Going on six weeks and craving cigs

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Full Member
Feb 13, 2011
I had some days when I do not think of cigs. In almost six weeks I had about 5 cigs. I live in apartments building. They got ashtrays outside. There was butts out there for three days and they sure looked good. I sure was thinking of them too much. I did find old .... here in the apartment. I lite it and had two drags. Nothing I would count falling off the wagon. I even up my nic too 24 mg from 12 for a few hours. That just give me a headache. When do you start not evening notices those things or thinking of those nasty things. I know the saying once a drunk you can never drink again.


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Feb 13, 2011
funny, ive smoked analogs for 35 years, and starting vaping 40 days ago. i had one analog since, and i can honestly say, unless im out of batteries or ejuice, i wont be doing that again. hang in there, and try different flavors. find one that you love, and that should help alot. dont try and look for a dead match for your old analog, find a new taste :)


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
I had some days when I do not think of cigs. In almost six weeks I had about 5 cigs. I live in apartments building. They got ashtrays outside. There was butts out there for three days and they sure looked good. I sure was thinking of them too much. I did find old .... here in the apartment. I lite it and had two drags. Nothing I would count falling off the wagon. I even up my nic too 24 mg from 12 for a few hours. That just give me a headache. When do you start not evening notices those things or thinking of those nasty things. I know the saying once a drunk you can never drink again.

5 cigaretts in 6 weeks is fabulous! Don't be too hard on yourself. I think it probably takes a long time to never think about cigarettes.


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Feb 3, 2011
I had some days when I do not think of cigs. In almost six weeks I had about 5 cigs. I live in apartments building. They got ashtrays outside. There was butts out there for three days and they sure looked good. I sure was thinking of them too much. I did find old .... here in the apartment. I lite it and had two drags. Nothing I would count falling off the wagon. I even up my nic too 24 mg from 12 for a few hours. That just give me a headache. When do you start not evening notices those things or thinking of those nasty things. I know the saying once a drunk you can never drink again.

I smoked for 20+ years and I quit the day I got my first e-cig. I didn't plan on quitting, I was just so fascinated with my new kit, I didn't need to pick up my cigarettes. I haven't since but I have thought about it. Only when I get tired of fiddling with stuff. But once I vape some I'm good.

I started with 36mg juice. I probably over did it but maybe it helped me not want a real cig.

The Trout

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Mar 20, 2011
East Hartford
About a week and a half and only a few week moments. My gf still smokes but is slowly using her ecig more and more. So once in a while I'll have a drag. Its really starting to taste nasty to me and the smell doesn't make my mouth water anymore. I did however have a full one to myself after my cat died. The real test is going to be next time I'm drinking, I would usually be a 1/4 PAD but if I at a bar it would jump to a pack for the night. We shall see if the Ecig holds up.

Kams Cats

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Feb 26, 2011
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
I still get the odd bad day. I just say it's my body trying to unlearn 27 years of habit. For some people it's going to take longer then others. I am just at the point now where I don't wake up and crave an Analog. To me that is a huge achievement.

Still there are some situations I know I am not ready for. I am not one of the people who can keep a pack around. Having a few beers might be tough. A sudden loss would be really difficult. Someday I hope.


Full Member
Dec 22, 2010
New Orleans
I totally agree with everyone who said only 5 cigs in 6 weeks is actually quite excellent! Some people seem to need more than just nicotine to beat back the cravings. Have you considered keeping some Snus around just in case the craving hits and your e-cig isn't enough? There's an excellent sub-forum here on ECF that has more information about that:


Full Member
Feb 13, 2011
I do not know how many times I wake up in the morning and say today is going to be the last day i have cig. I would go out and buy more smokes. Never could complete one day trying to go without. I try not to count the juice ml everyday to see if i am normal or odd. I have alot of stress on my plate. So when it get bad I vape like mad woman. I have friend who smells me ever day to see if I am smoking and hold me countable. I have a husband that is on ecigs that believes that i am sneaking cigs. When I am busy I do not think of smoking. So each little step I am getting there. Maybe one day I will not have to have ecig either.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
eeyore - what ecig you using and what kind of juice?

4-6 weeks is around the time many people buy a different (often more powerful) ecig. Or buy new accessories for what they have. I bought 2 new ecigs to try right around 4 weeks.

Did you do a good search for juices and find ones with aromas that relax you? I bought a lot of juice samples and juices before I found my first real all-day vape that made me go ahhh.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2010
40 years at 1 to 1 1/2 pad low tar and low nic analogs. A literal chimney. Last August I started the ecigs at 6mg. Upped it to 12mg. For the first month I was down to 1/2 pad. Am now at 3 analogs a day. Finally found a flavor I absolutely love and have a reo which is wonderful. I don't cough anymore, I can smell everything, my taste is great, haven't gained any weight, and feel good about myself. I refuse to beat myself up because it's taking me so long to quit completely. I know what my goal is and I know I'll get there at my own pace, but I'm not going to stress myself out about it. I say "Enjoy the Journey." For all I know, I'll get hit by a truck tomorrow....but at least I'll know I went out happy. Vape on...it's a lot of fun. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 28, 2011
A, A
. In almost six weeks I had about 5 cigs.

Quiting smoking is a process, not an event. Think of it as a two step process, with a series of sub steps.

1) Stop buying them
2) Stop smoking them

In between 1 and 2 you have to have a plan since devices don't make you quit, you make you quit. Thus find out what make you want to smoke, and find a means to deal with it. Coffee for example might be more compatible with you than just steaming more. I found that switching to a more numbing e-..., such as cinnamon (Juicy Vapor Fire and Ice) does more to address the craving than bumping up to 24mg/ml. More over, mixing strong flavors like mint or cinnamon with weaker ones like coffee or orange is fun, and is focusing your energy on vaping and not actually smoking. Others might recommend dipping with a LR atty, or LR carto for those tough times.
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