Granddaughter is vaping! Each one, teach one.

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Ultra Member
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Jan 1, 2014
oklahoma city ok usa

Wanted to share something I'm so happy about. My granddaughter, a sweet, cute, smart 20-something, saw something I posted on another message board about starting vaping.

She called me and was so excited when she saw it. She said, and I quote: "Oh Bugga (my grandma name, lol), that is so cool. I can't believe you are doing that! I've wanted to start vaping, too, but haven't had time to find out about it yet. Can you help me?"

So, I ordered her a Kanger Evod start up kit as an early birthday present. It arrived yesterday and she came over and had her first "vaping lesson" from her grandma. Ha!

She was so excited and loved it right away. I had some 12 mg juice that I started with which wasn't strong enough for me, so I was able to get her started with several flavors. She left clutching her new toys with a big smile on her face.

Who says old dogs can't teach young dogs some tricks!:2cool:
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Jenn Perry

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That's awesome. I so wish my mom in law had lived long enough to try vaping I think she would have loved it and....lived longer....She had smoked for a better part of 50 years and died a miserable death due to a severe anyrism (sp?) and complications with COPD and smoking. I remember her taking off her oxygen just to smoke. Sad but that's so awesome!!!


Ultra Member
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Jan 1, 2014
oklahoma city ok usa
That's awesome. I so wish my mom in law had lived long enough to try vaping I think she would have loved it and....lived longer....She had smoked for a better part of 50 years and died a miserable death due to a severe anyrism (sp?) and complications with COPD and smoking. I remember her taking off her oxygen just to smoke. Sad but that's so awesome!!!

So sorry about your mom in law. I can relate to what you said. My own mother died many years ago from cancer, and was desperate to smoke right up until the end. It can be a fierce addiction. I am so happy to have found vaping, and so eager to share it with anyone who is at all interested.


ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
My daughter was never a smoker. But her brother, BF, and several of her friends smoked. For her 18th birthday, she asked for her own e-cig setup. She wanted to vape flavors with no-nicotine. I decided to grant her birthday wish, as I was concerned with the crowd that she hung around with she might be tempted to start smoking cigarettes like many teens and younger adults do.

Within a few months of using her e-cigs, she had converted her BF, her brother, and a couple of her friends to stop smoking when they got their own e-cigs. Ironic how things can work out for the best.

In a related family story, I saw and bought my first e-cigarette the week that my mother found out that she had cancer. She found out a week after that the cancer was untreatable, and she passed on peacefully a couple of days later.

My mother's sudden illness and death were a total surprise to everyone in the family. It was a Life Changing Event for me. It made me realize my own mortality on this Earth, and if I didn't use e-cigarettes to stop smoking I would likely be visiting my mother in less than ten years. It only took me a week to make the total transition from smoking to vaping only. I haven't had a cigarette in over 1.5 years and I don't miss them a bit. It saved my life.
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