Has your PV evolved?

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
May 26, 2011
Chapel Hill, NC
I don't know that it's evolved so much... I did go from a Type A to a Type B tank, but otherwise...

However, I did go from an 808 to an eGo to a Provari and then back to an eGo... The USB PT eGo seems to last longer than the Provari with an 18650 battery, and I tend to keep the Provari around 3.7 anyway with an lr atty. I find that I'm using the eGo more and more, and the Provari less and less. Still glad I have one, but the eGo is lighter, simpler, and does just as good of a job...

Does that count? eGo got bigger (1000 mah), and got a USB port, tank grew, and it suddenly found its way back into daily use...


Vaping Master
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Jul 19, 2011
Beyond The Sea
I think the meaning of my thread was misunderstood by, not all, but by most. I guess I didn't word it right. We've all seen those, "what did you start out with and what do you use now?" threads. But what I am trying to find out, is how your current PV itself has evolved. Not how you've evolved since you started. But your PV didn't start out life as a volt and slowly grew into a provari :) As friggin awesome as that would be, unfortunately you had to change from one to the other. This is more of a "What have you done to your PV to make it better" I.E., mine started out with just a battery and boge LR cartomizer. Then I changed it, same battery, boge 3.0 cartos with ego booster. Changed again with same battery, ego booster, boge 3.0 cartos that now have a syringe tank mod on them. Now I'm hopefully happy with where I am and it won't evolve anymore :)

If that's the case and bigger batts don't count, then practically nothing. After 5 months of vaping, I finally upgraded from tiny stock carts to 1 ml clear tank carts this week! In terms of human evolution, I'm still at Australopithecus stages, but am content. :D


Ultra Member
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May 15, 2009
Around OKC, OK
If that's the case and bigger batts don't count, then practically nothing. After 5 months of vaping, I finally upgraded from tiny stock carts to 1 ml clear tank carts this week! In terms of human evolution, I'm still at Australopithecus stages, but am content. :D

Bigger batts do count, if it stays within the same "system" I would think. That way your PV is evolving. But if you go from a small batt kr808, to an ego, to a box mod, to a provari...something like that....your pv is changing with every upgrade, not upgrading the pv itself...if that makes any sense...


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Jul 14, 2011
Dallas, Tx
When I bought my starter "kit", it wasn't really a kit. I went to Vaporescence (it's in Richardson, not far from me) and they pieced me together a kit. I wanted the 1000 mah batteries, for instance, not the 650's.

With that original kit, I got boge cartomizers. I never liked them, and still have most of them in my "emergency backup" kit. They vaped fine, but they were a pain to fill up, and didn't hold much. I didn't want to constantly be refilling cartomizers and such.

I also got an ego T type A tank/atomizer with that starter "kit", and that's what I found myself using the most, for awhile.

I ordered what I thought was the larger type B tanks, but the "tanks" that I got were not tanks, they were some cartridge/atomizer thing that I didn't like at all. Wasted money, also in my emergency kit, but I expect I'll toss them at some point, or if I go to some kind of vape meet-up, I'm willing to give them away.

Then I started hearing about the EMDCC, and ordered some of those. I've been pretty happy with them, and that's what I'm using now.

I expect to order a Buzz Pro at some point. I was just about to do that, recently, when the battery in my truck died. I spent my Buzz Pro money on getting that fixed and some other misc expenses have kept me from getting it yet.

When I was about to order the buzz pro, I picked up some 510-to-ego adapters with the idea that when I get a Buzz Pro, I'll be able to use my EMDCC's and ego Tanks on the Buzz Pro, at least initially. That will limit how high I can roll up the voltage, since what I have are all low resistance designed for the ego, but it should mean that I can jump to the Buzz Pro without ordering anything else special.

Eventually, I expect to be using a Buzz Pro with a liquinator tank most of the time. I also expect to continue to use my eGo/EMDCC setup because I go out dancing, and I don't want to leave a Buzz Pro lying on my table when I'm dancing.


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Jul 14, 2011
Dallas, Tx
Oh, I forgot one thing. The first time I filled an EMDCC with juice I hadn't vaped before, it turns out that I really didn't like that juice. And an EMDCC holds a lot of juice, so I didn't like the idea of using them to test a flavor.

So I bought an atomizer and drip tip just for flavor testing. Dripping is too much trouble for me to do it all the time, but it's good for testing flavors.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2011
Beyond The Sea
Bigger batts do count, if it stays within the same "system" I would think. That way your PV is evolving. But if you go from a small batt kr808, to an ego, to a box mod, to a provari...something like that....your pv is changing with every upgrade, not upgrading the pv itself...if that makes any sense...

Try this again. For me, KR808 to Joye 510 = doesn't count, Joye 510 to Riva = counts since Riva is like eGo, getting an e-power from Laura B. next week = doesn't count, also getting a Riva 1100 mAh by accident = bigger bat = counts!

But if I get the 808-510 adapter and use 510 attys on my leftover 808s? :confused: :laugh:


Vaping Master
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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
But if I get the 808-510 adapter and use 510 attys on my leftover 808s? :confused: :laugh:

That counts...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 15, 2009
Around OKC, OK
LOL I guess I made this pretty complicated huh :) But yeah, I guess if we follow the rules of evolution, if you get an adapter for one device so you can use parts for a different device, that would be like...a hybrid? Cross-breeding? Either way, it's a step in the evolutinary process right? Without that, we wouldn't have purse sized teacup hand-dogs.....


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 8, 2010
Oakland, CA
started with :

1. Silver Bullet
2. to Ego-T
3. to Ego-T LR
4. to Reo Grande Mini
5. to Old Goat Mod (lol i've been using this $25 pv for over 4 months straight w/ 306s)


went from
1. Carto 510
2. "Tank" Ego-T (in retrospect horrible but necessary)
3. Bottom Feeder
4. Direct Dripping 306.

Direct Dripping has many advantages that every other feed method IMO. The primary one is that the atty is never flooded. It is so consistent.:blush:
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