Halo G6 new user diary

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Cartoon Dude

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Sep 22, 2008
Planet of the Vapes
Going on almost a week, I've found that the vape juice is much less "chemical" tasting. Probably getting used to it. I am liking the Torque juice more than I initially did. Still haven't gone back to try the Prime.

My next order of Halo juices with more variety will arrive today. Can't say enough good things about shipping from Halo, I ordered the G6 after I ordered the Vmod XL, and it arrived first, and then I placed a juice order a few days later and it is on track to beat the Vmod XL to my door!

That's good for stuff like the e-juice, which one can't get locally as you would a pack of analogs.

The only real frustrating thing about the cigarette-style e-cigs is there are too many variables when the vapor/hit is poor — is the battery low? Is the cart almost empty? Both? I noticed the other day I wash't getting good hits, turned out it was a battery but I swear it was fully charged. Perhaps it's faulty.

I've been using the Halo much more than planned, I had intended to use the Vmod XL as my "all-day, at home" vaporizer, with the Halo for going out and wanting stealth. While the Vmod has no battery indicator, it's easy to tell when the juice is low. But then I still have the variable of "is the atomizer needing replaced?".

Once these things hit critical mass, there will be the "iPod of e-cigs" that will set a new standard and solve all these small usability and design issues. Companies like Blu are heading in that direction. But it seem the ECFers are not all that stoked about their products. I do like their "pack of cigs" cases, with battery indicators and chargers. It's a nice touch with nice design.

I also have a Ploom on the way, with a coupon it was too good a deal not to give it a try. The way I look at it, each time I buy a new vaping gadget, it just needs to pay for itself in the packs of analogs I would have bought. I'm keeping a tally going to mark when I've "paid off" these e-cigs by not buying smokes. At least the initial device investments.

Down to 2-3 analogs a day (used to smoke a pack a day). I don't really crave them much, but I do have a taste for one here and there. I am hoping the Ploom might be good for those 2-3 analogs since it uses actual tobacco, perhaps there are other substances in the plant that give a "hit" the e-cig can't replicate?
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Cartoon Dude

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Sep 22, 2008
Planet of the Vapes
And a quick wrap up for week one: the Halo G6 far outperforms the old e-cig I got in 2008. The juice is better, the batteries last longer, the batteries vaporize with decent strength even towards the end of the battery life (although noticeably reduced).

I am a pretty picky consumer, and I would have to say I really recommend this model for a casual smoker wanting to give e-cigs a try, or even a more heavy smoker if you had a few more of the accessories (more batteries, USB pass-through, car adapter perhaps). I'm holding off any full recommendation until I get the Vmod, but if you're curious about the e-cigs I would recommend going Halo —.especially with the FAST shipping and the tasty juices, it's a good system for a first-timer for sure.

Cartoon Dude

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Sep 22, 2008
Planet of the Vapes
Thanks for this post. I have been looking at different stealth options and your diary or the G6 and Vmod XL has been helpful.

The Vmod will be here this week. I will compare them here once I have a chance to give it a try. As well as the new Halo juices that will be here later today.

Cartoon Dude

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Sep 22, 2008
Planet of the Vapes
So the Vmod XL arrived today and I've had a few hours with it. I love it. It gives stronger and warmer hits than a cig-style for sure. I like that I can just fill the bottle with juice and pretty much be done with it besides changing the cartomizer every few weeks. The Vmod XL is by no means stealth though. I'll be getting the regular-sized Vmod once they get updated with the tech to match the XL. That is supposed to happen in about a month. The XL isn't huge, and can fit in a pocket, but it's a bit big and heavy with the battery. Want the smaller Vmod for the pocket for sure.

Still glad I have the Halo, which arrived first but was intended to be a supplement for the Vmod XL, which I got for home use. Having both is good.


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Dec 28, 2011
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Heh heh Cartoon dude.... your Diary seems to follow mine. Got the G6 a week ago, and am down to 3 cigs a day. TODAY I should get my BUZZ PRO VVmod :) JOY!!!

As far as those last few cigs and minor cravings for them, there are MANY other chemicals and tobacco "alkaloids" that e-juice doesnt have, but cigs do. And these chemicals are also addictive (and some say take up to 6 MONTHS to get out of your system). So yes...there are many more addictive chemicals in cigs than nicotine. there are some others in the ECF forums more conversant to these chemicals than I.

So it seems if we want to quit the analogs, we just have to make up our mind that those last 3 cigs a day just need to GO! And deal with the residual cravings.

Im just stoked I went from 30 cigs a day down to 3!!! ANd will be trying to put those last 3 down after my Buzz Pro (Notcigs) gets here!

Cartoon Dude

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Sep 22, 2008
Planet of the Vapes
Very cool! Since I got the Vmod, I've smoked zero analogs. Like you I was down from 20 to 3 with the cig-style Halo G6.

The larger devices offer a much stronger and warmer hit. The Buzz Pro most likely will offer a similar experience for you. Once you have that real hit, it's much easier to ditch the analogs.

I have a Ploom on the way (arrives tomorrow). I bought it mostly to see if the vaporization of actual tobacco might offer up some of those elusive chemicals for those times when I crave an analog.

Cartoon Dude

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Sep 22, 2008
Planet of the Vapes
Got a Halo juice order in: Tiki, Malibu, True Pure and Midnight Apple.

Tiki Juice: sweet cigar taste, like a Swisher Sweet
Midnight Apple: subtle sweet/smoky taste
Malibu: coconutty
True Pure: menthols are not for me

I like the first two better than the latter two. However all are good, some just not for me. Stronger than I thought they would be. Next order will be more Tribeca, Freedom Juice (when back in stock), and Smooth 8. I seem to like the more subtle flavors. I have enough of the fruity ones to dabble with and let friends try out, they seem more noob-friendly.

I am happy enough with the Tribeca and the Torque 56 that I'm cool if I stick with just those. I'm sure I will experiment with more in the future, but for now I'm glad I found flavors that I like from a U.S. company. The fast shipping and great service does't hurt either.

Cartoon Dude

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Sep 22, 2008
Planet of the Vapes
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