Many of the health problems associated with smoking are avoided with vaping, BUT NOT ALL. Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict, which in turn can raise blood pressure. If you are getting more nic now than you did when smoking, it could change your BP.
I know this because my BP went up when I first started vaping. It was something new so I was vaping much more than I do now. I keep track of my BP, which is now back to where it was before I started.
Please don't think that these PVs are a miracle, and see your doctor regularly.
eta: Hypertension (high blood pressure) usually has no felt symptoms,so I'm not saying that is what the OP was feeling. That makes it all the more dangerous. I would suggest that everyone check their BP now and then, even if it is at one of those units near the pharmacy at the Walmart. And yes, just going to Walmart can raise your BP
Also, long term effects of vaping are still unknown. No large scientific studies have been done on this. Some flavorings used in e-juice have also been shown to contain some scary chemicals.
I firmly believe that it's better than smoking, but not entirely without risk.
Vape on! ,,, carefully.