Health Question

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Super Member
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Dec 4, 2010
Brevard, NC, USA
I just got my ego kit today and have been using it a lot. Now i have a slight sharp pain on and off when i breath deep in one lung and my lungs feel a little congested. I havnt had a cig in three days and wasnt a heavy smoker. I have quit smoking before and never got the slight pain. anybody else get this when they started vaping? I am a litlle worried so any help would be appreciated.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
I've got it.sometimes.. .goes away if I cut down vaping.. Do you drink alot of coffee or other drink with caffeine in it? Caffeine and nicotine puts a bit of stress on the heart. I drink at least 4 cans of pepsi a day.. But am only doing 4-5 mg of nic in my juice, so dunno.. Thats one of the reasons I dont want a big voltage device, giving me massive throathit and tons of vapor... YOu all know it would be better for your health to not put nic and vapor in your lungs... Water in the lungs.. not good.. but we justify it by it beeing SO much healthier than smoking analogs.... Can easily feel my health has improved...
Do you vap a lot more than you ever smoked? I had a little discomfort in my lungs when I first started vaping and totally gave up the analogs. But I found that I was vaping a lot more than I ever smoked. I've leveled out somewhat now and not experiences any discomfort or anything anymore. It could have also been that my lungs were trying to heal themselves a little and get rid of the toxins. If a sharp pain or anything that seems troublesome, see your local doctor, explain that your now vaping instead of smoking, and have him check you out.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2010
Interlachen, Florida
All Vg or high Vg content in my juice does make me congested and causes me to have a hard time breathing, and starts to make my lungs hurt after a only a few inhales. Maybe check your juice and change the mix of pg/vg that it is made of and see if that helps. If not I would go to the doctor like others suggested.

Uncle Screwtape

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2010
Many of the health problems associated with smoking are avoided with vaping, BUT NOT ALL. Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict, which in turn can raise blood pressure. If you are getting more nic now than you did when smoking, it could change your BP.

I know this because my BP went up when I first started vaping. It was something new so I was vaping much more than I do now. I keep track of my BP, which is now back to where it was before I started.

Please don't think that these PVs are a miracle, and see your doctor regularly.

eta: Hypertension (high blood pressure) usually has no felt symptoms,so I'm not saying that is what the OP was feeling. That makes it all the more dangerous. I would suggest that everyone check their BP now and then, even if it is at one of those units near the pharmacy at the Walmart. And yes, just going to Walmart can raise your BP :)

Also, long term effects of vaping are still unknown. No large scientific studies have been done on this. Some flavorings used in e-juice have also been shown to contain some scary chemicals.

I firmly believe that it's better than smoking, but not entirely without risk.

Vape on! ,,, carefully.
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