Harvard Study: E-Cigarettes Not 'Gateway' to Smoking

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Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
Harvard Study: E-Cigarettes Not 'Gateway' to Smoking


Konstantinos Farsalinos, cardiologist at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre in Athens, told the New Scientist: "This study verifies that e-cigarette use does not renormalise smoking. The results show minimal adoption by non-smokers."

It endorses a report by Public Health England in May that switching to electronic cigarettes as an alternative and "much safer" source of nicotine has enormous potential to reach smokers. It also stated e-cigarettes and other nicotine devices offered vast potential health benefits and that the opportunity "should not be missed" with proper regulation to be part of public health policy.


And please note that the quoted "warner" "Social Change UK" is a PR company whose clients include - surprise - Pfizer. :p


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
interesting. How many studies are there now with the same conclusion?

Let me see:

Public Health UK https://www.gov.uk/government/uploa...le/311491/Ecigarette_uptake_and_marketing.pdf

Action on smoking and health (ASH UK) The vaping giraffe: ASH UK: E-cigarettes will save the lives of children
(contains link and download)

poll results / yougov E-cigarettes

summary of ASH and you gov E-cigs

JAMA Pediatrics - Cease and desist: making false claims about the gateway effect « The counterfactual

Jacob Sullum - link inside - Save E-Cigarettes From the Children - Reason.com

CDC Belatedly Reveals That Smoking By Teenagers Dropped While vaping Rose - CDC Belatedly Reveals That Smoking By Teenagers Dropped While Vaping Rose - Forbes

Jacob Sullum in Forbes - links inside - E-Cigarettes Are Bad Because They Look Like Cigarettes; E-Hookahs Are Worse Because They Don't - Forbes

And that is just what I can find in my bookmarks off the top of my head.

Enjoy :)

By the way, search Forbes for e-cigarettes and you will find some interesting articles with some interesting links.


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Lots of good ones there, Anja. I encourage all to check out the links.

From the Public Health UK link.... 804 sample:

When prevalence was examined by age, 95% of 11 to 15-year olds
and 90% 16 to 18-year olds stated they had never used e-cigarettes. Use
was higher among the older teenagers: 11% of 16 to 18-year olds had tried
e-cigarettes at least once; 8% reported using them sometimes (more than
once a month); and 1% using them often (more than once a week). Among
the younger age group, just 4% 11 to 15-year olds had tried them at least
once and 1% reported using them sometimes; none reported more frequent
Figure 1 illustrates these results.

The survey also examined differences between smoking and non-smoking
young people, as shown in figure 2. Among those 11 to 18-year olds
reporting they had never smoked, 99% reported never using e-cigarettes and
1% reported they had tried them once or twice.
There were no ‘sometimes’ or
‘often’ e-cigarette users among never smokers. Among children who had
tried smoking at least once, 8% had used an e-cigarette but none reported
using them more often

The ASH UK link. Very similar with Total sample size was 2,178 children - nice graphs which show no gateway.

And good stuff on adults as well - sampling 12,000+ each year from 2010 with data as recent as Mar 2014.

• There has been a substantial rise in the number of current smokers who have tried
electronic cigarettes since 2010. In 2010, only 8.2 per cent of current smokers had ever
tried electronic cigarettes. By 2014, this figure had risen to 51.7 per cent.
• There has been a gradual but consistent rise in the number of current smokers who
also use electronic cigarettes on a regular basis, from 2.7 per cent in 2010 to 17.7 per
cent in 2014.

What we've seen here, esp. in the vets forum but elsewhere too - is people some older vets knew, who tried ecigs, left and then came back. I started here in 2009 and saw a lot of 'returns' showing up @2011 and since. They had enough experience with ecigs to know the 'possibilities' and came back because they really didn't want to smoke or to find if and how the technology had advanced from earlier cigalikes, and most are regular posters now.


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
thank you, dear.

By the way, sales of tobacco products are continuing to decline.

Sales of tobacco products declined by 5.7% in Germany in Q1 2014 compared to Q1 2013.
Nach Angaben des statistischen Bundesamtes, sank die Zahl der versteuerte Zigaretten im ersten Quartal 2014 zum ersten Vorjahresquartal, um rund 5,7%.
source (German) - Tabakkonsum im ersten Quartal 2014 zum vorjahres Quartal rückläufig - Die Libelle Infoblog
underlying report of the Statistical Office in Germany - https://www.destatis.de/DE/Publikat...rn/Steuern/Verbrauchsteuer/AbsatzTabakVj.html

So if vaping allegedly acts as a gateway to smoking, where are all the new smokers who are oh-so-eager to exchange the taste of caramel and cream for the taste of burning leaves? ;) I'll tell you something: they ain't there :p

Kent C

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
thank you, dear.

By the way, sales of tobacco products are continuing to decline.

Sales of tobacco products declined by 5.7% in Germany in Q1 2014 compared to Q1 2013.

source (German) - Tabakkonsum im ersten Quartal 2014 zum vorjahres Quartal rückläufig - Die Libelle Infoblog
underlying report of the Statistical Office in Germany - https://www.destatis.de/DE/Publikat...rn/Steuern/Verbrauchsteuer/AbsatzTabakVj.html

So if vaping allegedly acts as a gateway to smoking, where are all the new smokers who are oh-so-eager to exchange the taste of caramel and cream for the taste of burning leaves? ;) I'll tell you something: they ain't there :p

Thanks! I was also wondering (perhaps I've missed it) if there was a similar UK or EU stat on 'percentage of smokers' - like the current US stat is 18.1% in 2012 down from the mid 20's from @ 2000.

And yeah... the only 'gateway' regarding ecigarettes is an 'exit' from smoking. That is something known to anyone who had the curiosity to say 'what is that you're using??', let along 'scientists' who should know better. That it is a 'gateway to smoking' is the biggest lie since 'I'm from the government and are here to help you'.


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
@Kent C.

That it is a 'gateway to smoking' is the biggest lie since 'I'm from the government and are here to help you'.


The current smoking prevalence in the EU is approx. 20%. Has been at 20% for years, in spite of all the money thrown at it. Including taxpayers money. EU average 23% - figures for 2010,study published in 2012 : OECD iLibrary: Statistics / Health at a Glance: Europe / 2012 / Smoking among adults

Update - figures of smoking prevalence by country, updated 2014, figures from 2011
Adult population smoking daily | OECD READ edition

please note that smoking prevalence in Sweden has further declined, compared to the year before that

Please note that the lowest smoking prevalence is for Sweden, the only country where snus is legally available and has been widely adopted as an alternative to lit tobacco. For the rest of the EU, snus is banned and smoking prevalence is far above that of Sweden.
- Tells you something about Tobacco Harm Reduction and its effects. Also tells you something about Tobacco Control and its true objectives, doesn't it?

update of 2014 with figures from 2011
Adult population smoking daily | OECD READ edition

please note that smoking prevalence in Sweden has declined from 14% to 13.1%.
Yeah, they had an alternative. - In 2011 the e-cig was just taking off. I am very interested indeed in seeing more current figures :)
Last edited:

Kent C

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
@Kent C.


The current smoking prevalence in the EU is approx. 20%. Has been at 20% for years, in spite of all the money thrown at it. Including taxpayers money. EU average 23% - figures for 2010,study published in 2012 : OECD iLibrary: Statistics / Health at a Glance: Europe / 2012 / Smoking among adults

Update - figures of smoking prevalence by country, updated 2014, figures from 2011
Adult population smoking daily | OECD READ edition

please note that smoking prevalence in Sweden has further declined, compared to the year before that

Please note that the lowest smoking prevalence is for Sweden, the only country where snus is legally available and has been widely adopted as an alternative to lit tobacco. For the rest of the EU, snus is banned and smoking prevalence is far above that of Sweden.
- Tells you something about Tobacco Harm Reduction and its effects. Also tells you something about Tobacco Control and its true objectives, doesn't it?

update of 2014 with figures from 2011
Adult population smoking daily | OECD READ edition

please note that smoking prevalence in Sweden has declined from 14% to 13.1%.
Yeah, they had an alternative. - In 2011 the e-cig was just taking off. I am very interested indeed in seeing more current figures :)

Thanks so much. Exactly what I was looking for. Again, they've probably been posted before and Roly put a bunch in one of his posts on UK. I did see the Sweden difference - wow. That could easily happen with ecigs, imo, maybe even more.

Kent C

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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Well to add to the hypocritical mess being tossed about, I guess this is an answer to "who likes flavors"
Candy Desk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah... both parties have it (and they share :). I posted this in another thread - see who buys the candy :shock: :laugh:

wiki trivia:

The Democrats have also had a candy desk since at least 1985. A rolltop desk located on the front wall, belonging to the United States Senate Democratic Conference Secretary, is also filled with sweets. This tradition began "sometime later" than the better known candy desk, and Hershey Kisses were the most popular candy from this desk during the 1980s, "followed by small caramels." Candy for this desk is paid for through a "candy fund" to which senators who would like to partake of the desk's contents contribute. Jay Rockefeller then takes this money and purchases the candy. This tradition is not widely known; in fact, it is so little-known that the Historian of the United States Senate does not know much about it.


Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2013
I see potential for a meme theme



Ultra Member
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Jan 27, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri
Lots of good ones there, Anja. I encourage all to check out the links.

What we've seen here, esp. in the vets forum but elsewhere too - is people some older vets knew, who tried ecigs, left and then came back. I started here in 2009 and saw a lot of 'returns' showing up @2011 and since. They had enough experience with ecigs to know the 'possibilities' and came back because they really didn't want to smoke or to find if and how the technology had advanced from earlier cigalikes, and most are regular posters now.

Exactly. This describes me and many others to a "T".

Kent C

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Exactly. This describes me and many others to a "T".

Good! I think even with the 'bad publicity' in media, the fact that along with that, there are the good pieces as well, and good personal comments on the bad pieces :) .... there will be a lot more smokers at least trying them now, and with the improved products (vs. say 2010), that more people will have better experiences with their 'first try'. It might not totally 'take', but it will be remembered as a possible alternative.

Even the cigalikes are better now. My first supermini had very little vaper and I had to go to the 4081 forum just to figure out how to take the cartridge cover off to refill :facepalm: :laugh: When the 510 came in the mail the next week, I threw out the supermini. lol.
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