Have I polished off my nickel plating?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 6, 2013
I have a titan v1.5, seen in my profile. I went to a local b&m shop and the guy there sold me on this abrasive block with different grades of abrasives on each side, used for polishing metals apparently. I didn't think I would take off the nickel plating of my contacts by lightly using these abrasives to get the dirt off easily.. I am sure now that this was a bad idea and that I should use some kind of cleaning solution or water to clean my contacts.. but I am wondering if now I will need to buy a replacement top cap or bottom cap or both, or get them to maybe send me some some solid silver contacts so I can turn it into an upgrade.. I have heard you can acquire 93% or whatever percent silver contacts (not plated silver, solid).. but I cant find it on the us or phillipine website for vapehead origins.... my top contact looks not so bad but on the firing button one, I can see the copper showing through around the edge... I talked to vapehead and they said the plating is there to keep the copper from pitting... with only this much copper showing, it shouldnt pit right? Also, since the plating is so thin in first place, this wont increase my voltage drop any notable amount right? I don't have allot of money to blow on stuff right now but just let me know what you guys would do...

20140128_152935.jpg bottom cap

unnamed.jpg top cap (floating pin)


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Yup, the bottom cap pin is showing copper around the outside of the pin. I can't see copper on the top cap pin but if you can see it you've exposed it. Now you know why it's not good to use anything abrasive on plated parts.

Actually the copper probably has less resistance than the nickel, but it will tarnish over time and that will have to be cleaned regularly or you will see voltage drop and if it gets bad enough, heat. Nothing you can do about it now other than replacing the parts or stripping them and re-plating. I don't know anything about replacement parts for this mod.

I wouldn't worry about it. You'll see how it goes. If you notice it's not hitting as hard in a while just clean the surfaces and it will come right back. I use any kind of alcohol on a cotton swab and that does it for me for plated parts if I do it monthly so it doesn't get too bad. If the copper tarnishes (oxidation) clean it with any cleaner that works and isn't abrasive. I've heard people use vinegar and salt, or lemon juice, but I have not done it myself so I can't vouch for these. Google will be your friend for this.

Good luck with it!
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