Has anyone tried the Honey flue cured tobacco from liquidxpress.com?

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Full Member
Jul 10, 2011
Welcome to the forum! I have had the honey flu cured from liquid xpress, IMO it was horrible, my brother liked it however. Tastes are too hard to give a helpful opinion because taste varies from person to person. But, I gave you my opinion, and my brothers, I hope you enjoy it so you dont feel like youve wasted the money you spent on it. Best of luck!!!

If you order from liquid xpress again, try the Taboo flavor, Im vaping it right now!!! :vapor: Its definitely an all day vape for me! My brother gave me the Taboo cuz he didnt like it, just goes to show the diff in taste preference.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2010
I agree with you g-dub, the honey flue cured was not so good, IMO way to the honey tasted like a chemical mix and not a soft mellow honey, def not an all day or any day vape. I will be sure to give the taboo a try.

-keep on vaping-

Sometimes steeping helps, sometimes it doesn't. Toss it in a dark place for a few days and see what happens.
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