Happy Birthday Riddle!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 9, 2009
Arizona, USA
Happy Birthday Dear Riddle
You still look slim 'round the middle
This rhyme is from Cage
Reminding you "When you get my age...
It's okay if you, uh oh..."


Hope you have a great one Riddle!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 25, 2008
Nashville, TN
Awwwww..... ya'll are so nice!! Thanks so much for all the happy birthdays! I feel special :oops:.

It was a good birthday! Daniel and I went shopping (I haven't been in forever!) and I found some great deals on clothes. I loooove finding deals on stuff so that made my day...lol :). I'm kind of freakin out that I'm only a year away from the big 3 0. Mainly because I had so many things I'd planned on having done by then (kids, house, husband.. almost there on on that one ;) ). One thing I've learned is things rarely go as planned so I'm just gonna have to push back my deadlines and take it as it comes. Aw geeze, I'm rambling..lol.

Anyhow, thanks again everyone!

(Jo, you're next ;). That'll be fun to celebrate together! Just not at goten..lol. I usually go there for birthdays, but not after that last time!)
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