.0 ohms, 30g Kanthal.

Huntsman (100% VG, 36mg Nicotine, extra flavor)

Flavor: Straight off the bat and on inhale, I'm getting a old woody, earthy, and tobacco taste that is slightly overpowering but not in a bad way. It is also sweet, maybe honey, and some tea? It is quite a complex flavor i'll tell you that. On exhale, I'm getting all of the flavors that I mentioned, except that the tea and the honey taste are more pronounced. It is quite satisfying to say the least, and if there was a scenario where I would vape this juice, it would have to be while hiking in the woods or being by the fireplace during winter.

Throat hit: This is going to vary based on VG/PG, the nicotine level, and the make of the juice itself. I generally vape at a high nicotine level and so the throat hit will be more pronounced. As for the Huntsman, Throat hit is superb, it doesn't hit you like a truck (probably due to the 100% VG content) but it comes out smooth as butter while it still gives you the throat hit sensation.

Steep time: Around 1 week and 2 days. Cap off the day it arrived and left open for a day. The Huntsman is lighter in color compared to the other juices, and so I figured it will require less steep time. The color of the juice will get darker as it ages.

Texture: Slightly thick.

Personal rating: 10/10, would definitely order again and recommend it to other users.

Serendipity (100% VG, 36mg Nicotine, extra flavor)

Flavor: Where do I start, this juice seems simple at first but then it starts to get really complex as it continues to steep. It has a bit of a fruity and perfume-like taste to it, maybe cherry? Also some sort of tea, tobacco, and a little bit of a woody taste. I can't quite put a finger on it but it is damn interesting to say the least. As I've said earlier, the flavor gets more complex as it continues to steep but it also gets a bit dry along the road. Scenario would be on a boat or drifting in space. Maybe during sexy time.

Throat hit: A little harsher than Huntsman, not as smooth but it doesn't feel like someone is punching your throat. As I've noted in the flavor section, the juice gets a bit dry as it continues to steep longer and the throat hit gets a bit harsher.

Steep time: Around 2 weeks. It has the same color as honey and definitely darker than Huntsman. Cap off for a day as soon as it arrived. Color goes really dark as it steeps, almost dark brown after a month.

Texture: Thicker than Huntsman but not by much.

Personal rating: 9/10, would definitely order again and recommend it to other users. I took off one point due to the dry feeling after a certain amount of time. Serendipity seems to gunk up the coils faster, probably due to the thicker texture and the color is a good indicator.

Heavenly Army (100% VG, 36mg Nicotine, extra flavor)

Flavor: It has a bit of sweetness to it, tobacco, and a little bit of graham crackers. Maybe some cocoa or chocolate, honey, and a little bit of cherry. It's freakin' complex like Serendipity and it's making my brain hurt. Scenario? Summer and being on a beach, and not when you're in the army.

Throat hit: Same as serendipity but less dryness to it but that is not to say that it is completely gone. Not as smooth as Huntsman but it is slightly smoother than Serendipity.

Steep time: Around 2 weeks. Same color as Serendipity, gets darker over time. Cap off for a day as soon as it arrived.

Texture: Thicker than Huntsman but not by much.

Personal rating: 10/10, would definitely order again and recommend it to other users. Heavenly Army will gunk up your coils faster than Huntsman, same speed as Serendipity.

Overall, I would consider Serendipity and Heavenly Army as my all-day vapes while the Huntsman seems to be a juice for certain occasions. The quality of the juices are there, very intricate, and attention to detail can also be noted.

As for the maker/vendor of these juices, Heather's Heavenly Vapes,

Delivery time: Around a week before it ships but I don't mind the wait.
Customer Service: Never really talked to anyone in person but they do take personal preferences seriously. For example, you can ask for extra flavor in the comment section of the order and they will make sure that you will get extra flavor in your juices. I know this because they write it on your invoice with a happy face :).
Pricing: A bit more expensive than other vendors but they make up for it with quality.

In final, I've only tried out three flavors from HHV and they were all satisfying. HHV makes some of the most complex and detailed e-liquids on the market as far as I can see. Will order these juices again and possibly try other flavors on their menu.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
DC via the 313
The HHV NETs will all get better with time, Huntsman and Oompa in particular benefit from a 6 week steep. My favorite is Dragon's Fire, of the non-RY4 tobaccos DF along with Smooth Criminal from Ahlusion, and Oorah from Indigo are the best IMO. Dragon's Fire gets better over time also, just like any other complex juice IMO, but I can never wait on it and I fin it very good fresh also.

I just got a 100ml bottle of Dragon's Fire, I fly through that juice so I got a bigger bottle this time. Also tried Temptation, their newest juice, which is supposed to be a Shadow/Oompa hybrid. Since I love those two juices, really looking forward to Temptation. HHV is a great juice vendor though, and they have a very loyal following. Here are more reviews on some of their tobacco offerings http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...ws/531335-heathers-heavenly-vapes-review.html

One thing about HHV juices is that they perform very well, especially Huntsman and Heavenly Army. Big clouds and lots of flavor. :thumb:


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Oct 5, 2013
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Senior Member
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Feb 20, 2011
Ortonville, Mi.
Dragon's Fire so far is my fav. I have tried Shadow, Legend, and Pirate's Booty and would order them again. All of them at 100% VG. Right now I have a 100ml bottle of Dragon's Fire and 50ml bottle of the Dark horse. I ordered both of these at 20/80 pg/vg due to this is the thickest juice that I have ever had and I do not drip. I love the volume (thickness) of the vape! At the Black Sabbath concert last summer I was making such serious clouds of vape from the Dragon's Fire 100% VG that I was approached by several people who thought that I was smoking chronic and wanted to buy some. I just laughed and told them it was just an ecig mod sorry. :vapor: :vapor: :vapor:
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