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Greater Toronto Area Get together!!!!

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Happy Jack

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Fellow GTA Vapers!

Would you be interested in a meetup with other GTA Vapers? We've found a comfortable bar that would welcome us and our e-cigs (The Honest Lawyer - 404 & 7).

This will be an opportunity to bring out all of our e-cigs, e-pipes, e-cigars, mods (PLEASE!), favourite mixes and all of our learning experiences and share them with other GTA vapers. Mostly, we could just sit around, have some drinks, play some pool and vape away!

Happy Vaper would provice alcohol swabs, to promote sharing :)

Everyone is welcome!

Please let us know what you think by PM, email (info@happyvaper.com) or call us at 1-888-696-3697, so we can get an idea of how many people are interested.

Other suggestions or assistance very welcome!

All the best and Happy vaping!
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This sounds like a great idea,

Would you pls post the exact location (main intersection) & name of the bar, of the meeting in your initial post.

I think that that would help greatly. Then people can see at a glance whether or not they can travel the distance.

Also, for those living in outside communities they could start their own little local vape club as an extended artery of the main lodge. Yep, I think that this is a great idea.

I would definitely hand out invites to total strangers on the street that I see smoking. As it is, I already do approach them to show the the ecig. lololol Canadians are very friendly people. And I am doing my part in enlightening smokers to ecigs. But this idea is even better. A vapers club, where people can meet and get a true understanding of how to use, buy and DIY.
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Happy Jack

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sorry everyone for the confusion about GTA and big thanks to lordmage for updating the thread title!

Greg: You WILL be missed! I KNOW you have a lot of goodies that I would LOVE to try!!! And it would be great to meet you in person!

CellWho: I'm not sure if they permit dogs in the establishment :( but your owner is more than welcome!

CheeMiss: Thanks so much for the suggestions! I updated the bar info in the original post. Hope you can make it and with respect to other outside community clubs, if they are within a reasonable distance, I would even help out and try to attend.

All the best and Happy Vaping!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hi Happy Vaper,

Hmmmm (The Honest Lawyer - 404 & 7) is quite the jaunt for those of us living down by the lake.....Lake Ontario that is. lololol

I am going to call my friend, who's brother is very connected to a lot of bar owners. I will ask him to see if he would check with some of them, in the downtown core or near by, if they would allow vaping in their establishment.
It can't hurt to have a southern location. yes? no?

If he agrees to do this for us. I will give you his contact info, as he would be an amazing contact for you. Is that all right with you? Pls advise before I proceed.

Happy Jack

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Totally, CheeMiss! Please do!


Hi Happy Vaper,

Hmmmm (The Honest Lawyer - 404 & 7) is quite the jaunt for those of us living down by the lake.....Lake Ontario that is. lololol

I am going to call my friend, who's brother is very connected to a lot of bar owners. I will ask him to see if he would check with some of them, in the downtown core or near by, if they would allow vaping in their establishment.
It can't hurt to have a southern location. yes? no?

If he agrees to do this for us. I will give you his contact info, as he would be an amazing contact for you. Is that all right with you? Pls advise before I proceed.

Happy Jack

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Hey guys!

I know some of you would like to arrange something in the downtown core, but as we don't have a vape-friendly location there, yet, how about getting the first one off the ground this coming Tuesday night at 8pm at The Honest Lawyer?

Please send me a PM or email at info@happyvaper.com if you are interested.

All the best and Happy Vaping!
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